
View Full Version : General Training Questions

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  1. Invisible Fence Question
  2. Bark Bark! Do the control devices work????
  3. Separation Anxiety??
  4. 4 days Accident Free!!
  5. The MOST well behaved dog I've ever seen
  6. How do you get them to sit still?
  7. Cesar Millan - Dog Whisperer, Do Any Of U Watch It?
  8. Im starting to get worried about potty training
  9. Potty Tips
  10. Separation Anxiety
  11. Digging
  12. Teaching pup the leash?
  13. Barking yorkie mutt
  14. Crying/Whining all the time
  15. Can we do both???
  16. Walking two of them?!
  17. Bad Potty
  18. Too late to re-potty train?
  19. Doggie litter training
  20. knee problem
  21. Help with bell training!
  22. obedience training ??
  23. Ahhh Help.
  24. When will this puppy settle down?
  25. Lots of training problems! I need help!
  26. New dogs getting adjusted
  27. Happy Pee
  28. She poops in her crate!!
  29. Is it possible for dogs to potty out of anger of you leaving?
  30. she only pees on wee wee pads
  31. puppy obedience classes
  32. Please Give Advice With Transition From Pee Pads To Outside!
  33. Mad Yorkie!
  34. Help! He's going crazy!
  35. He Did IT!!!!
  36. Teaching your yorkie tricks!
  37. good to be back
  38. 6 months and trained BUT.
  39. The Housebreaking Bible
  40. How to......
  41. Help with potty training
  42. Please how do i pad train
  43. Is it too late?
  44. Help--Going Potty without warning
  45. Proud of my little Holly!
  46. Help**** Walking
  47. my 2yr old will not get trained !help
  48. What do you think of this trick?
  49. Bitter Apple -- Is this normal?
  50. puppy teeth
  51. Nipping at Heels
  52. Petsmart vs. Private
  53. Please advice
  54. My 9 month old pees/poops on floor when he is mad!
  55. Help..only on night #2
  56. ~*The Barking!!*~
  57. Pee smell
  58. He keeps pooping in his bed!
  59. Spoiled YT, temper tantrums, potty woes
  60. What was your routine?
  61. Overwhelmed with new puppy :(
  62. Leaving water out vs. water only when feeding
  63. Do any of you use a "Pet Potty" ?
  64. Just moved- she is peeing on the floor!
  65. Help - Strange potty habit
  66. walking your puppy
  67. barking and socialization
  68. Hostile to New Dogs
  69. Laying down while out for a walk!!!
  70. YTs Newest Therapy Doggie....
  71. Tricks help
  72. whining
  73. Hyperactiveness
  74. PT Crisis
  75. Anyone have a quiet yorkie?
  76. Help with Potty Training
  77. Tell bells
  78. Can a onesie stop your pup from going potty inside???
  79. how do i train on wee wee pad
  80. training classes
  81. Marking!
  82. Rocky and Bella are so mean!
  83. Is it too late(clicker train)?
  84. How to teach "Come!" ?????
  85. Sophie was a bad girl.
  86. teaching a harness and leash
  87. Crate Training Article
  88. eating and play biting
  89. Biting when in bed
  90. Walking Issue
  91. And yet ANOTHER potty training problem...
  92. Training
  93. new yorkie puppy question?
  94. Excessive Barking-Citronella collar
  95. About Crate Training
  96. anti-social pup
  97. Ultrasonic Remote? Anyone?
  98. how to crate train
  99. chewing power/cable cord
  100. grooming tips much needed!!!
  101. still struggling
  102. jealousy over other pets
  103. Help! He wont stop licking!
  104. Teaching Tricks
  105. Moving pee pads
  106. Tucker Graduated!!!
  107. I'm soooooo embarrassed!!!!!
  108. Oy I am at my wits end with training Zoey...
  109. Newly Adopted Yorkie - Biting
  110. Help with potty training!
  111. crates? excercise pens? so confused....
  112. At My Witts End
  113. training help??
  114. Looking for SlyDog Puppy Pads
  115. Pee pad, trying to change
  116. It's been one of THOSE potty training days! Advice/Encouragement needed!
  117. Another Potty Question
  118. Eats Plastic!!!!
  119. Need a bit of help on training my new yorkie!
  120. why accidents now??
  121. No leash?
  122. training for dog training
  123. very frustrated... do i need to wake up earlier????
  124. The Potty Training.....
  125. Why do Yorki's ?
  126. Need a Little help here...Schmoo's grossing me OUT!
  127. I have a Yorkie Poo and she will not..
  128. New poster---Some Qs about Yorkie Poos
  129. New Member needs help...Never had yorkies before!!
  130. Lifting his leg
  131. Never trained dog before
  132. Please help! Question about training...
  133. Potty Training
  134. Help me make the right decision.
  135. Ok we've got 'sit' down - how to teach lay down?
  136. sibling fights....
  137. Potty training backsliding!
  138. What brand of Pee Pads ??
  139. poor thing....:(
  140. what play pen do you use, if any?
  141. Adolesence, any suggestions!
  142. Problem with sit (backing up)
  143. tricks for small dogs?
  144. Problems with training
  145. Escape artist!
  146. barking... again
  147. working during the day... help me please?
  148. Please just go on the pad!!
  149. potty issues after babies
  150. will go to the bathroom but not please
  151. Simply Frustrated Please any ideas
  152. Simply Frustrated Please any ideas
  153. Bitty Miss Bit'ems
  154. boring puppy
  155. Pee Problems
  156. HELP! First time use of harness!
  157. Potty Training Questions???
  158. Would love to sign him up for a class, but...
  159. Potty Training Tips needed for 8 month old!
  160. Learn to bark from other dogs?
  161. When is it time
  162. Types of harnesses
  163. Potty Training / Poopy Question
  164. 11 Month New Baby Training Question
  165. tricks!
  166. Ring that bell!!!
  167. Very long but I really need help...a little life maybe at stake...
  168. Outside or puppy pad?
  169. 4mth old- Is it Alright to Sleep on my Bed?
  170. Is 10 months too old???
  171. Not Potty Trained
  172. How Often Do You...
  173. Leash Training Question
  174. Walking help
  175. temper / separation anxiety
  176. How to keep them off the furniture
  177. Regressing with pad training?
  178. pooch pads
  179. What can I do?
  180. PLEASE PLEASE help with my potty issues
  181. Training Help!!
  182. Training two puppies at once
  183. Is this right?
  184. Still!? :( :(
  185. Help...At Wits Ends Here...
  186. Crate Question
  187. New Yorkie Mum with questions
  188. Down.. does it work?
  189. AHHHHHHHHHH Frustrated
  190. Where's your puppy while you're at work
  191. Taping Ears
  192. I. D Chip questions???
  193. Bellybands
  194. Help w. my lil Romeo
  195. House breaking without crate - impossible?
  196. Housebreaking - average age?
  197. New puppy!
  198. Feeling bad about having to use a harness
  199. I have a real problem!!! (lots of problems!!!)
  200. Good News!!!
  201. "Release Word" Ideas
  202. Puppy cries so hard he vomits.
  203. Riley is being a PAIN!!
  204. Pees with leg in the air.
  205. SHHHHH!!! Riley!!
  206. Lexie's Update
  207. i think i waited too long ...
  208. Leerburg Training Videos
  209. wizdog indoor training product
  210. How I broke my Yorkie from a bad behavior
  211. What age can i begin to train?
  212. Troubles with new puppy, help!
  213. Potty Outside
  214. Daughter And Yorkie
  215. CHLOE SHUT UP!!! Why does she cry at night???
  216. 5 yr old female yorkie freaks w/out my girlfriend!
  217. My yorkie pup is snapping at men
  218. litter training???
  219. Training Books
  220. Biting/chewing??
  221. Citronella Anti-Bark Collar?
  222. Need a little help...
  223. Clicker Training
  224. Barking
  225. Henry just won't stop biting now...
  226. When is a good time to start training?
  227. 2nd day with the potty pages...
  228. My yorkie snaps and bites me, HELP!!!!
  229. x-pen ?
  230. potty pads for a newbie??
  231. If you had a biter, what age did they stop?
  232. Car rides and leashes
  233. Potty Pads??
  234. How to phase out treats?
  235. Potty training
  236. Age to start training puppies
  237. New to the board and need advise
  238. Second Nature doggie litter?
  239. Does the Crate only teach them to hold?
  240. Boo, under the bed!
  241. Anyone's puppy stop using the pads?
  242. I Need Help...please!!
  243. I need help...NOW!
  244. Pooping advice needed
  245. How did you potty train?
  246. How big is your xpen?
  247. Question about potty training....
  248. HOW do you punish a dog??
  249. crate training - probably the 1000th entry
  250. Biting in the morning
