View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion - Baby tooth stuck?
- Any Mainers here?
- Vodafone, allergies and Rubi
- dog food question
- CoCo Getting Spayed and Teeth Pulled
- Likes husband the best!
- help..two females fighting!
- Calm Moments?? Good? Bad?
- Stairs or Ramp??
- BOFU Toad Killed One of my moms Pups from her Litters.
- Please tell me about Nutri-Cal
- Petsmart Grooming
- question for you guys
- Taking your baby in stores with you?
- ~millen~
- Archie and Willie had their FIRST birthday!!
- Sewing disaster
- Maggie's follow up visit...I LOVE our vet!!!
- Koda's birthday
- Wow A Site to See!!!!!
- Hurt Back??
- The problem with Susanah is
- This is crazy!!!
- my baby boy is 9 months 7 days now
- Hello everyone. I have some bad news. :(
- One, or two?
- First puppy being shipped! advice please!
- Jinx is over--1st puppy is a girl (biewer)
- Saying Hello to all on the Forum
- I'll be waiting at the Nashville YT Train Stop for coffee and hugs :)
- Boobah's first real visit to the park
- HELP- excessive barking
- Curious about kennel names.
- Need some help
- PLEASE HELP, questionnes!
- Thank you very much.
- LOOKY LOOKY what I MADE for Maggie
- Petedge
- Is your Yorkie a hoarder?
- yorkie weight
- Tetley's new annoying habit
- Look what Lil Bit did for me
- Pictures??
- Please welcome Coby to your family!!
- Help papertraining
- I Need Help!
- New to site...just adopted Molly 10yrs
- What type of shampoo is better??
- Mama is leaving and Grandma is lost
- Is 3 really that different than 2?
- What should I put Dakota in?
- Dog shows
- MI Meet-up Photos - July 28
- Couldn't believe my ears!
- I Cannot Believe This Just Happened !!!!
- Proud of my babies! (DFW Meetup)
- 2 dog leash
- Question
- Happy Birthday Bella !!!!!!!!!!!!
- Stubborn Yorkie
- Which is harder? Boys or Girls
- Went to the dog show today
- Introducing little Madeleine
- i need your help plz
- Long hair on ears and tail?
- Need AKC name help for JACK!!
- leash for yorkies
- Saying Hello
- I had a real scare this morning
- PetCo
- Meet Izzy from Cleveland
- Picture of yorkie with full tail
- I am not a patient person
- Maybe just one more...
- New Pics of Aubrey and Kota
- hi again
- Meet Lucy
- Hurray!
- Update on Dakota
- Happy 1st Birthday Bentley
- how do you introduce a new pup with an old one?
- Does anyone have this...
- New Member
- Surgery
- Hello fellow yorkie lovers! :)
- Color of purebred yorkies....
- have anyone bought from....
- What should I do?
- All you furry cowpokes - check these out!
- Mini Meetup!!! Tigersmom and Joeysmom....
- I got DAKOTA!!!
- Cute pics of my new little Girl Mattie!
- Allergy to food now has rash
- Shampoo&conditioner?
- is my yorkie up to standard???
- Question about when their in heat
- Connie sent the cutest
- last pics of my baby
- gender confused yorkie?
- meet Rocky
- Question about snakes
- Where does your baby sleep at night??
- I'm back! Can't wait to get Maya!
- Yorkie x Shih-tzu??
- Dog Food Review and Analysis
- Anyone new to YT and have a 3-4 lb. boy?
- Thought for the day..
- New Here and wanted to say 'HI!'
- collar on? collar off? BB on? BB off?
- Did Hunter get weighed wrong?
- Yah! Quality Time
- London is in heat!
- How soon to get a vet
- Help, I think I need a new mommy!!
- Best CLeaner for pee Outside
- Yorkie Dog Trick Game---Too Cute!!
- Hello everyone
- Yorkie vs. Biewer....looking for opinions....
- question...
- Biggie: Escaping from the crate
- To anyone in the Gift Exchange
- I am afraid of hypoglycemia
- Health scare
- Go, DH!
- happy birthday to Dexter!!!
- drywall....
- Tattoo your dog's
- new member
- Disliked Yorkie AND a Timid Yorkie
- new pictures of Deiter
- UYR Donation by TLC...
- Jake thinks he's slick
- Might sound crazy.......But It sure did work
- He ate half a pencil!!!!!
- Maxx Is My First Pet Ever. And I Just Feel Like Thare Is So Much To Know.
- Introduction - Jasmine....our first Yorkie
- "Cottony " fur??
- Thank you Onelovelylynn ~ Raffle Prize Donation
- pictures
- Question about classifieds...
- Boo Bah is irregular
- Need "J" names
- Need help
- my new yorkie
- NEED HELP! Starting up dog bakery in Oz!!!
- New member
- Pet Registrations
- Kingston's finally HOME!
- another attack!
- Diggy ate chocolate
- Zoe ate a mouse!!!!
- I need Advice and maybe help
- Help with 2 yorkies together, PLEASE
- help
- books on yorkies?
- BUSTED pictures...
- brother and sister fighting
- Ibd Recipe Needed Please!
- Need a name for my puppy!
- What do you find in their poop
- Your advice needed ...going back to work
- PETLAND stories
- Berk is getting neutered in three weeks
- Collar
- dog tage shape.....opinions?
- I need a purse/carrier for two pups!
- A Little Chubby!
- Scary vet visit - should I be worried?
- Silly question
- Getting Meeka fixed tomorrow, any suggestions?
- YT UYR 2007 Raffle Prizes! : A million thanks to Yorkie Painter
- How do your get the hair straight?
- A DOG'S PURPOSE - Cute story
- My Honey doesnt´t stop whining-PLEASE HELP!!!
- Please Help Bring Bebe Home! Spread the Word! Thanks! =(
- Raisins -- BAD
- New to Yorkie Talk
- Question on Walking
- Help why are my two girls fighting all of a sudden?
- Help why are my two girls fighting all of a sudden?
- Looking for two Maltese dogs named DoodleBug and Disney
- Homecooking questions... help please! THANK YOU!
- You will not believe this...
- Anyone know about Silica packs and dangers
- Does your dog nibble on your fingers?
- not eating
- Yokie Puppy Care 101
- Boy vest pattern
- Help! horrible experience with seller/breeder
- Question about Ozzie
- I need "E" names
- Should I get a doggie stairs still?
- Puggles and Yorkies?????
- How obsessed are your babies over YOU
- Naomi Watts: Big Belly, Little Dog
- licking-grooming?
- Knitting for your furbaby...
- Babysitting Sukoshi
- Some advice is greatly needed!!!!
- Microchip migrated - should I worry?
- Milk
- Milk
- puppy's and worms
- Yoshi
- New mom needs advice...
- Sorry to be a bother - have some questions
- Old Yorkie New Puppy
- sneaking your baby into pet-friendly hotels
- At Work right now?
- How many weeks?
- New Puppy!
- To work with you?
- Yorkie Missing after Baltimore Burglary
- Flea Question
- Advice on my customers...
- Happy Birthday to Gracie...she is 3 today!!!
- CRAZy last night
- Just Curious
- hi new yorkie
- Briewer/Parti
- Weird
- microchipped how often
- Poor Baxter has been neutered
- Woman Employs Helicopter, Private Detectives to Find Yorkie
- its Gizzies birthday today!!!
- Who is in or around Elk Grove, Ca?
- Ok..i said i wouldn't yet....BUT...
- Warning: Think about your informaton
- Lexie Rae is 2 years old today!!!
- Stolen Puppy! Please help! =(
- My Baby Was Stolen- Please help! =(
- Twalla's UYR Raffle gift came today!
- Puppy Face Hair
- I am getting Gabby back!
- Can your yorkie(s) communicate with you?
- insect sting...what do I do?
- Posting pics of Rex for Johaufares
- Just a Hello
- My 7 month old yorkie eats his poop!
- Bella has
- Best Yorkie Books
- I'm trying to post some pictures, need some help
- New mommy questions please
- We got our UYR Raffle Prize - Amazing!
- Hi Yorkie Lovers!
- Wasn't sure just where to post this ?
- Banfield Optimum wellness plan - pricing $
- Browniesmom here you go!
- Waiting is PURE TORURE!
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