
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Any advice please for refusing to eat.
  2. Panint attacks
  3. How to change Buddy's diet at 4 yrs old
  4. 4 year old yorkie drinking a lot in the evenings
  5. Small skin bump, should I worry?
  6. Also Just Diagnosed with Stage 1 Kidney Failure
  7. How much food should she get
  8. Noise “phobia”
  9. Pet insurance
  10. Collapse trachea
  11. Just Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  12. Retinal Degeneration
  13. Prozac
  14. Hard round stomach
  15. Bad bacteria
  16. My dog is going to starve
  17. Fish Oil Supplements
  18. Teeth cleaning $1400-1600
  19. Our home cooked food
  20. 13 yr. Old peeing in house only at night
  21. Baby with overbite
  22. Figured out some of my guy's pickiness
  23. Recommendations for aging Glucosamine etc
  24. Worried over upcoming dental for my senior with severe CT and potential heart murmur
  25. Luxating Patella: Surgery or No?
  26. Are Yorkies lower energy during winter?
  27. Any truth to this idea?
  28. Bladder Issues
  29. Found-food ritual
  30. Yorkie Puppy Fresh Food Diet
  31. Smelly and not eating.
  32. Dog food
  33. sensitive stomach sometimes blood with diarrhea
  34. Is my puppy overweight?
  35. What is the recommended daily allownace for puppy?
  36. Urination issues.
  37. Simparica Trio
  38. Best Insulin?
  39. Revolution 5-10 lb out of stock
  40. In between meal snack ideas
  41. getting second opinion
  42. The pickiness...
  43. Sorting through food options
  44. Collapsing trachea
  45. Help me figure the feeding amount?
  46. Ideas on finding smelly dry food?
  47. Calcium Oxalate
  48. bile acids off the charts
  49. Food Allergies
  50. Weight at 12 weeks
  51. Amazing food bowl
  52. He's a healthy pup!
  53. Senior Biewer off food
  54. Of all things…
  55. Lepto Vaccine
  56. Help, Bear not eating, vomiting and no energy
  57. TPLO Surgery
  58. Home cooked meals
  59. Yorkie throws up around once a month - 3 weeks
  60. Buddy had cryptosurgery and neutered at 6 mos
  61. under skin growth, need advice
  62. Allergy Shots + Food Behavior
  63. Buddy - 6 months old diarrehea (fustrtated)
  64. Help with shaking
  65. Bilious Vomiting Syndrome
  66. 6 month old Parti, Buddy stomach is purple
  67. Hair loss around eyes
  68. Heartguard and Flea Medications
  69. Starter Mother & Babydog Mousse In Sauce Canned Dog Food
  70. Flaky Skin
  71. Joint supplements
  72. Leg Braces for Luxating Patella
  73. need advice on best weight loss food
  74. Weight loss for 7year old yorkie
  75. The Farmers Dog
  76. Recall
  77. Teeth Extractions
  78. Seresto flea collars recalled
  79. Pumpkin For Soft Stool
  80. Vetmedin
  81. Hair Loss and aging
  82. Cytopoint long term side effects
  83. Elder Yorkie with few teeth
  84. Pancreatitis food recommendations?
  85. Healthy Weight Food
  86. Easily startled
  87. breathe
  88. Cause of random regurgitation
  89. Enlarged liver - should I be concerned?
  90. 5 - 5.5 Yorkie is 7.5 or 7.8 lbs.
  91. Heart Murmurs
  92. Yorkie ate choc. cookies
  93. In need a pet nutritionist please
  94. Deuce had Cataract Surgery with lens implant
  95. Izzy is now 10 and starting to have issues (Two)
  96. Taking Pills
  97. Hydrolyzed vs HA Hydrolyzed vs HF Hydrolyzed
  98. Anal Gland Removal Surgery
  99. Concerns About Mouth Itching/Skin Irritation
  100. Diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis
  101. Need dog food advice
  102. Cateract - Please share your experience
  103. Bladder Cancer
  104. Sick Yorkie, Vet says not much longer for her...
  105. HELP: bald spot On yorkie
  106. Concerned about slight bleeding
  107. Yorkie with no appetite
  108. Getting Sick on Heartrguard
  109. Dog food
  110. Another picky eater...
  111. Royal Canine Puppy versus Adult
  112. MVD Mitral Valve Insufficiency
  113. Scratching ear
  114. Prescription Diets
  115. Crude fat in dry food
  116. Age to have first veterinary dental cleaning?
  117. Yellow Stool/Diarrhea with Chicken & Rice
  118. Need help with diet food
  119. Nova seems to be needing veggies
  120. Kidney Failure
  121. Changing food
  122. Dog Ear Powder to remove hair
  123. My Blake
  124. The Farmer's Dog - Who else uses them?
  125. Dr. Marty Products? ... Opinions Appreciated
  126. Limping/Arthritis
  127. Excessive Thirst, Peeing in House, Shivering?
  128. Peanut Butter
  129. Tips for Cutting Toe Nails
  130. Which would you suggest and why?
  131. Flea control
  132. Hill’s Prescription Diet - Low Fat (I/d)
  133. Best Yorkie Food on The Market
  134. Just Gas?
  135. Chronic Kidney changes.
  136. Allergy treatment
  137. Maggie will have surgery for a rectal polyp...(not anal polyp)
  138. Apoquel
  139. Panting
  140. fatty ground beef
  141. Swollen front pad
  142. C.E.T. HEXtra Oral Hygiene Chews Question
  143. Diet and Diabetes
  144. Blue Buffalo for senior s
  145. Dandruff
  146. Using 'topper'/freeze dried as main food?
  147. Dr Harvey’s, Balance It Issues
  148. Senior with diabetes
  149. TPLO surgery or to wait
  150. BUN/UREA level a bit high
  151. Glyphosate (Roundup) in CHEERIOS
  152. First heat coming soon
  153. Yorkie Going Bald HELP!!!
  154. Luxating Patella 3rd time/ orthopedic recommendation in DC area
  155. Picky Yorkie,in need of advice!
  156. Raw chicken/turkey bones
  157. FortiFlora
  158. Flea & Tick in Florida
  159. Company-Petcurean, food-Go Solutions Skin & Coat Care Salmon Recipe
  160. Quality dog food with only fish as protein source
  161. Probiotics
  162. VetriScience Composure
  163. Merrick Lil Plates?
  164. Nexgard with heart worm med.
  165. Anal glands filling more and more frequently
  166. little nasties
  167. Throat noises
  168. Glucosamine Chondroitin msm supplement
  169. Oak Pollen & Mold Allergy?
  170. Pee pad in playpen
  171. Yorkie size
  172. Anybody Ever Use Davis TheraCoat?
  173. Licking...a lot!
  174. Hello Yorkie lovers!
  175. Grain free food alert
  176. Weight Loss Help
  177. Sideways
  178. Nutritional Supplement
  179. Hercules
  180. Congestive Heart Failure
  181. Purina EN Gastroenteric Canned Diet POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION
  182. Homecooking, raw, kibble? Help!
  183. Farmina/low fiber
  184. Food rotation
  185. Dilated Cardiomyopothy in Yorkie
  186. Luxating patella
  187. Grain free
  188. Yorkie vomiting bile
  189. Dental care
  190. Any Suggestions for a Hair Growth Supplement?
  191. Under eye goop
  192. Runny poop 😔
  193. Caution⚠️ Grain Free Dog Foods
  194. What do you feed your Yorkie?
  195. Adequan for my young Yorkie.
  196. Cold enough for a shirt?
  197. Feeling guilty Mama
  198. How do you keep their teeth healthy?
  199. Skin Allergies/Infections - Climate Influence?
  200. Yorkies chances of ring worm from kitten?
  201. More hills recalls
  202. Dog food
  203. Does anyone use holistic medications?
  204. Do you feed each Yorkie a different food?
  205. Freeze dried raw and protein
  206. Tummy question
  207. Farmer's Dog
  208. Vet Says My Yorkie is Overweight
  209. Going Blind and getting Collapsing Trachea - just 3 years old
  210. Puppy feeding question
  211. Excessive hunger in 6 year old yorkie
  212. Flea and tick
  213. Primal frozen rabbit
  214. Flea/Tick "Tags"
  215. Chewy's "American Journey" Brand Dog Food
  216. Good food for senior blind yorkie?
  217. Royal Canine GI Low Fat Diet? Need advice.
  218. Need advice for Hills Prescription Food....
  219. If you are struggling with nail trims
  220. Tooth Loss-Can this really work?
  221. Liver shunt story
  222. Twisted nail
  223. Primal Freeze Dried Raw
  224. Black Stools
  225. Ear infection?
  226. Losing weight
  227. Finally Found a Harness that Works
  228. Bills prescription diet recall question
  229. Feeding my yorkie puppy
  230. Natures logic vs Canine caviar
  231. Need Homemade diet with Low Purine because of Stones
  232. Best wormer to use for senior Yorkie
  233. What's up with Orijen & Acana ?
  234. Hills recall expanded (including RX foods)
  235. Hair Loss
  236. Help - scabs!
  237. Aging Pets
  238. Only Natural Pet Power Food
  239. PLE Yorkie just diagnosed with this. Any help would b great.
  240. Raw Meaty bones?
  241. Yorkie with bloated tummy , lots of mucous ,and always hungry.
  242. Excessive Urination 17 Week Old Puppy
  243. Eukanuba Dog Food.
  244. Ethoxyquin in dog food ?
  245. Tiny bumps on skin
  246. Looking foe very soft treats
  247. Yorkie food
  248. Trachea Collapse
  249. Whistle sound?
  250. Liver Shunt or High/Low Blood Sugar - Anyone have similar issues?
