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03-18-2008, 05:04 AM | #2 |
YT 500 Club Member Join Date: Jul 2007 Location: Lucedale ms
Posts: 707
| here ins Ms. it require by law every year, but I have decided not to the other shots because I have two vets that don't agree on this subject. I have research both dog and equine vets. some agree with yearly shots and some don't, I have a 26yr old horse that has had his shots every year since he was 4yrs old, my son Lab Millie is 4yrs old and had always had yearly shots but that was require because she military. but after talking to an old country vet I have decided not to do the annual shots. he made more sense then all the other vets I have talked too. |
03-23-2008, 03:53 PM | #3 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| Kansas Rabies Law--ACT NOW!!! Kansas Rabies Law--ACT NOW! In my 2nd update post above is a copy of the letter I faxed to Kay Johnson. It appears that a vaccine revolution in Kansas has been triggered by the Wichita Eagle article http://www.kansas.com/news/story/344780.html . There is a rare opportunity to get the various Kansas rabies laws changed to the national standard, and NOW is the time to take action to help! Dog owners in Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Georgia have contacted me about initiating efforts to change the laws in their states, based on the recent developments in Maine and Kansas. It's important to remember that as dog owners, we all have a stake in the rabies immunization laws across the country as they tend to spill over state borders; so even if you do not live in Kansas, the rabies immunization laws there could impact you in the future. What You Can Do to Help: Please contact Kay Johnson, the Wichita City Council, Kansas Legislators, the Governor, and the Attorney General. Contact information is below--it's simple to make a phone call or two or copy and paste e-mail addresses to send e-mail messages. The full e-mail list of Kansas senators and representatives is at the bottom of this message. Pass this message along to everyone you know and ask them to do the same. Simple actions multiplied hundreds of times over move mountains! A concerned Wichita pet owner has informed me that Kay Johnson told them she doesn't want dog owners contacting her!!! Kay Johnson is a public official, and she needs to be reminded that her salary is paid by the public she is supposed to serve -- as her department's mission states: http://www.wichita.gov/CityOffices/Environmental/ "Service: We must serve the public as a whole, our customers who seek a product or service from us, and future generations, whose interests are affected by today's actions." Kay Johnson at KJohnson@wichita.gov Phone (316) 268-8351 Fax: (316) 268-8356 Environmental Services1900 E. 9th St. N. Wichita, KS 67214. Kansas Legislators can be contacted by clicking on the link below or by copying and pasting the e-mails at the bottom of my post above. Kansas Legislature -- find your legislator http://www.kslegislature.org/legsrv-...districting.do Full e-mail list of all Kansas Legislators is on my action alert post above. Wichita City Council http://www.wichita.gov/Government/CityCouncil/ City Hall, 1st Floor, MS 1-13, 455 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67202 Phone (316) 268-4331 Fax: (316) 858-7743 E-Mails: CBrewer@wichita.gov; LKWilliams@wichita.gov; SSchlapp@wichita.gov; JSkelton@wichita.gov; PGray@wichita.gov; JLongwell@wichita.gov; SFearey@wichita.gov; LPorter@wichita.gov; ASherfield@wichita.gov; JCJohnson@wichita.gov; PHouston@wichita.gov; KGlassman@wichita.gov; MBuckmaster@wichita.gov; TDozal@wichita.gov Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius: Office of the Governor, Capitol, 300 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 212S, Topeka, KS 66612-1590 Phone: (1-877-579-6757) Fax 785-368-8788; Lt. Governor Mark Parkinson: Toll-Free 1-800-748-4408 Local 785-296-2213 Fax 785-296-5669; Kansas Attorney General's Office: Kansas Attorney General Stephen N. Six Memorial Hall, 2nd Floor; 120 SW 10th Street; Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: (785) 296-2215; 1-888-428-8436 fax: (785) 296-6296 e-mail: general@ksag.org; cprotect@ksag.org; victim@ksag.org; Consumer Protection Division Phone: (785) 296-3751 (800) 432-2310 Consumer Fax: (785) 291-3699 PERMISSION GRANTED TO CROSS-POST THIS MESSAGE Kris |
03-26-2008, 01:49 AM | #4 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| KS Petition, WY News, AR Group, Wichita Rabies Vax Committee Kansas Petition, Wyoming News Rabies Law Article, Arkansas Yahoo Group, Wichita to Form Rabies Vaccination Committee Kansas Dog owners have started a petition to get annual rabies laws in the state changed to the national 3 year standard. They are planning to have petitions available for dog owners to sign at the upcoming Yappy Days event on March 29th from 9-4 at the Kansas Coliseum, Pavilion II http://www.kzsn.com/cc-common/mainheadline...article=3323054 . The petition is posted online at http://www.thepetitionsite.com:80/1/Stop-O...tion-in-Wichita . In an unexpected development, the Wyoming News ran the following article in their March 22, 2008 edition http://www.wyomingnews.com/articles/2008/0...al_03-23-08.txt Vaccine overkill? By Baylie Davis CHEYENNE -- Even though city residents might have the option of getting rabies vaccines for their pets that last three years, according to city ordinance, the vaccine has to be administered every year. Dog owners are mobilizing to tackle annual rabies laws/ordinances there, and again, I will post more information as it becomes available. Arkansas dog owners are organizing to change their annual rabies laws there. A Yahoo group, Arkansas Rabies Vaccine Info http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ARVaccineInfo has been started to coordinate efforts there, please join if you are interested. PERMISSION GRANTED TO CROSS-POST THIS MESSAGE Wichita to Form Rabies Vaccination Committee I just received the notice below. When Maine revised their rabies laws, they included a representative of the dog-owning public (me), how unfortunate that Wichita is not including a member of their dog-owning public. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kay Johnson, Director of Environmental Services, 268-8351 City to Form Rabies Vaccination Committee The City of Wichita is forming an ad hoc committee to review the schedule for rabies vaccinations, Interim Wichita City Manager Ed Flentje announced on Tuesday. The committee will review the latest information on rabies prevention and control and make recommendations, said Kay Johnson, Director of Environmental Services. Committee members will be announced at a later date. “The committee will be primarily comprised of local veterinarians and public health officials,” Johnson said. “Rabies is a very serious issue and potentially fatal. We want to make sure that people and pets are protected.” The committee recommendations will be provided to the City Manager as part of a broader and ongoing animal ordinance review. The ordinance review is scheduled to be presented to the Wichita City Council later this year. For further questions, Johnson can be reached at kjohnson@wichita.gov or 268-8351. |
03-29-2008, 08:07 AM | #5 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| KS Rabies Law--Monday Meeting & Petition KS Rabies Law-- Monday Meeting & Petition http://www.kansas.com/living/pets/story/355652.html PET BRIEFS City rabies law to be discussed Anyone interested in discussing proposed changes to Wichita's ordinance requiring yearly rabies vaccinations for dogs is invited to a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Alford Branch Library, 3447 S. Meridian. Petitions will be available to sign at the meeting and also at Yappy Days, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at Pavilion II in the Kansas Coliseum. The city announced earlier this week that it is forming an ad hoc committee, made up primarily of local veterinarians and public health officials, to review the latest information on rabies prevention and control and discuss the vaccination schedule. The committee's recommendations will be provided to the city manager as part of a broader and ongoing animal ordinance review, the city said in a news release. The ordinance review is set to be presented to the Wichita City Council later this year. To read more about rabies laws and vaccines, go online to www.kansas.com/living/pets/story/344780.html. |
04-01-2008, 02:23 AM | #6 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| 2 Doses Rabies Vaccine Protective According to CDC Study PERMISSION GRANTED TO CROSS-POST THIS MESSAGE It took ages to find the report below after the CDC removed it from their rabies site -- you might find it interesting. The following quote is from the Center for Disease Control's MMWR Recommendations and Reports March 22, 1991/40(RR03);1-19 Rabies Prevention-- United States, 1991 Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00041987.htm "A fully vaccinated dog or cat is unlikely to become infected with rabies, although rare cases have been reported (48). In a nationwide study of rabies among dogs and cats in 1988, only one dog and two cats that were vaccinated contracted rabies (49). All three of these animals had received only single doses of vaccine; no documented vaccine failures occurred among dogs or cats that had received two vaccinations. " . |
11-15-2008, 06:37 AM | #7 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| Wichita Rabies Law Article 11/15/08 There's an article in today's Wichita Eagle on the city's rabies ordinance, comments I've submitted are below. Now is the time for concerned pet owners to give the City Council (City of Wichita - City Council Main phone: (316) 268-4331 about the city adopting a 3 year protocol. PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST City Seeking Vets' Input on Rabies Wichita Eagle 11/15/08 City seeking vets' input on rabies | Local Government | Kansas.com The city of Wichita is asking area veterinarians if it should change its ordinance requiring dogs to be vaccinated yearly against rabies. Comments I've submitted: Wichita's rabies ordinance should be based on scientific data, not a poll of the veterinarians who profit from rabies vaccine income. An October 1, 2002 DVM Newsletter article entitled, AVMA, AAHA to Release Vaccine Positions AVMA, AAHA to release vaccine positions - - DVM reports "The statement stresses AVMA's stance on education, a reduction in the profession's dependence on vaccine sales, which account for a significant portion of practice income, ..........Veterinarians must promote the value of the exam and move away from their dependence on vaccine income. " The CDC National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians and the American Veterinary Medical Association both recommend 3 year rabies protocols http://www.nasphv.org/Documents/RabiesCompendium.pdf, and according to veterinary vaccine research scientist, Dr. Ronald Schultz, "There is no benefit from annual rabies vaccination and most one year rabies products are similar or identical to the 3-year products with regard to duration of immunity and effectiveness." What Everyone Needs to Know about Canine Vaccines What Everyone Needs to Know About Canine Vaccines Concerned pet owners should contact the City Council and urge them to adopt a 3 year rabies protocol. For more information on the rabies vaccine, its known duration of immunity, and documented adverse reactions associated with it, see The Rabies Challenge Fund website at About the Rabies Challenge Fund. To hear a radio interview with veterinary vaccine research scientist Dr. W. Jean Dodds, go to Duration of Immunity: The Rabies Vaccine Challenge - Show #185 Animal Talk Radio Show 7/30/08 Free Online Radio - Internet Talk Radio | BlogTalkRadio |
03-11-2009, 04:39 AM | #8 |
YT Addict Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND
Posts: 434
| WICHITA, KS Passes 3 Year Rabies Ordinance 3/11/09 Yesterday the Wichita, Kansas City Council voted in a 3 year rabies protocol. Wichita City Council Overhauls Animal Codes 3/11/09 Wichita Eagle Wichita City Council overhauls animal codes, tightens rules on pit bulls | Wichita News - Kansas News | Wichita Eagle by SUZANNE PEREZ TOBIAS "• Require rabies vaccinations every three years -- instead of every year -- for dogs, cats and ferrets." |
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