Unfortunately I bought my Gucci from a pet shop.. as I did with my first dog... I was not aware of the existence of puppy mills..

And you know what... I am 100% sure that my dog came from a place like that. She is 3 and a half months old now..and are still having problems with her health (worms, skin problems, spasms..etc..). WE go to the vet every week...and we still havent give her the first shots yet because the vet says that it is very dangerous right now. I am Greek and nobody has ever informed us about puppy mills... They first thing that gave me an idea that something is wrong.. is the fact that my little Gucci has a passport and it says that she is from Hungary. So... why should a Yorkie come from Hungary to Greece?????? The bad thing in this situation is that you cannot ask the pet shop to replace the "defective" dog... because you get attached to the dog the minute you take it home...and you love it right away. This is one of the reasons why puppy mills and @#$% pet shops still exist...
Anyway... we love her and wouldnt replace her!!! she is the cutest dog!!!