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YorkieTalk Newbie! Join Date: Jun 2012 Location: WV
Posts: 10
| ![]() Okay so my dad got me a yorkie puppy thats only 8 weeks old and I know it should be with his' mother until he's 12 weeks. He was really taken and sold off at 6 weeks and this new owner (my dad's ****** friend ) didnt want him anymore so I just had to get my dad to take him in. ![]() Now I need some tips on taking care of him. I already took him to the vet and got his' first 2 shots and he get boosters next month. I was also told to leave in dry puppy food for him until he's 12 weeks old. I feed him Puppy Chow (1/8 of cup/feeding and feed 4 time a day along with dry dog for whenever it wants )and Caser< I KNOW IS REALLY BAD BUT I CAN"T CONVENCE MY DAD TO BUY BETTER FOOD > I got some SD from my vet so I'm feeing my puppy it, and yes i'm slowly changing the food. I also know that SD isn't all that good but it's better then Puppy Chow so =D. I was going to buy BLUE myself, if he could just drive me. And I did ALOT of searching and found BLUE and other high-qaulity puppy foods but they were all sold in the same shop........ So anyways, I tips on potty training him. I try to do crate trainning but he dont like th crate and I've tied luring him in with food. Then letting him back out and the lure, praise, repeat until he oes all the way in. Then I tried closing the gate and letting him out and each time keep him in a few sec/mins longer. In the end of that he still dont like his' crate Am I doing something wrong? I'm also having trouble with him potty outside (take him out every 1.5/2 hours ) , he does fine on pad cause on the first day, I didnt want him outside without atleast one shot. Now, whenever I'm outside with him in the mornings, he just wonders around and wont go pee. I looked and people say I should walk him but theres alot of dogs in my neighborhood and I dont want him getting sick. So to the graden? (But the grass is all wet because we grow veggies during the summer.) Can he still go there and it's cold whenever I take him outside in the mornings, is it still okay that i dry him after he's done or is that too cold for him? SORRY for so many questions, just want my puppy to have a good owner. And is it bad that i keep him in a crate all day? My parents wont let him run around the house until he's potty trainned but we let him out after he goes pee & poop outside. Then it's back to crate, and I have two crates for him, one really big (2 little kids could fit in there fine) and one really small for bed time. My dad also got a wired cage that was left over from his' German Shepard ( who is no longer with us........) would that work, I could use the seperater thing and make it smaller for Tubby (my puppy). Also on the first 2/3 nights he slept in my room but now my mom wants him downstairs cuz my room smells bad. Tubby only once missed the potty pad in my room and that was when there wasn't one in my room. But he does a really good job in my room but then downstairs............... And thats why he's in a crate. ='( Just until he poppy trainned XD Whenever my puppy cries......... in his'a crate. What should I do? I was told to ignore his' crying so that when he's alone at home, he'll be fine. Whenever I do this, I feel really bad because he's only 8 weeks and shouldn't even be here. (By that I mean he should still be with his' mom and littermates) I think this will be my last questions.....................................(for now) Show can i tell if my puppy is sick other then looking at his' gums because his' puppy teeth are still growing at the bottom and his' gum looks white. Are there any items found at home that could be used as a chew toy cuz I can't go buy toys until my dad comes back from his' business trip and my mom is scared to drive that far cuz of a car accident she had. D= Plus my car was taken by my dad............................................... .................... Also if theres like a pink/red like bump, when can I do for Tubby? Life theathen? And theres brown dots too!!! So narrow it all down. 1. How much should I feed a almost 9 weeks old that weighs 1lb and 1.5 oz? Was I feeding him the right amount? 2. How do I get him into he's little crate for bed? 3. Where should I take him to pee/poop? (Front yard/Back Yard/Back Yard Pourch?) 4. Is the crate all day thing a bad thing? I do let him out and play after he potties outside. 5. Puppy cries in crate, can I make him stop cuz it makes me wanna cry too? 6. How do I get hair out of his' ear cuz he is scatching it like crazy. 7. Is the bump on my puppy belly bad and is the brown dots bad too? |
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♥Momma's Bambino♥ Donating Member Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: Ca
Posts: 10,026
| ![]() Well I think it is good that you took him, that could have been bad- Who knows what that guy would have done with the LIL Guy. Does he have a name? SD is better than Puppy Chow so that is good at least he is on SD, however I am not too sure but I think he needs more nutrients other than puppy food. I know at 8 weeks he still would be getting milk from the Mom, so hopefully someone comes on and talks to you about that bc I don’t really have a clue. ( You can always buy food online and have it delivered to your house) At 8 weeks he probably isn’t going to be alone in a cold crate, he will probably do best with you in your bed- I am going to assume this, I have never had a puppy at that age, but I had a kitten- That baby kitten did best next to me in bed… Hopefully you will get better advise on this as well bc I am not too sure! He is also not going to be potty trained, he is so young, maybe try making him go on a potty pad?? That might be easier than taking him outside, also he is so young I wouldn’t take him ANYWHERE nor out in your back yard till he has ALL HIS SHOTS! I would not let him chew anything other than dogs toy, safe dog toys- 1. How much should I feed a almost 9 weeks old that weighs 1lb and 1.5 oz? Was I feeding him the right amount? Not sure but I would have nautical on hand. 2. How do I get him into he's little crate for bed? He probably isn’t going to want to sleep alone bc he is so young, he might do better in your bed..? 3. Where should I take him to pee/poop? (Front yard/Back Yard/Back Yard Pourch?) I would not take him outside, he should be going on newspaper or potty pads 4. Is the crate all day thing a bad thing? I do let him out and play after he potties outside. The crate all day is a bad thing, at least you should get him an xpen so he as room to play, along with food and water, toys. 5. Puppy cries in crate, can I make him stop cuz it makes me wanna cry too? Puppies cry, he is young this is going to hard to stop… He should still be with him Mom, so you are going to have to give him 24/7 attention. 6. How do I get hair out of his' ear cuz he is scatching it like crazy. Take him to the vet and have the vet look in his ear. 7. Is the bump on my puppy belly bad and is the brown dots bad too? Take him to the vet and have the vet check it out How old are you? You sound really young to be taking care of a 8 week old puppy, He is going to need a lot of work and attention to make sure nothing goes wrong. I understand where you are coming from but without the help of your parents this is going to be really hard for you- What do you parents think of this?
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YT 3000 Club Member Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: USA
Posts: 4,514
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to answer your last question first. i would "DEFINETLY" take him back to the" VET" to have those bumps and spots checked out. these little guys can go downhill fast . you dont want to take chances since he is only 9 weeks old and very extremely tiny at only 1 lb you should fill his bowl and leave food and water at all time. also you need to watch for low blood sugar which is very common in these little ones. nutrical is normally used but if you dont have that a little honey on the tip of your finger and let him lick it off wil work . i think an ex pen would be much better than a crate. you could put his bed in there with his food and water and some potty pads. a puppy that small should not be running around the house anyway, it is just too dangerous.. i would not take a 1 pound puppy outside. it is also not a good idea to leave him alone for long periods of time. little ones like this can get sick very fast.. for bedtime he would probably feel more comfortable in a small plastic crate. you must make sure he has a comfy bed in it so he will stay warm. it would be better if you could put him on the floor next to your bed. he is probably lonely and scared downstairs by himself... good luck with this little one. please keep us updated on his progress | |
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Yorkie Yakker | ![]() Quote:
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YT Addict Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: OK
Posts: 278
| ![]() 1. How much should I feed a almost 9 weeks old that weighs 1lb and 1.5 oz? The amount your puppy needs will depend on what you're feeding, yorkies are prone to hypoglycemia so at that age, I'd feed him as much as he'll eat, and feed him often. 3. Where should I take him to pee/poop? Some people take theirs out from the beginning (usually 10-12 weeks), but you should only take him to an area that no other dogs have access to. 4. Is the crate all day thing a bad thing? In my opinion he's really to young to be crated all the time, you need to keep an eye on him, and watch out for blood sugar drops. He also shouldn't be turned loose unsupervised. I would crate him when you have to leave him alone, or at bed time, and keep him out and with you the rest of the time. You might try getting him a harness and keeping him on a leash with you during the day, that way you can keep an eye on him and he's still contained and out of trouble. The leash thing can also really help with potty training. If you watch him you should start to recognize how he acts when he needs to potty (usually sniffing and circling) then when you see him acting like he needs to go take him to his puppy pad and treat him when he goes where he is supposed to. I've had a few dogs and this was, for me, the easiest way to house break them. You should keep in mind though that you have to actually watch him, my sister tried this on her morkie but she gets so completely engrossed in things she never noticed when the pup started circling. 5. Puppy cries in crate, can I make him stop cuz it makes me wanna cry too? Yumi doesn't really like her crate either. I only put her in there when we're leaving or at bed time. She cried at 1st but she has learned crying doesn't get her out... If you're leaving him crated all day I'm not sure if he'll ever really get used to it. 6. How do I get hair out of his' ear cuz he is scatching it like crazy. The ears are usually plucked, you can do it with your fingers, but if they're itching like crazy you need to go to the vet. it's probably an ear infection, or mites. I've never dealt with mites, but if it's an infection the vet will probably pluck them for you (have them show you how when they do) then give you a little tube of ear dops you put it twice a day 7. Is the bump on my puppy belly bad and is the brown dots bad too? Get this checked out with the ears. As for the potty training we're still working on it, yumi is doing very well with her puppy pads, but we haven't transitioned to outside yet. I've read it's harder to teach them to go outside after puppy pads, but that wasn't the experience I had with my other dog. For us puppy pad training came 1st then I slowly moved his pad to the door, a little closer every day. Eventually we moved the pad outside and kept taking him there for a while, then removed it all together. Currently we have 2 puppy pads down in the area Yumi has access too, and Yuri only goes outside. You might search hypoglycemia on this forum and read up about it. Compile all the info you can and print it out to give to your parents. See if you can convince them the puppy shouldn't be locked up too long and get a tube of nutrical just in case. There is a TON of info here on yorkietalk, and a lot more experienced people than me (my yorkie it only 5.5 months or so). You might search for posts on the different topics you need more information on. I've learned a lot from other peoples past posts. Be sure to read the sticky YORKIE PUPPY CARE GUIDE - For New Parents! at the top of the general forum! I agree that you seem young to be taking care of such a tiny baby, but I think the mere fact that you're here asking questions and trying to give your baby the best care you can speaks volumes. You can do it ![]() Good luck, and post pics of your new baby soon we love pictures! |
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YorkieTalk Newbie! Join Date: Jun 2012 Location: WV
Posts: 10
| ![]() ty for all the replays, and Srry for the late replay. I know I should let him sleep with me but I have a bad habit of rolling all over the bed and I'm afraid to crush him to death........ and he doing great with hard puppy food now, all need now is to find out what's good puppy brand. =] |
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YT 3000 Club Member Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: USA
Posts: 4,514
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there is nothing wrong with not letting him sleep with you in the bed. he will be perfectly fine sleeping in a crate next to your bed. instead of putting him in a crate all day while you are out , can you put him in an x-pen so he wil have room to run around and play. i am glad he is eating well. there are so many good brands of food to choose from . it really depends on what is available in your area. just read the label and try to find something that is grain free without meat by products and fillers.. if you have a petsmart or a petco they have lots of good brands there. a couple examples blue buffalo wellness puppy | |
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YT 3000 Club Member Join Date: Apr 2011 Location: NY
Posts: 6,582
| ![]() If you have time to spend with the puppy then let him out of the crate. Hold him, play with him, as soon as he looks like he may have to go potty take him out. Unless you are going to sit and stare at him in the cage and see when he is ready to pee he is not going to learn much. At his age he really has no control over where or when he pees. It is all about your timing. If you have things to do you can tether him to you so he is with you all the time. Just remember that you need to watch for when he has to go potty and get him outside in time. Despite what you may have heard a young puppy will go potty in the crate if it has no other option. As I said a young puppy has no ability not to pee when it has to. A puppy that age is a lot of responsibility and is going to take a lot of training to make it a good member of your family. A cage is good for those times you absolutely cannot watch the puppy but you need to spend as much time as possible with him so he learns what is expected of him. |
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♥Love My 3 Furrbutts♥ Donating Member | ![]() Wow just Wow! does this little guy have a name? just now reading this...alot to process....
__________________ Jacqui, mom to Raelle ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() https://www.facebook.com/PreciousPawzGroomingSpa http://jlevy.scentsy.ca |
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BANNED! | ![]() Hi I have a 7 wk old yorkie n he is A LOTof work n requires A LOT of attention it's honestly like havin a child I recently posted a thread sayin hello to everyone n stated how old Snappy was n got a lot of feedback. I'm feedin him Wellness got it from PetCo it was about $18 n came wit a $5 off coupon n I wet it wit some warm water. Snappy doesn't like the crate either I wouldn't leave him in there all day because as other ppl said yorkies can become hypoglycemic. I'm still learning myself google n YT will b ur best friends. Hope this helped lots of luck to u. |
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BANNED! | ![]() Oh n as far as the potty training jus watch him n learn his signs u'll catch on quick I've learned Snappy's already n I jus pick him up n put him on the pad wen he tries to go on the floor he has been doin better but he's still learning he's still a baby so still has accidents n ignores the pad sometimes so jus have patience wit him. |
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crate trainning, infections, potty trainning, puppy feeding, tips |
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