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07-06-2008, 06:29 PM | #1 |
No Longer a Member | K9 Advantix. Does your yorkie... ...act strange after he/she gets a dose? Chloe just got hers for this month, and she hates it. She will run if she sees me going to the medicine cabinet where it's kept. After I put it on her back, she runs like she's trying to run away from it--though it's on her. Then she'll go and hole up in her crate, pouting for a long time. The strange thing is that periodically for the next couple of hours, she'll come out of her crate, walk one circle, then go back in and lay down. Does anyone else's yorkie act strange when they get their dose of Advantix? |
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07-07-2008, 04:02 AM | #2 |
And Rylee Finnegan Donating Member Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: Metro Detroit, MI
Posts: 17,928
| Ellie's vet said Advantix can make the dog feel like something is crawling on him/her (probably the permethrin). Not comfortable at all... If ticks aren't a problem in your area and you can keep mosquitoes away another way, have you thought about just going with plain Advantage to see if that helps?
__________________ Crystal, Ellie May (RIP), Rylee Finnegan, and Gracie Boo🐶 |
07-07-2008, 04:25 AM | #3 |
Owned by Tumi & Gracie Donating Member Join Date: Jul 2007 Location: NYC
Posts: 2,321
| I use advantix on all my 3 girls and I havent seen any strange behaviors yet. they act and play normal after the dose.
07-07-2008, 04:30 AM | #4 |
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: LaLa Land
Posts: 967
| I'm glad you posted this. I switched from Revolution because one of my girls had 3 ticks on her and she was only in the yard. My vet recommended switching to Advantix. On the 4th was their first dosage of the Advantix. Saturday I gave them a bath because they were scratching like crazy and they are just walking around like they dont feel good or they just sleep. My vet opens at 9am (EST) and I'm calling them because I dont want to see the girls like this.
__________________ Dana, Daisy & Jersey |
07-07-2008, 06:35 AM | #5 |
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: LaLa Land
Posts: 967
| I spoke with Bayer regarding this issue and this is what they told me. As Ellie May mentioned it is because they feel like they having things crawling on them. So she told me to use Aloe & Vitamin E hand lotion and rub in on them a few times a day, if that doesnt work then use Vitamin E oil. The Vitamin E will stop the "crawling" feeling on them. She said if neither works, than wash the product completely off by using Dawn Dish detergent. She did take all my information to file a complaint. So when I go home I'm going to try the hand lotion. I will keep you posted on this. Hope this information helps alittle.
__________________ Dana, Daisy & Jersey |
07-07-2008, 06:47 AM | #7 |
Mimi & Gabby too! Donating Member Join Date: May 2006 Location: Vineland, NJ
Posts: 3,208
| I switched from K9 Advantix to Frontline after I adopted Gabby. My other two were fine with it but for some reason Gabby showed the same symptoms you are talking about. I got scared and immediately washed it off her. It was like she was a different dog...she didn't want to come to me, she would crawl to a corner, she would rub herself all over the floor. That scared me so I called the vet and had her seen. He gave me a sample of frontline for the next month and she did okay with it. Although she still runs like a wild child it only last for a few minutes and then she is fine but with K9 Advantix she would go all day and night acting weird. She would look at me like she didn't even know me. My vet also recommended if she continued to show the same signs with Frontline to giver her half the dose. I don't know how effective it is with just giving half the dose and I didn't ask. |
07-07-2008, 02:06 PM | #8 |
Donating YT 1000 Club Member Join Date: Jul 2007 Location: Bay Area, California
Posts: 2,249
| Misty, I found this next story here on Yorkie Talk , about a little dog dying from using Advantix. When I went to see my vet, Dr. Derenzi at Adobe Animal Hospital and asked her about these claims. She said that Advantix has 2 toxins in it and one of them is an older medicine that enters the animals blood stream. She prefers to use Frontline (flea & Ticks) or Advantage (just fleas). She said to only use them when you have a problem with fleas or if you go hiking or camping in areas with ticks. If you are just going to dog parks and you have small dogs you do not need to be giving them flea control monthly. Anyway here is just one person's story about their chi/pom, Jazmine. Sorry for the lengthy story...but it is important to pass on to anyone who has a dog or cat. This is absolutely a true story. It is my very own, sad, story. As most of you know, Paul and I have always had dogs as part of our family. Two years ago, a good friend gave us two beautiful pomeranian/chihuahua mix puppies to care for and love. But something went terribly wrong this week. We lost our beautiful, playful, loving, 4.45 lb, Jaz. She died so unexpectedly, and so tragically. We are really struggling with this more than any other animal we have ever lost.. We are still in shock! HOW did she die? Well, this is what you have to pass on to everyone you know who has a dog, particularly if it is under 25 lbs. Since Jaz was 1 yr old I started giving her K9 Advantix, from mid spring to early fall, to protect her from fleas, mosquitos and ticks. I was sure to watch the label to give her the appropriate dosage, and apply it in the manner suggested. The package I bought was for, and I quote, "puppies over 7 weeks old and older dogs under 10 lbs." Little did I know I wasn't protecting her, but slowly killing her. (Revolution does have doses for dogs under 5 lbs...but it had never been prescribed for Jaz.) In fact, I was so sure of this product, I was trying to coerce my sister into using a similar product on her cats. Products that we are all familiar with, such as the one I used, and including Advantage, Frontline, Capstar and Revolucion are all pesticides.. Do you know what Permithrin or Selamectin is used for? Killing ants and other insects. It is very toxic. The vet said, it would be the same as giving your dog a teaspoon of Raid every day. (Revolution seems to have a lower percentage of active ingredients...so it might be safer to use...or just might take longer before signs are recognized). K9 Advantix has TWO toxic active ingredients! If you were to call the manufacturers of these products they will tell you it does not enter the blood stream. And, if the dog/cat show signs of stress, just simply give them a bath to wash it away. Revolutions label states it enters the blood stream and cannot be washed away. All will insist their product does no harm to your pet. However, the Vet says something quite different. Jaz was taken care of by two Vets over the past three days. Each from a different facility and not related to each other. Each told me the same thing! Here is what happens: Once the poison is given to your dog via a liquid applied to the skin. It enters their system...and never fully leaves it. Some of the toxins remain. The following month you give another dose and more toxins remain in the body...until finally the toxicity is so great it begins to break down the organs, gets into the blood stream, and then all havoc breaks loose. The Vets said, because Jaz was so small, after the first six doses, I probably would never have had to give her anymore for the next THREE YEARS. That's how long it could have stayed active in her body. Larger dogs & cats tolerate it better, but in time, the same thing happens. By the time a larger dog starts having problems, their owners and vets think it is a sign of aging...and rarely ever look into toxic poisoning. They said they are seeing more and more evidence of this happening to our pets. Advantage and Advantix have only been out since aprx. 2002. Over the past two years we are hearing more about the actual affects of these products. There are symptoms to watch for. The unfortunate thing is, you don't recognize the symptoms, until too late. Why is this? Because one doesn't usually acquaint the symptoms with a product you have been giving your pet for some time. Early symptoms could simply be, skin rashes, and a little more shedding than usual. In larger dogs, they might become more aggressive. By the way, there are no signs to watch for on the label...only instructions for humans if they touch or swallow this poison. (Revolution dose have a few warnings) Jaz had a small skin problem on her lower back. I was told it was just a normal dog thing and to change shampoo, and given an ointment. Well it turns out, it was a "burn" from the toxins. Later symptoms are, seizures, (most people think seizures are due to breed and aging dogs, brain malfunctions, etc.). Throwing up two to three times a day (many will think it do to food or something they ate outside). Increased urinating and a need for a lot of water. Listless. Runny eyes. Eventually bleeding. The only symptom Jaz had that we could have caught was the small skin rash or "burn." Notice how things quickly progressed. After giving her the last dose, a week ago Monday, within two days she seemed to become listless. Then she perked up again, like her old self, so we thought she was over whatever ailed her...a 48 hour flu. Then we noticed on Friday, she was always going to the bathroom. She chose not to sleep in her bed with her sister, and using her stuffed bunny as a pillow, but she wanted to be away from everyone, choosing to sleep on a cold floor on the side of the sofa, where she could not be seen. For three days, we filled her water dish every couple of hours, and within minutes she was eliminating it. However, she was eating well. But, by Sunday, she could barely walk, now preferring to lay on the cool tile floor but near her water dish. When we returned home from church, we noticed her shivering. So I sat with her, covered in a blanket. On Sunday she also stopped eating. No Vet or animal hospital was open. Even the animal emergency center had closed for some reason. We had to wait until Monday to get her to a vet. First thing Monday I took her to the vet, who immediately recommended hospitalization. He said it was either kidney failure or diabetes. At the hospital they gave her xrays and blood tests, took stool samples, urinalysis. They ruled out everything. All her vital organs seemed OK. She had slight fever so they put her on an antibiotic drip. As the hours went by, nothing worked. Then she had a seizure. As more time went by they realized it was Toxic poisoning. The doctors drilled me on things she ate. Things and plants to look for in our yard. Then they asked what type of flea control I was using. That did it. However, because these reactions are just now making themselves known, most vets do not know what antidote to give. They put her on various drips of stronger antibiotics and other things to try to flush the poison out, but nothing worked. That began their mad search to find out more. One vet had three people on-line to find out as much as they could. I pulled out my lap-top and tried to help. At 2Am we were still trying to find a way to help her. Another tried to get info from the Bayer Co. who manufactures K9 Ad. They were more concerned about a l lawsuit, insisting their product couldn't be at fault. Two vets kept making calls to Poison Control Center...but no one would return calls. We knew she wasn't going to survive, but thought we would give docs until 10AM the next morning. If nothing changed, we would approve of putting her down. However, I was called into the hospital at 7Am, she had three seizures that night, after I left at 2:30AM. When she saw me, her eyes seem to say I'm glad your here to be with me. Doctor said she was not in pain, just in panic from being in a strange place with strange people. We decided not to "put her to sleep" unless she started having problems. She went into a peaceful sleep and died two hours later. Then, we got the call from the Poison Control Center. They didn't know what to give a dog.
__________________ Nanci 's her furbabies!! Brooke,Binky,Bunny,Buster & BooBoo And My Chichis: Baby & Bitsy There's nothing that brightens my day more than a puppy kiss! |
07-07-2008, 02:06 PM | #9 |
Donating YT 1000 Club Member Join Date: Jul 2007 Location: Bay Area, California
Posts: 2,249
| The information we found on-line is incredible. There are thousands of blogs all over the country. People begging other people to stop using these products on their dogs. (To be fair, there are as many that say how great the products are...most are on websites that sell the products). What happened to Jaz, has and will continue to happen to other dogs until word gets out, or the manufacturers change the product, does better labeling, responds to emergencies, and prepares antidotes for those who are suffering from this poison. Vets must learn more. Jaz body was donated to a Veternarian research team. Perhaps her small body will aid in finding a way to help other small pets survive this poison. Within three hours of Jaz dying...I heard EIGHT stories of other people having the same thing happen to them or a friend of theirs. These stories were not from strangers, but from people I know. If they had passed on their story earlier, perhaps I could have saved my little friend the agony she went through. I also learned there was recently an episode on a program similar to 20/20 or 60 minutes that investigted the same things I am mentioned, I am hoping, through my hurt and sadness, that I can, maybe, help prevent the same thing happening to you or someone you know. My advice, please tell your friends and family, to stop using these products on their small pets. In fact, use it with great caution on larger dogs as well. We all want them,and our homes to be free from fleas. So, if you or your friends decide to keep using these poisons, do so sparingly...and watch over your pet ever so closely for any type of reaction or change, however minor it might be...even during the months you don't give them this 'medication.' Help your friends and family help their pets! I only wish I had known this earlier. Please pass on the word...and thank you for reading such a long story. (Someday I may learn how to make a long story short, rather than a short story, long)
__________________ Nanci 's her furbabies!! Brooke,Binky,Bunny,Buster & BooBoo And My Chichis: Baby & Bitsy There's nothing that brightens my day more than a puppy kiss! |
07-07-2008, 02:19 PM | #10 |
YT Addict Join Date: May 2008 Location: Livermore, CA
Posts: 299
| Thanks yorkiechick1! Such a useful article!! Now I'm not sure what to use on Romeo! I'm using frontline but it makes me question how it effects their little bodies!! Even a little amount can poison them since they weigh so little!! Romeo acts strange too when I put the meds on him. I mean he's upset with me for the rest of the day and then gets back to normal the next day. I've been putting it on every other month instead of every month but now I'm even questioning that! Thanks again!!
__________________ Now if only the rest of us were as determined as this dog |
07-08-2008, 06:45 AM | #11 |
Lovin' my R & R Donating Member Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Middleton, Idaho
Posts: 2,152
| Oh my gosh, that made me sick! I just gave Ranger is first dose of Advantix last Friday because we were going camping where there are lots of mesquitos and West Nile in the area. He acted wierd all weekend, but I thought it was due to being away from home... I am throwing that stuff away right now. Thank you for the heads up.
__________________ Amanda 's Ranger & Ryder |
07-09-2008, 05:47 AM | #12 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Mustang, Oklahoma
Posts: 301
| We used to use the flea drops from Walmart and my Yorkie (and Peek-a-Poo) hated it! I could actually see their skin twitching after we put the drops on. They always acted scared when we got them out. We switched to Frontline Plus about 2 years ago and their skin stopped twitching. My Yorkie still acts scared but I just think it's force of habit. I would recommend switching your flea drops. |
07-09-2008, 09:21 AM | #13 |
Yorkie Talker Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Charleston, SC
Posts: 11
| My experience was almost the "reverse". We had used Advantix in Georgia for months very successfully. Then, as we were moving, I ran by the vet's office because we were out of flea preventative. She gave me Frontline instead of Advantix because she had none on hand. When we gave it to Aimer, she began drooling excessively and shaking non-stop. She wouldn't come to us, she wouldn't let us touch her. I had put the med. on her around 8:00 p.m. and didn't really notice this until around 10. By midnight, she had 3 baths and I was desperately calling a vet. (considering we were 5 hours from her home vet., and she hadn't been seen in SC, I was desperate for anyone to help me). Luckily, after the last bath, she appeared to be more content and wasn't drooling. She was still shaking--but we contributed that to her actually hating baths! She was fine--but I would never ever do that to her again! Her new vet here in SC gave her the advantix. She has not had any problems as far as reactions to it, but she also has continued to have a flea or two. In fact, it doesn't seem to work, so I opted NOT to give it to her today after reading the posts because if it isn't working, then there's no need to put her through that. Does anyone have any all-natural flea preventative ideas? I know they treat the golf course behind our home, so I try to keep her off of the course after they 've treated it due to the toxins they use. I don't really have a "concern" about fleas, but I DO live in the South! |
07-11-2008, 01:49 PM | #14 |
No Longer a Member | THanks for the replies. I just got back from camping last night, so I just now saw the responses. Chloe only seems to have the problem for the evening just after she's been given the dose, and she goes back to normal after that. But the crawling sensation explains why she acts so weird. Thanks for the links. I'm off to go read them now. |
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