
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. consistently sniffling and a little sneezing
  2. What kind of oil and how much?
  3. check my homemade dog food recipe pls?
  4. Wet dog food...ok?
  5. Anyone else have a little piggy yorkie?
  6. Steak Bones
  7. leptospirosis vaccine?
  8. Should I change the Food
  9. Stinky Breath
  10. Question about pumpkin.
  11. Need some help about brushing my dogs teeth!
  12. Negatives for feeding EVO????
  13. reminder, dont use raw hide
  14. 103.0 temp and panting/puppies born at 9AM
  15. What is a good diet for a Yorkie With Sensitive Stomach
  16. My baby Cookie seems to be flaking!
  17. Changing Dog Food
  18. need help giining weight
  19. Tia is not pooping
  20. 7 month old Yorkie
  21. Poopie problemo
  22. Jaw scratching
  23. Hair coat supplement...
  24. Another Teeth Question
  25. Ear Scratching
  26. What Can I feed Besides Kibble?
  27. Really dark & soft stools
  28. Being sick - well almost
  29. Hair loss due to fleas - rescue dog
  30. losing hair?
  31. YORKIES on Animal Planet at8p Christmas evening
  32. cheerios
  33. question/concern about teeth
  34. nutri-cal, stat or pet nutri drops
  35. Help .. Hand Fed Yorkie .... ARGH!
  36. Probiotics
  37. any home remedies for a constipated puppy
  38. Is there something wrong with Pancho?!
  39. teeth
  40. help with stinky face
  41. Home Cooking Recipes to Prevent Struvite Stones?
  42. Stinky ears
  43. Raw and The Honest Kitchen, anyone?
  44. Onions are bad
  45. Baby teeth haven't been removed
  46. Homecooking anxiety
  47. Dog Food??
  48. Has anyone every heard of Cerecomp use in dogs
  49. Pudding Poop
  50. Changing food and more itching.
  51. New Yorkie Cookbook, proceeds go to Yorkie Inc! I need YOUR help!!!
  52. Fishy Smell (Kinda Gross, Sorry)
  53. Female yorkie after spay....any advice???
  54. Recommend dry food for dog with allergies..
  55. scratching and dandruff?
  56. Car Sickness sigh :(
  57. What is the longest time held #1?
  58. Slolid Gold recall
  59. Losing Teeth... Fast!!!
  60. Goats Milk?
  61. - Heartworm Prevention
  62. Prey Model Raw Questions
  63. NC Raw supplier
  64. pleas help yourkie ate chocolate chip :-(
  65. Luxating Patella (LP) -- Questions??
  66. Which are the best toothbrushes for Yorkies?
  67. Repeat BAT question
  68. Boredom scratching??
  69. Back to vet today
  70. Anal Glad Issues..Help!
  71. Starting a new food...
  72. Chicken Jerky Treats--FDA Warning
  73. Raw feeding and kibble too ? Advice.....
  74. Serios Health Concern
  75. Not drinking enough water UTI?
  76. Human Food?
  77. Anal Glands....
  78. any good dog treat recipes?
  79. Recomendations for bad breadth???
  80. Performatrin Ultra Puppy Chicken & Rice
  81. rib bones...
  82. Teething
  83. Getting sick?
  84. Chicken strips may be harmful!
  85. new baby
  86. Blue dog food
  87. Nature's Variety 'Instinct'
  88. Morning Everyone!
  89. Thank you!
  90. Jamie going for his operation today
  91. My babies ear is drooping
  92. Low fat food suggestions?
  93. Coupons Natures Variety
  94. Poop Eater???
  95. lovesssss BEANS
  96. Reasons for butt-scooting?
  97. Food allergy question
  98. Nala Gets Spayed Today
  99. Whole Dog Journal - January Issue has Home Cooking Recipies
  100. Salt on sidewalks/roads
  101. Dog food reviews
  102. Wet Face
  103. Cook book?
  104. Chicken fat?
  105. Neutering prices
  106. California Natural?
  107. Pedigree.
  108. my new baby won't EAT
  109. Everyones thoughts
  110. Got a great deal on food- Nature's Recipe
  111. Calling all RAW feeders
  112. Rescued Senior Yorkie
  113. Halo
  114. Senior yorkie behavior
  115. He licks all the time!
  116. Has anyone ever used "Mountain House Freeze Dried Chicken (cooked and diced)"
  117. Have You Used SHOW STOPPER Supplement??
  118. joint supplement
  119. Wellness Small breed vs. Natural Balance Ultra Small Bites
  120. Help!!!!!!
  121. Fleas and Frontline Help Please
  122. Male 11 month yorkie wont eat
  123. Caution: Gross Hair + Poo Content
  124. help with what food to try or where to get samples
  125. Which brand of Vitamin supplements for older dogs?
  126. Oh No! A whole bag of Cookies!
  127. List of safe chew toys you use?
  128. Fouicnd hair in Triumph
  129. losing hair....
  130. Heartworm Testing
  131. To Vaccinate, or Not to Vaccinate. That is the Question.
  132. has any one tried natural life
  133. Whats important in food? Protein, Fat, Fiber%?
  134. Weird Nose Baxter Keeps Making
  135. Tapeworm causing weight gain?
  136. Flea Control/Worms HELP!!!!
  137. Spaying...the day after...
  138. Hypoglycemia!
  139. what can i SAFELY add to dry food to make more appetizing?
  140. How much should an 11 month old eat per day?
  141. very dry skin
  142. Should I be worried about this patch?
  143. Big problem with 10 week old yorkie
  144. Life's Abundance users please weigh in
  145. Parvo
  146. Knees!
  147. Which is better! Distilled bottle water or Tap water from sink
  148. Best Dry Food???
  149. How much food for my puppy?
  150. Should I worry?
  151. yorkie allegies?
  152. Wellness Small Breed Super 5 Mix?
  153. Dew claw poor baby...
  154. Nail Clipping Nightmare!
  155. Puppy Problems...
  156. Yorkiw with Grade 2 LP
  157. Is blue buffalo good dog food?
  158. Need some Advice! Please!!
  159. Abnormal blood work
  160. My mom of 4 won't stop eating cat poo
  161. What to know about Hypoglycemia??
  162. Help with what to do with picky eater
  163. Opinions on puppy food
  164. Ears and breath smell horrible!
  165. My baby girl, Abbey, is due TODAY, any advice
  166. Bella's false Pregnancy
  167. 3 Month old weighs 1lb 14oz is that ok?? Or too small?
  168. New Yorkie Owner! A few questions
  169. Trying kibble - couple of questions
  170. Does anyone feed their pup Canidae?
  171. Why is his fur so dull??
  172. best products for teeth cleaning
  173. smelly puppy
  174. very thin hair. PLEASE HELP!!!
  175. birthday cake ideas...again
  176. Natural Balance questions
  177. food question
  178. Yorkie Weight??
  179. Are Greenies Safe Now?
  180. Veggies!!
  181. applesauce? other suggestions?
  182. Curly or stick Bully sticks
  183. My Puppy ate cat food!!!!!!Help needed!
  184. grain free and still itching
  185. How to manage and groom thick hair?
  186. Beware of this Horrible Disease!
  187. Reverse Sneeze??
  188. Roxy's bum smells like fish!
  189. Food issues
  190. Recommend on line
  191. 10 weeks and Neuterd
  192. Help w/Rabies Shot
  193. Dry skin
  194. Yay about kieles annual vaccines
  195. A lot of peeing
  196. Sophie getting spayed today
  197. Coco Mulch is bad for your dogs and cats
  198. Choking in her sleep
  199. GUH Now what?
  200. help me please
  201. Wont eat out his Bowl. But will eat from the floor.
  202. Argh, they're still scratching!
  203. Reverse Sneezing???
  204. playful?
  205. Getting some weight on a tiny baby
  206. Re-occuring ear infections
  207. Constipation in my 3 lb baby yorkie
  208. Yorkie Breath
  209. Nutri-Call?
  210. losing teeth
  211. natural balance food
  212. Yorkie Encephalitis Update.
  213. Do Yorkies get a stuffed nose?
  214. Feeding my yorkies
  215. Is My Yorkie to Thin
  216. Is professional teeth cleaning risky
  217. The Honest Kitchen
  218. Onni is being spayed today
  219. Help - My Baby has no fur
  220. Raw feeding....URBAN WOLF????
  221. What Dry Food Companies Have NOT been involved in a re-call?
  222. How do I 'adjust' onesies for Lucy after spaying?
  223. Adult Teeth not coming out!Vet says will shorten his life.
  224. Roach back question
  225. Rescue Remedy
  226. Wierd Behavior! Tear Licking?
  227. Weird poop/diarrhea
  228. Winter Cold Weather Reminders
  229. Susan Davis is awesome!!
  230. New Canidae?
  231. This is weird
  232. Is my baby too young for the lepto shot?
  233. Are You Still Feeding Canidae?
  234. I Am Glad I went w/ My Gut Feeling on this!! **Warning for others**
  235. big poop!!!
  236. what is the noise?
  237. Please help with overweight six year old yorkie girl
  238. Please help with overweight six year old yorkie girl
  239. Please help with overweight six year old yorkie girl
  240. Canidae all life stage formula
  241. What does this sound like!!!
  242. "Grizzly Salmon Oil" Good or Bad for 3 month yorkie
  243. "Grizzly Salmon Oil" Good or Bad for 3 month yorkie
  244. What shots does my 9 month old need?
  245. Stopped Eating
  246. Neutering
  247. "Grizzly Salmon Oil" Good or Bad for 3 month yorkie
  248. Innova dog food peeing alot
  249. What Would Cause This Much Sudden Hair Loss!?!
  250. Licking...and licking....and licking her "lips"!
