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11-11-2007, 06:40 AM | #1 |
Senior Yorkie Talker Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Northport, AL
Posts: 123
| Greetings and advice needed Hello Everyone- Wanted to say hello and ask some advice...I am a new member. Yesterday, I almost ran over a dog on the road near my house. I pulled over, and tried to get it to come to me, but it kept moving. Later, my neighbor and her kids were calling out to something, and walking towards me. I was washing my car, and suddenly there was the dog, in my yard. I scooped it up, and ascertained he was a male. My neighbor then came over and told me it was a Yorkie. I own a dog already, but he is a bigger boy (Lab mix), and I am unused to small dogs. I thought about it for two seconds, and then checked him for fleas (none seen after a flea combing). I got him inside, and he immediately stopped shaking/shivering (I live in West Alabama, and it is getting a bit nippy outside here). He then ran around the house, met the resident dog (who indicated nothing but friendly interest), and the two cats (my female, a Maine Coon, was disdainful, but the Am. Shorthair kitten was highly interested, until the Yorkie began to "boss" him-right off the bat.) I went out and got some more food, a bed, a harness and a leash, and a few small toys. He took to the bed right away, seems to like it. I bathed and blew dried him- very dirty. No fleas or other skin conditions noted. He was offered food, and ate like a horse last evening, twice. I took him for a walk, which he seemed to enjoy. He did his business outside, no accidents with frequent trips. He then bedded down and fell asleep. I jacked up the heat to keep him warm. This morning, it appears that he vomited twice overnight. He got up and went out for his bathroom time, but evidences no interest in eating this morning. He went right back to his bed and curled up, which is where he is now. I have no experience with toy breeds or Yorkies. I verified that he looked like the Yorkie pics online- but appears to still be a puppy (black and tan coat). My estimate is that he weighs about 1-2 lbs, and looks to be about 3 months or a bit older. I have christened him "Myles". He is still intact (unneutered). I am pretty pissed off that he had no tag or collar on, and could have easily been run over, attacked by some of the loose dogs around here, or scooped up by some of the big hawks who circle overhead. I like the little guy. He deserves better. What do you all think? Is this sleeping behavior part of being in emotional shock, due to change? Is the vomiting due to my perhaps overfeeding him (it was food that came up, not bile or anything else). How much do you feed a little guy like this? As I said, my experience is with medium to large dogs, and don't have a clue, other than what I could find online (which for the most part, can be rather vague). What about this hypoglycemia I am reading so much about? Help! Any ideas or advice would be appreciated. |
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11-11-2007, 06:57 AM | #2 |
Donating YT 500 Club Member Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 743
| You have a great heart for taking little "Myles" in. I would be upset too that he didn't have a collar or id on and was just running loose (especially at that young age). Yorkies are a great very loving breed. What kind of food are you feeding him? His throwing up could be due to the change in food as sometimes they can have very sensitive stomaches. Since he is so small, you want to make sure that you are giving a good food since every bite really does matter. You are right to worry about hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when their blood sugar drops to a low range. It is dangerous because they can go into shock, seisures, or worse. Signs of this are extreme lethargic-ness kind of like they are in a daze. The best thing to do to keep them up is to feed every few hours. Since he is still a puppy, I would also get some Nutri-cal from the petstore for him. You just put a dollop on your finger and they lick it off, most cant resist the taste. By giving that every few hours as well, you should be good. I would look and ask around the neighborhood if anyone is missing Myles. After a while, if noone is claiming him, then congratulations! Myles will make a great addition to your family and even though you haven't dealt with small breeds before, it will come to you. You can always ask questions here on YT as everyone is so friendly and knowledgeable. Good luck and keep us posted, oh and welcome to Yorkie Talk.
__________________ Shel & her gang Bruiser Ballard - Schrader - Proud member of the Little Gentleman's Club & Marcus Aurelius - Sekwetary of the Little Gentleman's Club! |
11-11-2007, 06:59 AM | #3 |
Just Pawz Donating Member Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: Liverpool, NY
Posts: 1,827
| He may be microchipped... it would be a great idea to bring him in and see if you can find his owner. I'm certain that a Yorkie running around is not a stray. I'm very glad you feel kindly enough toward this pup to give him a home but he may have a family that is very broken hearted and missing him. Please at least try to find them. As for the vomiting, he may have stomach upset because of a change in food.
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11-11-2007, 07:02 AM | #4 |
Donating YT 1000 Club Member Join Date: Jun 2007 Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,523
| Welcome!!!!! I am by no means an expert....really it's a learn as you go process. I believe the vomiting is due to him scarfing down the food since he was so hungry. hypoglycemia is when their blood sugar I believe drops, you need to make sure he is drinking water, get him some pedialite, and some stuff called nutrical, it will keep his blood sugar levels up while giving him nutrients to sustain his little body til he eats again, that little he needs to eat or have the nutrical if he won't eat, they can start to have siezures, and it's very frightning, but they could die if they are not treated right away with the nutrical, or as a last resort some karo syrup. There are more and better experts on here that can really give you more details. There are so many different opinions and ideas about the food to feed, I feed mine Canidea because there is no corn or wheat . He needs to get checked by a vet ASAP, to make sure he is healthy, not only for him but for your animals sake too.
__________________ Mommy of Cody,Gracie,Bella,2labs,1cat, 2 skinkids one Angel Baby Boy 8/8/09 I carried you under my heart for 20 weeks and will carry you in my heart forever |
11-11-2007, 07:05 AM | #5 |
Gizzy & Kandi spoil me Donating Member Join Date: May 2007 Location: Waco, Texas
Posts: 8,477
| I agree with the above advice, except....Have him checked for a microchip before you make any firm decisions. After that, I would take him to a vet asap for a checkup and to begin his shots (since you have no records). The vet check is essential. You have to consider the safety of your other pets as well. Best wishes. He sounds like a sweetie. Welcome to YT!
__________________ The fullness of our heart is expressed in our eyes, in our touch, in what we write, in what we say, in the way we walk, the way we receive, the way we need. -Mother Teresa ( RIP Gizmo 3/9/07-8/18/12) |
11-11-2007, 07:09 AM | #6 |
Donating YT 500 Club Member Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 743
| Having him checked for a microchip is a great idea!
__________________ Shel & her gang Bruiser Ballard - Schrader - Proud member of the Little Gentleman's Club & Marcus Aurelius - Sekwetary of the Little Gentleman's Club! |
11-11-2007, 07:15 AM | #7 |
Senior Yorkie Talker Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Northport, AL
Posts: 123
| Thanks all Thanks for the good advice. I am going to put up posters in the area, and place an ad in the local classifieds. I am concerned that someone might just want him due to him possibly being a purebred. I am pretty sure he is not from this area, as I have gotten to know most of the dogs around here pretty well. But, to act in his best interest, I shall give it a good shot by advertising with specific questions. I am upset that a puppy would not be supervised well enough to just wander off...he is not a fast runner at all. I would have been out day and night if my Lab mix vanished. In the meantime, I will give him some of the Nutrical, and keep an eye on him. He is now seeming more alert and awake, but still drowsing off an on in his bed. Keep the good insights and advice coming. I will need it in the coming days, whether he is reclaimed or stays here. Can I just go to my vet and have him checked for a microchip, or do I need to go to a special place? Matthew |
11-11-2007, 07:40 AM | #8 |
Loved by Layla Donating Member Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 11,257
| I agree, as attached as you are already, he might be microchipped and belong to someone, who i HOPE is worried sick about him. if not... you have THE best breed you could ever ask for he is sleepign because he is stressed out! poor little guy. I would be offering him small amounts of food frequently so his tummy can get used to having food in it. keep in mind Yorkies have sensitive necks and you should use a harness instead of a collar. Also if it is cold there he should probably have a sweater on when he is outside. I also agree with the vet check.. make sure he has no bugs.. if he was out for long enough he may have drank bad water... after that.. watch out.. he is going to steal your heart and you'll have no idea what hit ya can we see pictures? |
11-11-2007, 08:13 AM | #9 |
Love My Li'l Lucy Donating Member Join Date: Jun 2007 Location: Southern California
Posts: 6,700
| I agree the vomiting could be due to the switch in food. I imagine what you are feeding him is different than what he was getting. Any back yard breeders that you know of in your area? Maybe he escaped! If you are unable to find the owner are you going to keep him? Thank goodness he found you. He sounds too small and young to have survived a cold night...
__________________ Kathy and Lil' Lucy and Jammies Rest in Peace my Sweet Buster |
11-11-2007, 08:21 AM | #10 |
No Longer a Member Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Riverview, Florida
Posts: 4,953
| That was great of you to take him in however, I too believe that he most likely has an owner somewhere who is frantically looking for him. Chances are he is microchipped with id programmed on the chip. Bella went to the groomers last week and it was a day or two before i realized they did not put her id back on!!! I was upset because it would be a couple of days before i could get there to pick it up. I held Bella everytime we opened the door for halloween. If she got out and took off...she could have gotten lost! The id could have also been ripped off by a branch if she was in the woods for a few days. You can take the dog to a local vet and I bet they would scan the dog for free if you explained your story. Please consider doing this. |
11-11-2007, 08:32 AM | #11 |
I Love My Yorkies Donating Member Join Date: Feb 2005 Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Posts: 37,147
| Wow you just dont hear of someone finding a puppy that young. Someone was very careless. I wouldnt worry about the vomiting unless it keeps up. You definitely want t get him to a vet as soon as possible for a check up and shots
__________________ Chachi's & Jewels Mom Jewels http://www.dogster.com/?132431Chachi http://www.dogster.com/?132427 |
11-11-2007, 08:37 AM | #12 |
Lovin' Lucy & Rebel Donating Member Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Georgia
Posts: 4,438
| Thank God you took that poor baby in! I think the change in food definitely upset his little tummy. You've gotten a lot of great advice here, especially about the microshipping. Somebody out there is missing their baby. If he's not microchipped, look around for fliers. After that, there not much else you can do.
__________________ Kim , Rebel ,and baby Dixie RIP my sweet Lucy |
11-11-2007, 08:45 AM | #13 | |
Welcome to YT! But I totally agree with this post, you need to notify all your vets and animal shelters to see if someone is missing there baby. I wish you the best of luvk, who knows, maybe no one will come forward and you got yourself a sweet baby! | |
11-11-2007, 09:09 AM | #14 |
Inactive Account Join Date: Jun 2005 Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 4,387
| Myles is so lucky to have come accross you. He must have sensed you are a softie. Great advise has already been given so I'm not going to add to it... But I do have a request. Can you please post a photo of him? Please? Thank you! PS: Welcome to Yorkie Talk! Glad you found us!
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11-11-2007, 09:21 AM | #15 |
Donating YT 3000 Club Member Join Date: Jul 2007 Location: Illinois
Posts: 4,139
| Welcome to YT!! The way I see it - one of two things are about to happen. You will either be unable to find the owner and will fall deeper in love with Myles and he will become a loved part of your family. OR you will find the desparate owner of Myles, but after falling in love, will have no other choice but to find another Yorkie that needs your wonderful home and family. I'd say either way, both you and Myles are blessed.
__________________ Diane, and my boys ..... Coby and Reggie !! Striving to be a YTPP - a YT Positive Poster! In Memory of My Beautiful Mother 7/22/28-8/27/08 |
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