- Enough already!
- My baby has scabies. . . help!
- Over Excited?????
- Days of Diarrea- Please help!
- Sophie is lethargic...and just seems 'off'....
- Hair Loss
- Coconut Therapy heals!
- my Gidget is sick, please say a prayer
- kiko ate fishing line..
- Gizmo's tale..
- Keira is sick...
- I don't know what's wrong with my baby!!!
- Kidneys shutting down
- Update on Halo...
- I am baffled....
- puppy with a hard and extended belly
- keep from scratching incision site
- Re-Posting - Bella may be sick - Help
- 3 day old preemie crying for 2 hours
- Projectile vomit twice this week
- Plz Help, Sick Yorkie about to be put down
- My 8 month old Yorkie has diarrhea
- Pia might have had a seizure : (
- Yorkie not eating after being neutered...
- Pray lost male puppy
- Ear Cartilage damaged
- Vets can't figure out what's wrong with my dog!
- Sick puppy 8 weeks old Please HELP
- Diagnosis Giardia....but no symtoms!
- Sophie Vomiting Since Last Night
- yorkie broken leg and kidney disease
- Little White Balls in her POO! Worms??
- ohhhhhhhhh Maddie
- Cushings Disease
- She is acting wierd (sp) since her shots today!
- Pseudo Cushings & Hair Loss
- Please help! High ALT and BUN values...worried. :(
- YT prayers needed
- Please Help! My Baby Had a Seizure
- Epilepsy Cluster Seizures
- Vomiting
- New Flea med CAPSTAR?
- colitis
- please help me
- Can the vet determine blockage with x-ray?
- Upset stomach
- coccidiosis
- sneezing 5 month old yorkie
- Need Help! Something's wrong with my yorkie
- My Lulu has Cushings
- Post Surgery (Neuter)
- 2.8 lb Yorkie Broke his Ulna & Radius in Left leg
- Any advice regarding Proin
- Ripped Dew Claw!
- Peeing in her sleep
- Inflamed Pancreas
- Red inflamed testicles
- CECS In a Yorkie?
- Concerned for my yorkie's health
- why is he drooling?
- Therapy after surgery?
- Luxating Patellas
- Licking Paws
- black testicles PLEASE HELP
- OMG! HELP ME!! I don't know what's going on with my dog!
- Sadie got hurt today, any similar experience.
- Losing hope with my Yorkie. Need help.
- Khoda is sick and I need help...
- Acting drunk and wobbly!
- Olive's sick AGAIN
- Sick Puppy almost 3 months old
- 9 month old puppy- throwing up
- Please Help!!
- New Puppy has been getting sick a lot
- Make believe injury
- Alternative to pumpkin for diarrhea?
- Neck Pain...
- New Yorkie Throwing Up
- Armani Is In Intensive Care =(
- Sudden hind leg 'paralysis'
- How soon will pumpkin help with bowel movements?
- I think ralphie ate a pantyliner what do I go?
- Hyposensitization shots have they worked?
- Need Help!!! Question is...
- My poor baby was pumped full of chemicals! Please help, I'm freaking out!
- Clindamycin tablets
- Please Help...need advice on surgery for legg-perth disease
- Camden has a hernia & needs surgery! Advice please!!
- Liver??
- Toby fell down the stairs last night
- My Yorkie is acting very strange , has yours ever done this ??
- Amoxicillin without a Script?
- I'm a bad Momma-Groomer...
- Allergies and Seizures - help
- Update--PLE & Enlarged Heart
- Dry Hacking and wheezing/coughing
- Help! I don't know what to do!
- Vomiting and diarrhea...pls HELP!!
- Please help, there's something wrong with Sasha
- He got a small nick on his pee pee from the groomer
- coccidia???? in my new baby?
- 3rd Bile Acid Test??
- New Puppy, Just noticed eyes are not the same size!?! What should I do?
- HELP!! eye problems
- Remedy for swallowing earplugs??
- sprained leg?
- Vomit & Diarrhea
- Barney has pancreatitis - home cooked diet help
- Elevated ALP
- My furbaby just swallowed an earplug!!
- Vaccination Reaction Today BEWARE
- Anal Gland Discharge Color
- Help! Bad reaction to vaccines.
- Inward Sneezing and Vomiting?
- Sudden Heavy Panting?
- New Puppy - white worms found in stool
- Intentional Tremors
- 6mo MORKIE possible LS??????
- Skin condition
- Ava is sick and in hospital again; GI problems
- Just learned about the danger of cat litter
- mucus discharge
- Please pray for my Bailey :(
- Wheezing following dental
- my 7 year old with kidney failure what do i do
- Pregnant and soooo itchy
- Please help -- not eating and vomits when does it... very scared
- Tested Positive for Lyme Disease today--asymptomatic!
- Sick Dog Please Help!!!!!!!!
- Four year old Yorkie won't stop itching and licking
- Vomitting
- 5 yr old needs help sick
- New Puppy Not Eating or Drinking
- Looking for help for new mama with diarrea
- Sick Pup
- Please read Newbie's blog
- Very Concern !!!
- gagging and coughing
- HELP - Bad Reaction to Testing
- Knox is constipated.
- Very sad, Oscar's not getting better.
- Can Livershunts be asymptomatic in a 8mo old yorkie female? does she need surgery?
- Help, Muffin eating foreign objects. Needed surgery!
- hydrogen peroxide
- need help sophie a little constipated
- Pancreatitis
- Spayed 10 year old yorkie
- diarrhea and shivering. please help!
- Liver Shunts & Yorkies?
- Has anyone taken their yorkie to uc davis vet??
- Lucy Liu's Surgery
- Urinating Cranberry Juice....
- new with sick lil boy
- Cause of vomiting and diarrhea?
- Biscuit swallowed my child's tooth!!
- Help Please
- Rubbing Vulva ?? allergies
- runny eyes
- HI I am back.. and have a question about my Lily having surgery again. My poor Lily
- LOTS of vomiting today and runs bad
- Collapse of My Yorkie
- vomiting and diarrhea?
- Ellie has pancreatitis
- New Here with Sick Little Girl
- Do I choose Lazer or going under the knife?
- yorkie puppy resp infection
- Seizures, 2 yrs & 3lbs
- Is this really necessary?
- ALT LEVELS OF 800U/L after being 78U/L last month what does that mean?
- My little girl is at the Emergency vet.....
- vomiting yorkie..please help
- Help, i may have an emergency
- Gatsby ate my Tums
- Help!! styrafoam pellet
- Ringworm??
- Head tilt
- Frustrated, need advice!
- Green Stool now and then
- First Post "Greetings"
- Baby loosing hair
- Pneumonia in my Kaz
- Pippo hit his head...help!!!
- yelping in pain :( ???
- Prednisone...reservations
- Lucy's 2nd Bile Acid Test Results - Thoughts?
- Bone Density in Broken Leg
- Thrombosis
- General household medication for yorkies???
- Poisoning? Catalina Island Hike!
- Wally gets neutered in the morning
- Sad Yorkie
- Coughing in our Yorkie
- Lucy goes for her BAT re-test tomorrow
- Upset stomach need advice
- cushings (yorkie tested borderline positive)
- oh, my poor Trix !!!
- Acting strange - Backing up in circles and sitting
- May have neurological problem...
- Princess Pixie Pooh is going in for a hernia op on tuesday..
- Alot of blood in urine still...on zelaquin
- sick yorkie
- Dental Question?
- Trachea Surgery for collapsing trachea
- Aai help
- High AST/ALT?????
- Help!!!.... I don't know what's wrong with her!
- No poop, help!
- Help my Bailey ate a lindor truffle
- Vets-right diagnosis & decisions after death of pup
- My Baby Maggie Kidney Failure
- Kennel cough? Reverse sneezing?
- Yorkie puppy having seizures!!!
- Yorkie puppy seizures!!!
- Pixie is not feeling well
- Lucy Liu Has BAT test redone Today, prayers please..........
- sick Daisy
- Help! My breeder said that my puppy had a hypoglycemic episode
- Weird pimple like bump on lip
- I'm pretty upset right now........could use some help!
- Max ate a cotton ball!
- yorkie being sick
- Orasone???
- Casey 3 lb 9 mos - Diarrehia couple days / today throw up / dinner won't eat
- My older yorkie
- ARGH!!!! Don't know what else to do!!!!!
- Kidney Stones
- Juicy is hurt.
- Throwing up
- gigi & pooh bear, new to posting (bear with us)
- FLEAS ?! Help!
- Bruised Yorkie Leg Advice Needed!!
- Hel will what was wrong with dog before her died!!
- 5yr old Yorkie died of seizure
- Sore Stomach, Whimpering Noises
- Teddy Bumpkins - Help with Anus issue
- Severe AAI instability
- Liver shunt =(
- I had to leave my baby at the vet! Did I do something??
- poop
- Blood in stools - Feeding Raw
- Car Sickness/Bag Sickness
- Quick Question about Immodium
- Gogo got a hold of some cooked mussells and got sick...
- Broken or sprained??? Help!
- Duchess has bloody diahria and is vomiting -- Help!
- "Stone" in yorkie's (Crimson) urethra!
- vet at lunch need help asap!!!
- Clindamyacin chills?
- UTI, Water and Clavamox