
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. breeder help please
  2. Any ideas on middle names, Maddy is coming home soon!!
  3. How neccessary are shoes in the winter time?
  4. She choked on her rawhide!
  5. i'm desperate
  6. I wish my husband knew that our Yorkie pups aren't the ONLY ones ...
  7. why has my little girl turned nasty ?
  8. Daphne and Taylah's..
  9. Happy 1st Birthday Lexi!!!
  10. Carrots?
  11. Why does Biddy bark only at night???
  12.'s a secret
  13. Theriogenologist and Schools of Vet. Medicine
  14. Instead of the Christmas scent of balsam fir....
  15. Is it ever to late?
  16. Another coat question!!
  17. solid golden yorkie
  18. I'm so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. want to get Mason neutured BUT.i cant get myself to do it!
  20. Hello to YT
  21. It's Just a LITTLE too Quiet -- Share Your Story
  22. Sharing the Story of Precious
  23. This just proves....
  24. At what age should they starting going to Groomers
  25. Stinky Taylah!
  26. Funny Story
  27. ? about losing balance
  28. yorkie lovers in Tn
  29. ring around the foot stool
  30. Petsmart photos
  31. i love my yorkie wristband
  32. I Got A Picture
  33. My possible yorkie puppy is going to be born on Wednesday!
  34. adults with floppy ears!
  35. Wal-Mart Baby Barrettes
  36. A little humor
  37. Puppy Trouble! Help!
  38. Just an Idea! (Yorkie Clothes)
  39. The Legacy of Rio thread
  40. Calling all Texans!!!
  41. I have a snow baby!
  42. Yokie Fun, Steelers and Browns Fan? Gotta SEE LMAO!
  43. How in the world do I get pictures???
  44. Smokers Beware!!!
  45. belly bands
  46. I Received 2 YT Christmas Cards Today...
  47. safe outside in winter?
  48. Well, waiting just isn't going to happen...
  49. Yoo Hoo, PATTI!!
  50. searching for my precious libby
  51. This is what I love about selling puppies...
  52. What should I do about this...
  53. Kelsey had hicups yesterday!
  54. :::::::christmas Safety Tips For Pets::::::
  55. Frustrated
  56. Peanut Butter for Yorkies
  57. need help with the begger
  58. Teething Question
  59. Mommas Behaivor
  60. Such thing as TOO attached?
  61. Why Penguins don't have long coats
  62. Help - need your thoughts on Joey's dry heaving
  63. Hiding the poop????
  64. did you know that dogs can laugh? nice article from abc.
  65. how often can you bathe yorkie puppies.
  66. A Christmas Warning about our Small dogs!
  67. Dry skin????
  68. kissing?
  69. Are you addicted??
  70. Coat color
  71. Ears again!
  72. Help With Coat
  73. I'm ready to talk...
  74. Who said Yorkies are stubborn?
  75. potty training options..please help!
  76. A new game. Guess who's yorkie is (a YT member's).
  77. My yokie is lethargic after rabies vaccination
  78. Great Tip on grooming those fidgity babies!!
  79. something bad turned out to be something good
  80. Homemade dog treats?
  81. Abbreviations....
  82. Does anyone have any GREAT advice to kill bad breath?!?
  83. yorkies behaviour
  84. New Puppy
  85. More Pics from NC Playdate!! REVISED!!
  86. personal space heater- TRIPP :-P
  87. Anyone notice??
  88. Resizing pics! HELP!!!!!
  89. I'm back !
  90. More Pics from NC Playdate!!
  91. Weird question...and I know all dogs are different...
  92. Floppy Ear??
  93. Help
  94. What ?
  95. An interesting read ..someones opinion..
  96. Went To The Vet - Tia Rose
  97. Anxiety
  98. Our Little Santas
  99. Lili is home and Bailey is not happy!!!
  100. Why Breed Your Pet?
  101. hatties portrait
  102. Got Milk ??
  103. Yorkies and Ice
  104. Does anybody elses baby sleep in front of..
  105. Do our yorkies get hair balls too?
  106. Does anyone know
  107. I am SO in love!!
  108. Update On Tia Rose
  109. Resticted movement;please help with ideas!
  110. We had visitors...
  111. Hi All!!!
  112. PLEASE HELP - Tia Rose
  113. what is up with the...
  115. hey AlaskaYorkie here is a sketch of Eddie
  116. Pictures.....Finally
  117. I have decided to not stud...
  118. Mercedes says "Pllldddtttdd" to getting her picture taken...
  119. Santa Pictures today!
  120. I was so proud! And they thought it was a purse...
  121. PICTURES from NC playdate!
  122. Ebay is amazing
  123. I tee-tee'd on Aunt Joanie
  124. We picked out our Yorkie BUT.....
  125. It's like a little furnace!
  126. 3 New Baby Boys!!!!
  127. A diarrhea question-- (poor Keeley)
  128. Yorkie in Heat
  129. One story
  130. **is My Yorkie Full Blooded?**
  131. Happy Birthday Princess Chai!
  132. Who needs a paper shredder???----
  133. Missing my special guys
  134. Simon and Hallie LOVE Santa Claus
  135. I am desperate...any help potty training an older Yorkie?
  136. Ready for winter !
  137. Full and Limited Registration????
  138. DO you take your furbaby everywhere
  139. I took in a stray
  140. Does Anybody Make Bellybands???
  141. I was late
  142. good night!
  143. i was HORRIFIED!
  144. losing one of my pups
  145. Two better than one?
  146. Stacy (Sylvan) came to Oregon
  147. the fir around my yorkie's mouth
  148. Funny Faces
  149. When do yorkies calm down?
  150. Bell still doesn't like Petey!
  151. zZzzZz.... SNOOOREEEE!!!!
  152. learned my lesson!
  153. just curious...
  154. Pictures of Kaytlyn
  155. Need Help with Indoor Potty options....
  156. is this a bad idea?
  157. OH NO!!! Toby got TAPEWORMS!! HEWLP!
  158. Gizmo's Mom- Thank You!
  159. Emergency Pet Preparedness
  160. Top Ten Cold Weather Tips for all pets
  161. Pets Rescued From House Fire
  162. My girl keeps getting diarrhea. Any ideas???
  163. Ready for the party LOL
  164. How wonderful are these puppies?!
  165. HO HO HO MERRY XMAS..yorkie family!
  166. NC Playdate Tomorrow! Yippeeee!!
  167. My sweet boy
  168. I am addicted!
  169. Tiny Yorkies - Breeding & Discipline
  170. Bad hair
  171. All Grown Up!!!
  172. Cute little poem
  173. Pineapple & Poop
  174. HELP!! re: Crate size and potty training!
  175. Who is dis Sandy Claws
  176. Heartworm Blood Test..
  177. we're 4 weeks today
  178. Do you think the name 'Shasta' is too feminine?
  179. Introducing Tia Rose Carlson!
  180. question for all....
  181. some cool news
  182. New Question - update as of this morning
  183. Mommy wanted me to tee tee...
  184. Dog tips needed for ebook
  185. Hair color
  186. Pee pads
  187. Brushing and combing....
  188. Make your own belly bands - without sewing!
  189. Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts for Dogs Available Again...
  190. Weird Prices????
  191. I need help
  192. Question for breeders or anyone who may know.
  193. Traveling To Texas
  194. It's too cold to pee pee
  195. Ear Tattoos
  196. Prince's New Duds
  197. Received first Yorkietalk Christmas Card
  198. NYLABones...
  199. Trouble getting rid of KC
  200. Comatibility question
  201. New Yorkie Puppy
  202. Please help me talk some sense into this person!
  203. question...
  204. Do they go to through a teenager phase?
  205. Unknown Antibiotic
  206. what to do if puppy is choking?
  207. Brasco did it again...
  208. A Bit Ticked Off!
  209. Finally!
  210. Daisy got a new dress!!!!
  211. Oh no, I just realized I'll have to leave Herk
  212. So FAR WE HAVE.....
  213. At what age do their ding dongs drop?
  214. Kibble alert, kibble alert
  215. Mason Is Sooooooooooo In Trouble!!
  216. Would I be allowed to use pictures on this site?
  217. this takes the cake!!
  218. LQQking for the "PET" of your Life!
  219. My Poor Katie
  220. I was in total yorkie heaven this morning
  221. My pup tried to kill herself today
  222. Brasco and my snowman....grrrrr!!!!!
  223. puppy theft caught on tape!!
  224. America's Pet Registry?
  225. Caught in the act
  226. light on but not home
  227. Do females "mark" too?
  228. Do you save their gifts till Xmas or give em early?
  229. Do your dogs ever seem bored?
  230. More Good News About My New Dog
  231. Pita's Thanksgiving Dress
  232. Dog Dishes
  233. Is this a realistic hope
  234. vomited, very soft stools, & not eating
  235. Anxiety Disorder
  236. OK..Whats your babies registered name?? FUN!!
  237. Tinkerbell hates Christmas!
  238. Yorkie ornament at walmart
  239. PJ's
  240. Is this a realistic hope
  241. Addi and Romeo want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!!
  242. Bully Sticks...
  243. Hallie has had babies ;(
  244. Thank you Samiebaby, chloeandj...
  245. Scared of me
  246. Disappointed...
  247. hello
  248. Question after neutering???(please read!!)
  249. FINALLY!! A nice picture of Mercedes' face
  250. I couldn't help but snap some pictures!
