
View Full Version : Yorkie Health & Diet

  1. Ugh! Fish Farts!!
  2. Bully sticks?
  3. 13 wk old puppy vomiting
  4. Supermarket Food...???
  5. What brand of puppy food do you recommend?
  6. Solid gold/Chicken soup questions
  7. CedarCide users - Any results yet?
  8. I need help getting puppy to eat kibble
  9. Anyone sell raincoats here?
  10. arthritis in 7 year old
  11. skin crusts
  12. Horrible Separation Anxiety
  13. Top row teeth
  14. Shots
  15. spayed and 8 teeth pulled
  16. Looking for a Gentle, Natural Ear Cleaner?
  17. Samples, samples, and more samples
  18. Shedding?
  19. liver shunt #3
  20. Apple Cider Vinegar
  21. Grandma Lucy's Pumpkin Treats (contents)
  22. Skin
  23. Any other remedies for allergies?
  24. Premade Raw Debacle
  25. I'm paranoid, should I switch foods??
  26. comparision chart
  27. Runny Stool
  28. Hair
  29. Freshpet select? Anyone know about this food??
  30. Help my puppy has diarrhea
  31. Diamond dog food
  32. Petzlife/Dental/etc?
  33. Smelly feet !!!!
  34. Benadryl
  35. Reoccurring Bladder stones
  36. are bananas safe?
  37. Swine Flu & Pets?
  38. pregnant or an infection?
  39. Rabies shot--- how often?
  40. Bruizer ate a piece of a pencil!! I'm worried!!
  41. Throwing up food
  42. adult teeth questions
  43. Are Vets paid to recommend Science Diet?
  44. Taste of the Wild
  45. Heartworms and flea meds
  46. Help - NV Raw feeding guide
  47. Flea Collars
  48. NEED HELP from toy yorkie owners TEETH CLEANING
  49. CGC test requires collars for all dogs!
  50. *Question for Parents of Babies with LP*
  51. Bontanical Dog shampoo
  52. Ollie
  53. looking for advice...
  54. spits food out
  55. What food does your dog go crazy over?
  56. Could his teeth hurt?
  57. kati doesnot have pyometra but her ovaries
  58. EVO Small Bites
  59. Stinky Breath Help!!!!!
  60. Is that ok to neuter without puppy teeth removed?
  61. giving glucosamine as a preventative
  62. Health Issues
  63. Heat question
  64. Question about spaying.....
  65. Help! My yorkie doesnt want to eat!
  66. Tomato Juice?
  67. For those who feed NV Raw
  68. Thinning hair and dry skin...
  69. help my doggy wont stop peeing!
  70. vaccination question
  71. ear mites ewwww
  72. Another FOOD question-sorry
  73. Balanced Homemade Diet ??? (calcium / zinc)
  74. microchips?
  75. Diet for nursing dam
  76. Can Kennel Cough Cause a Collapsed Trachea or...
  77. Halo Herbal Dip for fleas and ticks
  78. Uncontrollable Peeing
  79. Sick puppy need advice
  80. NEED HELP, don't know what to do!
  81. NBC news on topical flea treatment
  82. Spring Vet Check
  83. Angel Eyes....
  84. Tricksie's health check up
  85. taking awhile to adjust to the heat?
  86. Pigment on nose is changing colors??
  87. Help Support the Rabies Challenge Fund
  88. Orijen puppy food?
  89. Acana = a million poops per day
  90. What is the BEST dog food for my Bella girl?
  91. He's hardly eating!
  92. Please Please Help
  93. Dogswell food? Need to make a switch!
  94. Roof of Mouth is Black. Should I be Worried?
  95. protein in urine
  96. we had a little accident today
  97. Anyone else have a dog that is really heat very concerned
  98. Urination Concern
  99. Training issues again~
  100. Question about neutering
  101. Ticks ugh!!!!
  102. Expressing anal glands?
  103. bright red blood in poop
  104. Mandie gets spayed tomorrow....
  105. Shedding?
  106. Need advice on puppy food?
  107. How much to feed?
  108. Anyone know
  109. what is the best kind of shampoo for a dog with dry skin?
  110. Concern about a hard spot on Ruby
  111. Food and pancreatitis
  112. Food and pancreatitis
  113. My Roxy is vomiting yellow foam
  114. Wet Food Vs. Dry Food
  115. Yorkie teeth
  116. Kennel Cough
  117. Fluffy or overweight?
  118. rabies shot next week, but afraid puppy is too small
  119. Splitting up a tube of frontline?
  120. liver
  121. Calming/sleepy aid for dogs?
  122. Blindness
  123. Dogswell
  124. vegetables
  125. Freckles?
  126. Is Neem spray good?
  127. Must read...
  128. When can you bathe after spaying?
  129. My new furbaby is home!!!!!!
  130. Question about Puppy Vaccinations
  131. Wellness Just For Puppy Dry Dog Food
  132. got the after morning shot for nina...
  133. tick medication?
  134. Does anyone give royal canin?
  135. HELP! My new puppy isn't eating...
  136. Jacks kneecaps are popping out!
  137. General Info: Temperament and Food
  138. Asked vet about CedarCide spray
  139. Diet change
  140. Need new food ideas
  141. How Long to Give Nutri Cal?
  142. shaved area on throat area after illness..
  143. Balding on bridge of nose?
  144. emergency room visit
  145. Very Disturbing. Anyone know if there is truth to this?
  146. Not eating, could it be constipation?
  147. Anal Gland Issues - Please help
  148. Bella has dandruff!
  149. Can you tale a micro chip out a dog?
  150. Face rubbing after eating...
  151. Help -- my yorkie drank some of my coffee
  152. I need advise!!! Please help...
  153. How long after getting neutered before....
  154. ribs larger on one side
  155. How bad is ethoxyquin for dogs?
  156. Spaying @ SPCA?
  157. vaccination schedule
  158. How long after neuter can you give a bath?
  159. new yorkie puppy - no kneecaps??
  160. Fleas
  161. Can you give them a T-Bone
  162. Age of injections for a pup?
  163. question about Canidae Canned
  164. Increased scrutiny for flea/tick meds
  165. How long until i should worry
  166. Is Salmon bad for yorkies?
  167. Dandruff!?
  168. runny eyes?
  169. Bottled water?
  170. Pet Insurance??
  171. Ears and teething!
  172. Oliver got hold of some chocolate.. how worried should I be?
  173. Need help with car sickness
  174. Question for Natural Moms: Heartguard? Frontline?
  175. Considering raw, have some questions
  176. Spaying and Painkillers?
  177. Wellness small breed vs Solid Gold Wee Bits vs Natures Variety Instinct vs EVO
  178. Thoughts on Halo
  179. Shots Dilemma
  180. Worried??:confused:
  181. Update on Bella's Leg
  182. How do you feed samples? and other feeding questions
  183. Need help selecting food for Hannah
  184. dental cleaning recommended,what to do?
  185. percentage of yorkies w/luxating patellas?
  186. Itchy Baby
  187. Jackson's getting neutered tomorrow!
  188. Any one tried Minksheen shampoo?
  189. When do they stop losing baby teeth?
  190. liver shunt surgery
  191. cracking sounds
  192. Is Eagle Pack good?
  193. No teeth, organic food?
  194. My little man's ears!
  195. Teething..
  196. chloe' is scooting ..
  197. chloe' is scooting ..
  198. High-protein, grain free diets? Wellness/Before Grain
  199. Finicky eater
  200. TOXINS in your home...
  201. What about brussel sprouts
  202. Shocked Ashamed and Confused
  203. Tick Talk
  204. Up date on mia's bile acid test
  205. Water dilema??? Scheduled or Not
  206. Timberwolf Organics New Food Product
  207. Hypoglycemia
  208. Is it a cough?
  209. giving omega 3 / fish oil..
  210. He simply won't eat!
  211. Hootie biting just above her tail - Bleeding - What should I do?
  212. Dawn dishwashing liquid?
  213. Raw & Grainfree feeders-what treat do you give??
  214. EVO-Please do the numbers with me....
  215. When can my yorkie start to have outings?
  216. Baby Teeth Issue
  217. Hi, I'm new and I had a question
  218. Do Yorkies get colds?
  219. Is it possible he loves it *too* much?
  220. innova is this a good food choice?
  221. belly hair?
  222. How do you get kennel cough from another dog?
  223. Natural Defense - Flea & Tick.. anyone heard of it?
  224. Dandelions
  225. Coco Mulch harmful
  226. Has anyone used this product, or heard of it?
  227. Everything you want to know about your dog's health. MUST READ!
  228. Everything you want to know about your dog's health...
  229. Not something else :(
  230. over eater.
  231. Luxating Patella
  232. Choke Cherry Tree
  233. Acupuncture
  234. Bad Breath
  235. Reverse sneezing? Or Something Worse
  236. New yorkie mommy need help with skin
  237. Really Bad Motion Sickness In Car
  238. CedarCide. Anyone try it?
  239. On my way to buy CedarCide. Yea / Nay??
  240. Any Yorkies on BARF diet?
  241. New Canine Caviar Lawsuit!
  242. i dont want to give her all these shots at once
  243. Raw health
  244. yorkie leather ear?
  245. Tila's spay is in the morning
  246. specific gravity high-should i be concerned
  247. Green Beans?
  248. Problem with Rachel Ray Kibble??
  249. Yellow urine
  250. Trembling/Shaking?
