- Baby Teeth..
- ? About Baby Food Biscuits
- diet questions again
- How long after putting on flea medicine
- Pink Blemish On Puppy's Nose?
- Poop gets stuck!!!
- Dog Foods for Yorkies available in France?
- how much food
- Qs on NV freeze dried..Please help!
- how much???
- OH female Yorkies?
- Please give me directions on a PRIMAL RAW DIET
- Canidae to Home Cooking
- How do you recognize low sugar?
- I have a carnivorous pig on my hands
- Can anyone advise me please?
- Who ever said yorkies are picky eaters
- Does Anyone Use This Cookbook ?
- What to expect first day of raw.....
- Turkey and dogs??
- Help !
- upset stomach & BADDDDDDD Gas
- Help With His Diet
- sick girl :(
- Well, she's done with Canidae
- Attention all new feeders of raw.....
- my puppy wont eat =[ please help
- Trembling
- Anyone out there feed their baby WELLNESS?
- Why Lucy won't eat Canidae - Help
- Heat
- Symptoms of Liver Shunt
- does anyone's yorkie throw up regularily?
- VPI - What they Covered
- Minimal invasive spay surgery?
- Toby's first checkup after his 16th B-Day
- Anyone have experience w/ ORIJEN 6 FRESH FISH???
- Purina
- Innova Evo
- flax seed oil?
- free samples for Life Abundance
- red tear stains
- Timberwolf Organics
- Vaccination, should we ??? Kind of long !
- Food question?
- How long and How swollen
- How much how often
- Article about Creating of Kibble?
- What treats does your Yorkie go crazy for?
- pH Strips
- Switch from Hills/LD to Eagle Holistic
- Ellie's Liver Biopsy Results
- How much?
- Raw Diet - Info Needed
- Hey Homecookers-Venison?
- Nature's Variety Coupon
- Cool Vet Feedback on Feeding Raw
- Royal Canin mini Puppy 33- when to switch up?
- Vegetable Digestion and Cooking Questions
- Need feeding advise!!!
- Dried salted beef
- Worried sick!
- Very Stupid Question
- Bad Breath & Constant Licking
- Steamed vegetables safe?
- recentley dignosed and i am so scared
- Marcel's "Manhood" wouldn't retract this morning....
- How much for teeth cleaning
- Can Anyone Help??
- puppy shakes
- Kennel Cough Vaccaine?
- What do you all think about Solid Gold Wee Bit?
- Reaction to flea medication ...
- Frosty Paws?
- When was your Yorkie's first heat?
- Petco Vaccinations
- Allergy food question...
- Pre blood work ?'s
- Can Someone Recommend A Vet?
- NutriSource?
- Runny Poopy EWWW!!
- Cashews?
- Help! Fleas!
- Questions about Buddy Biscuits
- A litter of 3 with food allergies??
- What is the best food?
- Is it too soon to find out whether my Yorkie is pregnant?
- Drool and salivation
- Do you have any Bully Stick Rules???
- We tried raw today!!
- Rubbing Head
- Vaccinations
- Have tried everything
- Which is better..Nature's Variety or Primal?
- All about ears....
- microchip question
- Where to buy Canidae Online?
- Give me the "skinny" on bully sticks...
- Help Please!!!
- Oh MY I had Bailey's Weight ALL WRONG......
- Question about coat
- Baby teeth coming in???
- Frosty Paws
- New food
- what is a wt ounce?
- Cinnamon bad for dogs?
- No testicles
- Where can I buy Merrick Flossies?
- Home Cookers and Chicken
- Diet Change..
- Wondering if My Puppy is Healthy: Won't eat
- Twice yesterday when Kamari was pooping...
- HELP...the vet said my baby boy got parainfluenza...???
- health insurence
- Puppy tummies...?
- Is it ok?
- Wow...Evanger's don't play
- Eukanuba for Yorkies
- PetLink Microchip
- Allergies?
- Help.. the breeding process!!!
- Legg Perthes question
- Smelly yorkie
- Low Fat Food
- Thanksgiving Feast & Pets
- Will not eat
- Fussy Eater
- For those of you who feed NATURAL BALANCE
- Nature's Variety Question
- Breakfast!!
- Vomiting--help!
- Urinary Tract Infection and Crystals
- Is 1/3 cup of food at one time too much?
- how much food
- gaining weight and other advice on rescue adoption
- could it be her food?
- Floppy Ears?
- Neutering
- cauliflower and carrots & potatos?!!
- Heart Attack
- Logan update on his food and housetraining
- Stage 1 Luxating Patella
- Holiday Food & Yorkies??
- yuuuuck 2nd tick!
- Which is it?
- Spay Incontinence
- What diet is best for their teeth?
- Need Advice
- fleas
- One ear up, one down; Will they stay like that?
- vomiting?????
- Started heat at 4 1/2 months???
- Pet Insurance?
- What 2 watch 4
- Tonsillectomy???
- Could my Sweetie's itches be from the soap I use on her bedding??
- What is it?!?
- Cataracts
- Thanks to you all !
- Are rabies shots safe?
- Knee surgery
- "For all stages of life" dog food?
- Finally! I can clean Bella's teeth
- does anyone allow their york to eat the "new" greenies???
- Eukanuba dog food
- do they need all the recommended shots???
- How much Missing Link?
- Underweight dog & losing teeth
- Anyone know anything about Three Dog Bakery?
- How much is enough?
- How many mg's a day of Prednisone does your pup take?
- hair loss and top knot question
- Rescued Yorkie - diet advice
- Hormone Injection
- Sole Source Carb and Protein Dry Food
- HELP!! I think Buster might be hurt ?!?!?
- Vet wanted to pull his teeth out too
- fresh uncooked egg shells
- Are these ingredients safe for Yorkie tummies?
- What does your Vet charge for a routine Exam?
- Home Cookin' for puppy.
- knot on neck
- Excessive urinating - RC Hepatetic LS 14
- Best Food for Clean Teeth?
- ??? whose dog here ever suffers Bladder Stone???
- type of food???
- why do yorkies get so sick from there stomach?? this is the correct posting
- Why do these lil people always get sick from there stomach??
- Yet another ? about raw
- Wet/Canned vs. Dry
- Spaying vs. Pregnancy!
- Luxating Patella Surgery
- Urine colour
- Small Protruding Little Chest Nubbin
- I/D Food
- Nails
- iching and hair loss!
- Ah well, now both puppies wont eat
- Dandruff
- Scabs on neck and spine
- Ongoing Tummy Troubles-Any Suggestions??
- baby teeth
- natural treats for yorkies
- 1.6 lb. Yorkie suddenly eating A LOT - please help!
- Lucky has red patches on rump
- Buddy liked the wet food
- anybody know what...
- Babyfood??
- possible dumb question
- my dogs lose tooth
- I am so afraid I will lose him
- cottage cheese?
- Ears
- fighting a losing battle?
- Medical Condition or Behavioral Problem?
- MISSING Canine tooth
- Chicken soup and gas?
- tomatoes??
- Weaning to new dog food, is it good though?
- Fish oil and vitamin E questions
- Long Term Users of Raw Diet
- New here
- So happy....
- Are Booda bones safe?
- Dog food question
- DANGER..Don't feed grapes or rasins
- Urgent: Shaky Teeth???
- reaction
- I'm Nervous HELP please
- Stinkie breath at 5 months
- Happy Pee
- Rabies Shot
- TJ wont eat dry food
- water additives?
- Puppy needs to lose weight
- Pink spot on muzzle next to nose
- dry skin and lusterless looking coat
- Question about food?
- My lazy little buggies...
- By-Products?????
- what % of protien that's good for yorkies
- Which of these should I feed my Yorkies?
- Sweet Potato snacks
- Very Concerned, Ellie has bumps.
- Question about green tripe, etc.
- 10 year old yorkie
- Help! Still vomitting after Vet visit!
- Breakfast for 7
- Probiotics
- Raw Food Diet