- Sophie got into my Straightening Spray
- Update: Maximo's eye
- My yorkie is Missing!! (whittier, CA near sorenson elementary
- My heart is so very sad
- From Florida to PA, sick yorkie=(
- Jersey was really sick today
- Isabella is in the hospital
- baytril overdose
- Prayers for BamBam
- Bloody paws!!!I don't know what to do!!
- The waiting game....
- Can dogs catch coughs & colds in the winter?
- Why is Dori bleeding when she is fixed?
- Liver shunt - help!
- bladder stones
- sores on back
- Info on Luxation Patella needed
- Eye ulcer: Maximo
- bile acid test, ultrasound, protein C test...
- Jenna having diarrhea and coughing/trying to vomit today
- Bella's Continuous Licking . . . An Update
- My Yorkie/Bichon has stinky ears! Infection?!
- Spaying Question
- Antibiotics after spaying?
- Dental Surgery Today for Daisy
- McKenzie's spay
- Skin problems...
- Licking Lips Continuously . . . Worried!
- Dud's belly is growling...
- Tenderness - Right side
- Vitamin C?
- Exhuasted :(
- Yorkie - Stroke
- Flash, tapeworms & chicken...
- Two issues: Diarrhea / Stress
- My Yorkie has kidney stones
- Max my new rescue is vomiting
- please help my baby!
- I can laugh now..
- Maggie is very sick
- Pulled Muscle
- Ozzie diagnosed with pancreatitis
- Kennel Cough
- Mucus Stool
- IVDD?,Prednisolone,Robaxin cause bloody diarrhea
- Need help to induce vomit to get back a hair scrunchie...
- Odie's eye
- I'm scared & worried :(
- Melanoma vs Melanocytoma
- need an opinion
- Need Help!
- Tiny Sterling
- lower back is flakey
- degenerative myelopathy of the rear legs??
- need help with a sick puppy please!!!!
- I'm so distraught!!!! Please help!!!!
- Weird behavior PLEASE HELP!
- Carlo update as of 11/9
- my baby is in the hospital.
- Concerned...
- Worried...Need Answers!
- London's stitch area looks bruised
- Bailey Update
- Loose Poop - now no poop!!
- blood in urine
- Yorkies and anesthesia
- giardia question 5 month old puppy
- How do you keep a Yorkie from running?
- Frostbitten areas inside ear?
- Pippin might have eaten some gum
- Mama acting strange
- took bad advice...can use some good advice
- I need your help
- Problem from rabies vaccination...
- Need hope
- Reaction from Teeth Cleaning
- London got surgery today
- Betty Boop has bloody poop again!
- Need advice now!!
- Any Ideas
- Yorkie Seizure
- Tooth Trouble
- Please help!!!
- Seizures
- congestive heart failure
- Carlo has a growth on his liver
- Tinkerbell may be sick.
- what to do..
- Prayers please Daisy was hit by a car, no broken bones but still a lil out of it
- Am I worring to much
- Needing information about luxating patella?
- Diarrhea help!!!
- Stomach Virus?
- Will be 6 months next week for Carlo
- Buster Brown is coming Home from the Hospital
- How to care after getting spayed...
- Can Coccidia be gone in 3 weeks?
- Eye problem?
- Bailey Had Surgery Yesterday... LCP
- lump..antibiotic..and now second surgery..
- Chloe has big red whelps on her back, what is it?
- Buster is going in for LP Surgery
- Moto has an eye ulcer
- New puppy not eating this morning - advice needed
- Please help - Somethings wrong with my 5 month old tcup yorkie :(
- Lump on my baby
- Puking :/
- need to panic??
- Penny's liver value is up!
- Help! Knox is not doing well
- Recurring skin condition - Allergies?
- Ecoli
- Chronic digestive upsets - any advice?
- My furbaby has LP
- Help Kaylee is sick!
- My 7 Month old Yorkie had a heart attack while being neutered
- Please help
- Vomiting Yorkie! Help!
- Help: My Baby Girl is Turning in Circles and Shaking her Head
- My baby is limping!!!
- Zach's Bloody Nose
- Help with vomiting & diarrhea- possibly HGE?
- Help Advice needed Yorkie collapses when straining to be sick
- KC has Mystery Illness
- advice please!!
- Spay Appointment due tomorrow..in heat?
- Emergency Hosital or Not??? Help!
- My man had luxating patella repair yesterday
- collapsing trachea
- Yorkie won't eat an vomiting..please help!
- Ollie has diarrhea :(
- Yorkie's butt looks swollen
- OMG Help
- Help My 4yr old baby boy is peeing blood !!
- Betty Boop at ER vet - bloody poop
- yorkie vs. chocolate
- Please pray for Chelsea
- Paris back update, wrong diagnosis!!!
- newbie to yt
- Trudy ate Toad Feces?!
- Paris hunched over walking funny
- When it rain it pours I had to take in all 4 dogs to the vets
- help! big bruise under my little baby neck/chest
- Charm ate foam ear plugs
- Poppy ate a slug.
- Omg i need help now!!!
- lipase level issue, need info
- After spay my yorkie pees alot
- Latest on my "Lethargic Yorkie" thread - it's probably a shunt:(
- Yorkie is sneezing
- Any other yorkies have this problem?
- Constipation
- Sick Baby....... can I share meds?
- Walks on three legs...
- tick bite
- Ok idk if i should be worried or not, but i AM; HELP! [VIDEO]
- Scarlett is limping
- Simba Update
- Capstar Emergency
- My Yorkie has kidney disease
- Why is it ALWAYS when you are out of town?
- Please Help
- my yorkie is occasionally vomiting
- peanut's limping
- New here but nervous about my Mabel.
- Poppy has just been sick...
- Diarrhea over here after shot yesterday =[
- Lost his bark?
- Poppy got stung, been at vets... not good :(
- Blody poop , throwing up and rash
- Help-Inhaled Object
- tucked (innie) vulva
- Yorkie with Lymphangiectasia
- AFTER spay surgery question
- Melanie doesn't sound good!
- Gambit's Had a HORRIBLE Few Days
- Dudley's not feeling well...
- Natalie tummy upset -- worried
- Rescue Yorkie in a lot of pain. Allergies? Help.
- Bloody stool
- Need some Advice ASAP!! Multiple episodes of diarrhea
- Suggestions for a yorkie that has been vomiting
- Please pray for Prince. He's very sick. He has CT.
- Pippin update/ having surgery tomorrow
- My Coco in pain and breaking my heart please help!
- Hazel's sick ='[
- Bee Sting on Foot
- Sam is sick :-(
- Newborn puppy not nursing
- sookie bear/loose stool
- Collapsing Trachea or Reverse Sneezing?
- Up every hour last night...
- Breathing Problems?
- Latte's having foot surgery
- Hot Weather Warning
- Ear mites!!
- Puppy with luxating patella
- Help...what could this be?!? Swelling...pic.
- please help
- spay incision is oozing
- Lethargic yorkie - need suggestions please!
- Very sick doggie
- Poppy's not well, help!
- Loose stool
- Poop Patterns/issues (loose poops)
- Ear infection.
- Hormonal Allergies
- 10 week old sick Yorkie =(
- Runny Nose
- Some advice please!
- Yorkie has ALT level of 680+ and Dehydrated... Help please!
- Hernia after spay...
- I'm worried
- Frequent Clear Urination
- 16 week puppy ate a pill...
- 4 month pup doesn't want to eat today. When do you start worrying?
- Taycie Has Diaherra... HELP!
- liver disease
- Please read advice please
- Liver Shunt Baby
- BUM levels are 125 but cdc blood cell count is normal
- Sadie has ANOTHER infected toe..what's going on here???
- Sensitive Trachea
- Yorkie not dringking
- leaking???
- Diarrhea After Giardia/Coccidia Anitibiotics?
- Collapsing Trachea
- yorkie acting different after going to groomer
- Swollen, red teat
- Update on Calvin
- Spay surgery and blood in urine
- My little Toby has LP :(
- Need advise!!
- Doggy flu? Now Max sick
- Took Sophie to the vet
- tummy upset
- Lexi is spending the night in ER
- Newborn birth defect?
- Worried about Sophie...any experience?
- Need advise ASAP!
- Help, I am not sure what to do!
- Zoe hurt her leg
- Emma had a seizure brought on by playing??
- Diarreah and lime green vomit
- Can't keep food down
- Mucous in stool?
- Charlie is recovering well from luxating patella surgery
- Max is Limping - Seizure Related?
- Carter has a wierd rash/bumps that are dry around his penis...