
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Sneezing? Is it okay??
  2. HELP! my yorkie refuse to eat
  3. Skin Problems. Vets in this country don't know squat. Please help.
  4. Please help me decide whether to neuter
  5. Anyone tried Cesar Millan food?
  6. My yorkie's hair
  7. rabies shot
  8. what color my yorkie will be please help
  9. Heartworm testing
  10. One year or three year rabies?
  11. Natural Balance on Sale
  12. Dental for an older yorkie?
  13. Just a thought CHEMICAL WE CONSUME
  14. Flea and heart worm meds.
  15. Grooming
  16. Fruit and yogurt question....
  17. How often do you rotate foods?
  18. What time of day does your Yorkie eat more??
  19. Acupressure & massage
  20. Any thoughts on Blue Homestyle Recipe
  21. Spaying
  22. Sorry.......another weight question
  23. nutro food for yorkies
  24. Trapped Wind and Diet Issues!
  25. Zookie has a pimple!
  26. dog has gas, what can I give him
  27. Loyall Dog food made by Nutrena
  28. Help on brushing teeth
  29. Urban Wolves? Not at my house
  30. sterilization operation
  31. Chicken Soup for the dog lovers soul
  32. I feel like the biggest meanie
  33. Collapsed Trachea???
  34. What food is best!!!
  35. Confused about feeding
  36. How much should I feed my yorkie??
  37. Gas on raw?
  38. Please Help... Extremely loose bowels.
  39. quick yogurt question...
  40. Penny has a lump.....!
  41. soreness after shot
  42. Question
  43. Bully Sticks
  44. angels eyes
  45. A great article on peanut butter- betcha didn't know!
  46. He won't eat pumpkin.
  47. descending testicles?
  48. I found a tick on Mia
  49. Pancreatitis
  50. I think it is a callous?
  51. how long to feed puppy food
  52. How does one tell if their yorkie is fat......
  53. More dog treats on the peanut butter recall list
  54. Human food for yorkies?
  55. Yorkie not drinking
  56. 12 week old yorkie's weight
  57. first heat
  58. IBD in my dog and ANY advise!
  59. ~~ My Baby Want Eat ~~
  60. Best foods for yorkies?
  61. Bacterial infection in eyes
  62. dental hygenie
  63. Strange behavior..HELP
  64. Kibble Size
  65. baby girl's eye is hurting
  66. Chicken & Rice Balls Recipe?
  67. Flossie question?
  68. Any Advice for me? My 8 month old puppy's in heat :(
  69. Hi All I have a question
  70. eye tear stains
  71. one of my guys is eating a rubber plant!
  72. Had my girl spayed on Wed....
  73. nutrical for senior dogs
  74. Eating everything she can find....
  75. should i be nervous
  76. Recipe for the chicken & rice soup?
  77. adopted 3 yr much food?
  78. Dandruff!
  79. IMPORTANT INFO - Canidae Dog Food
  80. Anyone Ever Try NuVet Plus Supplement?
  81. On prey diet, hasn't eaten much for 2 days
  82. 1st Vet Visit
  83. Watery eyes
  84. Little Bumps
  85. Looking for a small kibble food.
  86. Pineapple for eating poop
  87. Probiotics - Yogurt vs. Pill
  88. Rabies and 5-in-1 Vaccines at Same Time?
  89. DHPP every 3 weeks for pups?
  90. I need help making a decision about Banfield
  91. Diarrhea, does anyone have something that works?
  92. Chloe (10 weeks) won't eat out of her dish!
  93. Pure Vita~~~Nutri Source??
  94. Mixing grain free and grain foods ????
  95. Tear Ducks too small??
  96. What the heck
  97. just found out my baby is from a puppy mill :cry:
  98. Remedy for dry skin?
  99. Itching, Scratching and red rash - help?
  100. Lexy from Texas
  101. ???
  102. Dog Insurance, Your opinion, please?
  103. canned food question
  104. Cool and Clear Dental Care users
  105. Food question
  106. Asthma
  107. Fast Eater ....
  108. Feeding Guidance
  109. Seperation Anxiety
  110. Bully sticks smell !!
  111. mvd/liver shunt question
  112. constantly scratchong
  113. Petzlife Gel or Spray?
  114. Cool & Clear...Awesome..
  115. Poll for Best Plaque & Tartar Preventative
  116. Dull coat, constipation..thyroid?
  117. Morning stomach upset
  118. Millies teeth are awful - what can I do?
  119. bully Sticks and flossies
  120. Puppy Dandruff??
  121. feeding ????
  122. How long should I wait between surgeries?
  123. what does this mean?!?
  124. fruit??
  125. Food Question
  126. What do you feed your Yorkie?
  127. Scratching...
  128. FREE--$1 off Wellness Just for Puppy TREATS
  129. FREE--$3 off Wellness Dry Dog or Cat Food
  130. Dr. Foster and Smith Natural Puppy Food -- Is this any good!
  131. Blue Buffalo
  132. Is Royal Canin good for my pup?
  133. Sinus Arrhythmia
  134. Alert ! Peanut butter treats
  135. Jackson going to vet in an hour, quick question
  136. Aremis Vs. Solid gold dog food???
  137. Nature's Guardian?
  138. Vectra 3D??
  139. isabella wont eat
  140. Gas....a normal function.....
  141. Need help licking too much his body
  142. what's wrong with tyson's tail!!!!????
  143. How much is too much?
  144. meat
  145. Soft Poops
  146. Lily had 10 teeth out!?!?!
  147. Coming out of surgery!!!!
  148. What do your babies get for breakfast?
  149. Foot pad therapy?
  150. Question on Shampooing
  151. Conjunctivitis and Apple Cider Vinegar
  152. Is Your Vet Telling The Truth? 3 Top Veterinary Myths Exposed - by Dr. Terifaj
  153. Lily's teeth come out today...:0(
  154. Spaying a 2lb yorkie
  155. Lanas poor teeth
  156. Help --- rough paw pads
  157. When to spay after first heat
  158. Teeth cleaning cost. To high?
  159. Is there safe bug spray???
  160. Very Dry Skin
  161. Heat question... Advice welcomed!
  162. Severe Pancreatitis
  163. Too much protein???
  164. Rocky's eating habits
  165. Luxating Patella...???
  166. Supplement for anal glands?
  167. belly rash
  168. fiber in dog food
  169. M & C Dental and Breath Treats?
  170. When would a puppy be safe from hypoglycemia?
  171. My Lil Yorkie going for knee surg
  172. Terrabone ORGANIC Natural Dental Bone
  173. 8 week puppy
  174. Does your baby....belch?
  175. baby food
  176. NV raw causing wet burp?
  177. canned/dry mix
  178. hopping yorkie
  179. Picky Yorkie Eater? How can I get him to eat more?
  180. Smallest kibble
  181. exocrine pancreatic inefficiency-EPI
  182. Yorkie Heat Cycle Question
  183. flour for kwikstop?
  184. Question about California Natural
  185. Innova
  186. high fiber dog food
  187. Sleeping too much?
  188. Keeping Canned Food Fresh
  189. who uses eagle pack dog food?
  190. who uses eagle pack?
  191. Natures Receipe Food......
  192. Ear crust
  193. 8 weeks and fleas...
  194. Finicky Eating Problem Finally Solved
  195. What age to start Petzlife?
  196. Dried fruit for Gerber babies
  197. is natural choice good for puppies
  198. baby wipes
  199. bananas
  200. Eukanuba Yorkshire Kibble?????
  201. developed skin rash overnight???
  202. Cosequin - Which One and Where To Buy?
  204. Peeing from excitement!
  205. KaCee's nose is looking strange?!
  206. NB Sweet Potato and Duck or CN Herring and Sweet Potato
  207. Natural Balance rolls
  208. Changing food again ,HELP
  209. Do Most Yorkie's Have Sensitive Stomachs?
  210. ??? need advice
  211. How much food does your yorkie eat?
  212. Scratching/skin irritation
  213. Chicken Chips / are they okay?
  214. Chinken Chips / are these okay
  215. Help me wit my baaby
  216. BOGO on Merricks dry food
  217. Which vet to pick? Dilemma!
  218. natural fish sticks~
  219. olive oil
  220. Merricks dry kibble
  221. PREVICOX WARNING - Please Read Entire Thread!!!!
  222. Dog Food
  223. Estimate on Neuter
  224. How long do U keep can dog food open in the fridge?
  225. I Don't Know What's Wrong With Her!
  226. Question about food. Need advice!!
  227. Bad Breath : Need Help !!
  228. soft treats or cheese as treats?
  229. Can dogs eat fish?
  230. Eating Anxiety?
  231. do your puppies do this?
  232. Puppies, Cleaning (or not) Little Girl Privates
  233. Teeth??
  234. Greenies
  235. Raw Feeding ?
  236. Dog Cancer: Holistic Pet Care Can Help
  237. Zoe is getting spayed tomorrow..
  238. doggy hiccups
  239. Teeth cleaning
  240. Kibble Preference and Canidae
  241. crooked teeth
  242. Best insurance for dogs (from experience)
  243. I am so sad about this puppy food talk....
  244. Ear rash please help
  245. My Dog's Flabby Stomach?
  246. I am finding little teeth!
  247. spayed for the first time don't know what to do help
  248. How much should a 9 week old eat?
  249. Red Spot on Sclera
  250. Can possible liver shunt dogs have...
