
View Full Version : Our Yorkie Brothers & Sisters

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  1. Kayko posing
  2. a day at the park
  3. 101 pound dog & 10 pound chi !!
  4. I got Bella last night!!!!!
  5. New baby coming home...
  6. Kirby the Amazing Self Grooming (non-yorkie)Dog
  7. Brand new baby. Jedi the chi.
  8. Sophia's Big Day is Friday!
  9. Sophia's vet check up :)
  10. Simon is at the Vets
  11. Help Me Choose A Middle Name For Cali !!
  12. Big brother and cousin!
  13. Need a Cali FIX?
  14. Gizmo knows I'm gone
  15. My animals hate my house ............
  16. Happy to introduce Roo-Roo Woof
  17. Penny ate A BUNCH of bully sticks!
  18. For those of you who have...
  19. Austin & His Big Sister :D
  20. Ears won't go up!!!
  21. Its official Luna has a new little sister
  22. New addition to the family
  23. Cali Meets Darwin!!
  24. You write the Caption!!!!
  25. New Shirt Came !!
  26. Dont want to run into him in a dark alley !!!
  27. New bling bling !
  28. Rocky and Gizmo
  29. Shih Tzu ? anyone have them ?
  30. Jen is in serious Denial!!!
  31. Pictures of TINY CALI!!!
  32. tic tac anyone ?
  33. Here's the naked boy
  34. New pics of kayko
  35. longhair & walking them
  36. Austins Busy day
  37. OMG! Poor BO!
  38. Fatty Boy in his PJ'S!
  39. Penny is Protesting!
  40. More Cali Videos!!!
  41. Brownies brother :D
  42. Cali at the Vet - CUTE pictures !
  43. Meet Sidney!
  44. My first furbaby girl
  45. Something is wrong with Penny's gums
  46. 22 yrs old
  47. Brownies Bratty Little Brother
  48. China Videos!! Where's Jen??
  49. Tink pulls a Brad Pitt
  50. HELP!! Mia is trying to kill Poe.
  51. Cheri and Tessa sittin in a Tree
  52. Sully's XXX bath.... (video)
  53. Chloe and Bo here...
  54. Ugh!!!
  55. New pics
  56. Am I Sexy??
  57. I am getting another baby!!!
  58. Dog in Cesar food commercial......?
  59. I am so worried about my Mom' Cocker
  60. Update on our new lab puppy
  61. Silky Terrier
  62. Does Anybody Know Anything About a Chi-Poo
  63. Japanese Chins?
  64. Horses???
  65. syberian husky dog
  66. Teddy's Operation
  67. I got a Dalmation!
  68. Teddys Nervous Mom
  69. Does anyone have a toy poodle?
  70. zikka's babies
  71. Lacy's Mom is making me a NEW mom!
  72. Little China Doll
  73. New Puppies!
  74. Kitty brother safe spot
  75. Before & after of my boys :D
  76. Kayko :D
  77. AUstins new girlfriend :D
  78. Any Lab and Yorkie owners out there?
  79. ~ My BIG Model ~
  80. This makes me so sick and angry!!
  81. Anyone having this problem
  82. GUiLTy????
  83. Im so pretty and you know it!
  84. Lets go Byebyes !
  85. Quack ! Quack !!
  86. Harley...A Jack Shih! : P)
  87. Baby Pictures
  88. News item on pet care from NZ
  89. Here's lucy my cocker
  90. Diva's new Brother
  91. Poor Boethius (my bulldog)
  92. Does Anybody Remember My Panic
  93. Another Maltese question...
  94. Thanks sooo much !! terri -megan -judy-alex !!!!!
  95. Tinky's Tongue
  96. Not about a yorkie, but close enough
  97. Chloe the maltese in her purple hair flower
  98. Baby Doll Is leaving us
  99. Little Maltese
  100. Does your Yorkie have a Malteese brother or sister?
  101. Papillion
  102. One of our own YT members needs us right NOW!!!
  103. Kayko & Austin
  104. 2 new additions !
  105. New Comic
  106. Mistys Cousin!!!!!
  107. Maltese and Yorkie
  108. PLaYinG NiCe wiTh BoBo DoG
  109. Our 2 new additions
  110. Anyone have Wiemeriners??
  111. Anyone else have a huge dog?
  112. 1st Birthday Party Ur Invited !!
  113. Luca, my mini pitbull (jk)
  114. Happy Birthday Kayko !!
  115. a whole lotta Bull...
  116. A CAt named Ugly!
  117. Who wants a pomeranian puppy?
  118. Trying not to worry!
  119. Ny Ghetto Boy
  120. Heres some pics of our other babies horses cats oh my
  121. New Furniture- Tink has staked her claim!
  122. This is Oscar's new brother...
  123. Doodles visited with Lola and Scooby tonight!
  124. My parents Mini Pinscher
  125. I try...I really do try...
  126. La la la la la la
  127. AprilLove's brother and sister
  128. Funny picture of golden retriever and cat,my yorkies siblings
  129. Looking intelligent
  130. POPCICLES!!! yummy!
  131. Emma's already 1!!
  132. i'M kEePiNg hEr :)
  133. Time to introduce Spike and Angel's siblings!
  134. Same Pic- Different Caption (Even Funnier)
  135. FuNnY PiCtuRe!
  136. I gave Chloe a summer cut
  137. A maltese haircut. Tinkerbells brother... Chiquito!!
  138. Enjoying the sun !!
  139. My cocker Lucy doesn't like my husband
  140. Peanut the guinea pig::Caution, you WILL laugh!
  141. Tink & Penny's Birthday WEEK!
  142. my other pets
  143. My boxer grandpuppy...doodles
  144. Help! King Charles Spaniel!
  145. Maya's wind swept hair
  146. Lola learns to play tug of war
  147. Tinky's bored....
  148. Anytime now :0
  149. Needs Job- Will work for Food and Pampering
  150. Happy Birthday Luca!!!
  151. Copper :(
  152. Angel and Spike's sister.... Breezer The Bird!
  153. My fur kids
  154. Newspaper stealing personal paper shredder
  155. Jackson's Brother & Sister
  156. My bf's new Maltese!
  157. Happy Birthday To Zoë!
  158. Miniature Pincher
  159. My Dog
  160. My little boy Luca
  161. YorkieTalk has gone to the Big Dogs...
  162. Ahhhhh....This is the Life.....
  163. You Know Im Gorgeous!!!!!
  164. Chloooooeeee, oh Chlooooeeee
  165. Fat Puppy
  166. Guess What ????
  167. I just said goodbye to my rabbit...
  168. Hi! Intro!
  169. NEw PIctUrE oF TiNk
  170. Updated pics of Lily Mae
  171. Her Majesty Tinkerbell
  172. Scary- My kitty had a seizure this morning!
  173. Our new baby is home! Took Pics. I'm so excited!!!!
  174. hey look at ..............................
  175. Pippa's brother Jake
  176. Molly brother, Bailey.
  177. My Little Maltese Chica :)
  178. my maltese tia
  179. Help Please With My Bird!!!!!!
  180. My poor baby!
  181. Maya had her surgical consult
  182. Pictures of Rusty and I in the snow!!
  183. All dressed up with NO WHERE to go..
  184. RGV,TEXAS: Pet Shop Owner May Come Under Investigation: Parvo Sick Pets!
  185. I feel so bad for Maya my Pom
  186. Lucy Too's new brother Tank!!!
  187. Tinkerbells brother!!
  188. Zoë's Valentine
  189. My Heart Is Heavy Right Now
  190. Austins first petsmart trip !
  191. Penny's Booties
  192. I did it! Now I need your help....
  193. Chloe in her new shirt
  194. R.I.P. Fritz - 18 years of love
  195. Sage!
  196. TiNk iS UpSeT!!!
  197. Update on Lily Mae
  198. Penny wants to dress up too!!!
  199. Look At What I Was Given Today :)
  200. YT Sister Sites for Chihuahua & Maltese & Biewer Owners
  201. My Sweet Tink
  202. Update on Captain Jack
  203. All 3 Boys !!
  204. Heart failure in elderly poodle
  205. Missing!!!!!!
  206. i need some help !!!
  207. Storm loves Sammi's new V-Day toy :)
  208. Eukanuba...Sheltie
  209. Penny chased a cat up a tree
  210. Sad day for Lily and Me
  211. Introducing Elvira the beautiful!!
  212. doberman & yorkie
  213. Matthias's big sister Cinamin's bad news...
  214. Here's Daisy's big sister...
  215. Here's Flash!
  216. Hard Day
  217. Spazz
  218. Pics of Lily Mae
  219. My boxer
  220. Question for fellow Cockatiel Owner
  221. A Yorkie and a Cat?
  222. Westie Breeder in or around New Jersey??
  223. shih tzu with a stinky face
  224. Ceeby's big sister
  225. Keep your fingers crossed for my Yorkies bestfriend
  226. Pampering Penny......
  227. FAT PORKY RAY-RAY Puppies !
  228. Precious
  229. Callie Pictures
  230. Hailey's sister
  231. You should have heard Precious
  232. Yorkies' new little brother
  233. Does anyone have a boxer too?
  234. Here is my other baby..
  235. New addition-and the Yorkies HATE him!
  236. Tessa wants to be a Yorkie
  237. How many different Breeds
  238. My babies
  239. cute chunky puppy
  240. Mickey and Minnies brothers and sister
  241. My daughters English bull dog
  242. Poor Rusty misses Tucker...
  243. Booty-licious!!
  244. Some new pictures of Rusty!!
  245. MEET ROWDY - artierae's Aussie Cattle Dog
  246. Favorite Large Breed
  247. Austins 6 months old pic (lots :) )
  248. Beckham-Simon's fish
  249. Astrology & the Stars for all your Pets..
  250. Why We Love Our Pets (cute!)
