- New Here with Breeding
- Looking to adopt a Yorkie Puppy
- Kingsford Kennels Nashville
- Reputable Breeder
- Reputable Yorkie breeders in NH, MA or ME
- Question on weaning puppies
- Breeding-Sire Behavior question
- Deb Amazing Yorkies
- Biewer yorkie
- What is the best newborn puppy formula
- Breeder won’t refund deposit
- Looking for a breeder in New England
- Breeder Feedback Amazing Yorkies
- Advice about Breeder
- Guidance please? Tube feeding, fading? Lacating very long
- Guidance please? Tube feeding, fading? Lacating very long
- Guidance please? Tube feeding, fading? Lacating very long
- Keeping 1 or 2 pups from a litter?
- Breeder will not refund deposit
- Reputable Yorkie breeders in the tri state area, or father
- I need Help on finding reputable dog breeders!!!
- Looking for breeder in/near Atlanta
- Coathair question on my new pup
- Looking for a male Yorkie (preferably in Fl)
- My 13 year fur Baby has passed!
- breeders
- Bipolar temps, what gives?
- AKC setting price
- Genetic Testing
- First Time Whelping please advise
- Breeding yorkie
- Expecting BIG Litter!
- Help needed! 1st Time Mum!
- Dew claw removal: front vs rear
- Stud Service Questions
- When and how often do you breed?
- Yorkieville
- Breeder greetings!
- Breeder help!
- Reputable breeder north Tampa Florida
- Blue yorkie i think.
- Lynne...new member
- looking for reputable breeder in GA or SC
- could she be pregnant?
- Picky Pregnant Puppy
- Incoming Pregnant Yorkie(s)
- Looking for a certain blood lines
- Looking for a reputable breeder in PA & Ohio
- It's raining yorkies
- It's raining yorkies
- Question about male with prostate enlarged
- Gold dust parti carrier and traditional sable carrier genetics?
- Sweet spot for breeding
- Litter Info?
- Increasing Virility for Sires
- Breeding
- Today may be the day!!
- x-ray at day 56
- Breeding in Seattle area
- HELP; new yorkie pup is sick - is the breeder sketchy???
- 10 week old puppy refusing to try to eat
- what kind of puppy scale do you use?
- Male age of breeding
- Reputable Breeder San Francisco/Bay Area/North Cal
- Bad Really Bad Breeder's UGH
- Reputable Breeder of Yorkie Puppies near New York City?
- Yorkie Breeder Info
- Breeder question- GA
- Morkie/Biewer cross
- Shipping
- UK owner wanting to breed
- X-ray Shows singleton puppy??
- Mama won't eat
- Northern CA breeder
- Is she or isn't she? **noob alert!
- Breeders in Long Island or Tri-State Area
- Breeders in Mich. or Ohio
- All white & Merle colored "Yorkies" with Blue eyes? I think Not
- Amazing Yorkies Review
- Purebred yorkie????
- Becoming a responsible breeder
- Chances for another tiny in the next litter
- Whirlwind Yorkies,anyone familiar?
- Entire litter died!
- The not knowing...
- Not Sure
- I need some docking tail advice
- Looking for breeder in New York
- Looking for yorkie in new england area
- Graysons Yorkies
- Breeder Calla Yorkie Pups Stone Mountain GA
- Recommended breeder in South Carolina
- I'm so super Happy to be back!
- Hair color
- Possible New Puppy
- 40 days in and I feel like she's way too big??
- New to YorkieTalk.com
- Pregnancy Silky X-Ray. How many puppies do you see?
- Maplewood Kennel
- Looking for a Breeder
- Ginger day 63
- Educational seminar
- how many days should i count from first mating?
- Looking for REPUTABLE breeder for pet Arkansas (or reasonable distance)
- How long was your Yorkie in stage 1 labour
- Yorkie Coat
- Bile Acid Test for puppies?
- Looking for Yorkie puppy in New Jersey
- looking for small 4 lb stud for my Katiushka in Miami
- AKC, Why Would A Good Breeder "NOT" Use AKC's Puppy Finder?
- Reputable breeder in or around Texas?
- Smal
- How about Bluediamond Yorkies?
- Anyone heard of WendysYorkies?
- Tatiana Blumenschein or Barbara Babcock?
- Reputable Breeders in the Midwest?
- Breeder Question
- Long Hair Dream versus Wanting Babies!
- Dental at 3 week pregnant
- Female Pet
- Breeding Larger Male
- Max Age for Stud?
- Excited and nervous! Olivia is due shortly!
- Considering being a small breeder
- Not in Heat Can She Get Pregnant?
- nursing mother yorkie
- Amoroso Yorkshire Terriers
- 4 week old cow hocked pup
- Interesting article on health testing
- Temp dropped to 97 on day 59! Scared and excited!!!
- Florida Reputable Breeders
- Questions for buyer References
- Full grown size
- stud breeding question
- Does the price of a pure bred matter?
- stud
- Passing of my male
- Heat Cycle Question..
- Puppy sale contract
- frequent peeing
- Pregnant Yorkie when to expect labor to start
- Does anyone knows Elizabeth Dolan?
- Nursing Yorkie Flat Nipples
- Scissor bite to underbite
- wish to buy yorkie in ALBERTA Canada any recommendations? reviews on pampered paws?
- Importance of keeping pups with mom til 12 weeks old?
- Looking for a breeder in Arizona
- Stellar stardust yorkie
- Question regarding possible pregnancy
- Another interesting article Food for thought
- Yorkie born with White hair on neck/back
- Confused!
- recommended books for potential breeders
- 4 Week Yorkie, without his Mama
- Pricing
- Yorkie breeder review
- Mourning loss of Yorkie's pup
- LuvStruck Yorkies- Shari
- Looking for breeder
- preemie puppy with green stool
- Mommy keeps moving pup away from others
- How many pups? Xray included
- Overbite in Puppy
- Incorrect bite
- Puppy not latching.
- Anyway to predict adult colors in parti yorkies?
- 10 months and pregnant
- Let's talk about coat baby!
- Where to begin if I want to breed Enzo?
- I think I have a 7 1/2 mo old yorkie that is pregnant!
- which has more show potential help
- is my yorkie tuning blue
- Question for Yorkiemom1 or other reputable breeder
- Food for thought Yorkie Breeders
- Has anyone purchased pups from a Cols. OH breeder?
- Pregnant yorkie
- A very good Read for Breeders
- Has anyone purchased from Cindy Bohl & Michele Goerke or Wisconsin?
- Biewer Breeders
- frequent urination in pregnant female?
- Looking for her pup?
- having a hard time finding a breeder
- Puppies in PA only a few hours old needing help
- Selling Puppies At Christmas Time
- Yorkie Breeders in Chicago area?
- Look at what they have done for Poodles
- neopar
- is the dam more important than the sire
- Food for thought
- Female Yorkie in heat?
- Looking for a GREAT breeder
- DNA test brought back conditional registration...
- Interesting article on x-raying pregnant females
- Podcasts on breeding topics
- New on line course
- Sorry about all the post!
- Heat cycle taking longer.
- Here she is!
- Please Read!.. Need some help!
- Has anyone heard of HUTTO Yorkies?
- Breeding with or without papers?
- Reputable Breeder in BC, Canada?
- Yorkies of Northshore-reputable breeders?
- Interesting article
- How much for my yorkie baby?
- BRTCA National Guest Speaker on Breeding
- Are there any REPUTABLE breeders in NM?
- Question about weight of parents
- Do you know what COI is and means?
- Creator of designer breed regrets his creation
- Yorkie Standard explained (VIDEO)
- Labor
- Labor
- Weatherford Yorkies "The Yorkie Ranch"
- transitioning puppies to "solid" food
- I want to become a Yorkie Breeder
- looking for a second baby!!
- Looking for some advice: pregnant yorkie on day 64
- Finding a mentor
- Differences between Parti and Biewer?
- Diet after puppies
- Am I feeding Yorkie pups too much?
- Looking for a stud dog in North Wales
- what should I do?
- Yorke Girl in Heat
- recent observation-
- Breeding..
- This is a very usefull site for breeders
- Yorkie Pregnancy
- Little Hart Kennels-Texas
- She is acting different at times
- Breeding the best to the best?
- Nursing Injuries
- Puppy Rearing
- Best site to sell pups?
- Bucks/Montgomery County PA
- Has anyone had an experience with this place?
- First time pregnant yorkie 37 days
- I am new yorkie lover
- I'm new and need help
- Parti Yorkie Breeders
- Blue Born Puppies.
- 60 days and temps
- Not sure if she's pregnant
- Anyone breed their male yorkie and keep one of pups
- Pet Peeve - Phone Inquiries
- puppy weight for show
- Puppy Evaluation
- Breeders in Chicago
- She's acting real sad?!?