
View Full Version : General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion

  1. We visited a pet psychic
  2. well here i go again
  3. Looking for a breeder in Michigan
  4. i think i finally got it....
  5. I hope Im cut out for this.
  6. Getting a Yorkie Soon... Help :)?
  7. who gives their dog a xmas gift???
  8. I have a new baby! I have a new baby!
  9. X-pen?
  10. Attn: Alex from Tx
  11. fighting
  12. calling all mommies of more then one yorkie butt!
  13. How Can I
  14. What is Your Opinion ?
  15. boring
  16. Hair bows
  17. 2 Yrs Ago Today, Baby Blessing Came Into Our Lives
  18. pixie stix
  19. Bath Post-Neuter?
  20. SOMEONE TELL ME NOT TO DO IT!!!!! <please>
  21. Look! Beau's New Vest!!
  22. My TINKERBELL is celebrating her 2nd Birthday!!!
  23. Belly Bands?
  24. juicy couture dog carrier
  25. surgery on my pups head
  26. Post Neuter Question
  27. Receiving Email Notification ???
  28. New Puppy ?
  29. please read shivering!!!!!!!!
  30. Grooming problems
  31. Good Morning! Sunday, December 9
  32. I am afraid....
  33. Who has larger Yorkies.
  34. Wondering if anyone
  35. How do I potty train???
  36. yorkie yummies
  37. Sorry, but I am mad today
  38. Oh My Gosh!!!
  39. Dollar Tree
  40. Poor Slade
  41. She May Come Home Tomorrow!!!!
  42. New to YorkieTalk
  43. Question about size of yorkie X
  44. Thankful... please read
  45. Hi, new to Yorkie Talk
  46. Sadie's home!!!
  47. Doggie Clean up bags
  48. Thank You Dena and Baby Natalie!
  49. Gentlemen's Club members time to vote
  50. does anyone know of Little T's yorkies
  51. December Birthday's in the Gentlemen's Club
  52. thank you dena & baby natalie...
  53. A special Holiday Gift
  54. Thank You to our Donating Angel!!
  55. thinning hair.
  56. Absolute Favorite Picture
  57. Someone took BELLA!!!
  58. I need opinons
  59. Popping in to say thank you
  60. Larger Yorkies, Broken Leashes
  61. Chloe and Snow
  62. Emma's Babies
  63. A Special 4th Birthday for Bella
  64. Ambrose is a giant!
  65. Going to see Tucker tonight!!! =DDD
  66. My sisters maltese need a good home
  67. Yorkie prevents a robbery!
  68. Crate training & feeding
  69. I've heard it happen before but never thought to someone I know
  70. Getting Sadie tomorrow!!
  71. Hoping to learn
  72. Flying out to pick up my new baby boy!
  73. What you say to your furbaby when you first see them when you come home from work??
  74. A warning for those whose babies go to work with them!
  75. Attention all members of The Little Gentlemen's Club!!!
  76. North shore animal shelter
  77. Scared silly and then some
  78. Big Thank you to Katys Mom (
  79. yet another newbie saying hi!
  80. hi its me...
  81. A Very Special Thank You
  82. Webkinz Yorkie
  83. I'm confused
  84. For all the moms out there
  85. how hard do you swat on the nose?
  86. YT Miami Friends
  87. Keeping one from a litter
  88. How many puppies are in the picture??
  89. new proud mom of Gizmo, ear question
  90. My boys want to go outside to potty...
  91. Shipping question...
  92. Test to see the real age of your Furkiddos
  93. Cabin fever
  94. Jack has chewed into the wall!
  95. Xmas Card for you all
  96. Treats?
  97. Who has the best shipping deals?
  98. max up date
  99. Fabric Pee Pad ??
  100. How long can this last?
  101. Registering your puppy question.
  102. Calling All Morkie Angels....
  103. Today is THE DAY I get my new BABY!! Matty Lu!!
  104. Pee question
  105. 2 babies or 1 at a time?
  106. new member hello from Northern Wisconsin
  107. Can you believe it?!
  108. For those of you WITHOUT a fence...
  109. delayed affection
  110. Widdy has a new Playmate!!~
  111. going outside?!
  112. I'm new=) just wanted to introduce!
  113. Thank You Stedmansmommy!!
  114. Anyone feeding Nutro Max or Nutro Ultra?
  115. Question?
  116. Anyone use Petsmart Banfield
  117. Why are Yorkies SO addictive?!
  118. Elizabethan Collar
  119. Teddy loves to jump!
  120. I had a mini-meltdown at the vet's today
  121. Sliding Glass Door Patio Doggie Door
  122. Anyone use Petsmart?
  123. Best Way To Keep Newborn Yorkies Warm?
  124. Breeding question...
  125. How much did your 1 year old yorkie weigh?
  126. it's official!! they are real babies!
  127. More pics for you all..........
  128. Hard to believe he'll really stay that small
  129. Do yorkies tend to be "yappy"
  130. Pictures of my baby.....
  131. Dumb how to ??
  132. A beautiful blankie set by Mz_s3ski_Kitt3n -Pics
  133. Hello, new member, old problem
  134. Reminder: Poinsettias are poisonous to dogs
  135. hmmm...
  136. Story to Share
  137. Mommies with Stinky Furbabies..... there is hope!!!
  138. My Yorkie Is Pregnant!
  139. Sick of Yorkie Scams!!!!!!!
  140. Introduction
  141. Little Gentlemans Club bow thread
  142. Just Wondering
  143. Yorkie girl debates what to wear to Colorado!
  144. Sleep question
  145. Attn: all Gentlemen's Club Member!!!
  146. Very Interesting
  147. 40 Yorkies Rescued in Spring, TX!!!!
  148. Sew cute!
  149. Who feeds Wellness Fish and Sweet Potato dry ??
  150. new cards & stamper
  151. My Baby was born yesterday!!
  152. Found yorkie in the paper! Not so sure?
  153. Wishing You Joys of the Season
  154. Blessed With A Angel!
  155. I Love Baxter
  156. weight
  157. Help! Puppy still coughing!!!!!!
  158. A BIG Thank You to * TWALLA*
  159. I it always darkest before the dawn????
  160. Widdles This Mornin'~
  161. Why NOT to sleep with a yorkie in Bed.
  162. How to put mult pics on the screen?
  163. Alfie wont wear a collar!!!!
  164. Puppy on an airplane
  165. Spay is scheduled
  166. Can you hold them too much?
  167. Please Help!!! Urgent!!!
  168. naming puppy.
  169. Be Careful on the Ice
  170. Forgive me... I'm new here :-)
  171. Wellness food, please can you help??!!
  172. Is this to good to be true??
  173. The Christmas Miracle!
  174. Doggie boots, I need your help PLEASE!!
  175. We Got Jeter
  176. Seasonal Affective Disorder
  177. Vet said no bathing for two weeks but...
  178. My Sophie Yells Back at Me!!!!
  179. New puppy- need some advice
  180. Bully stick pieces?
  181. Christmas Pics
  182. Juicy
  183. Puppy Bathing ??
  184. Rudy Got...
  185. Happy Birthday Coffee
  186. Happy Homecoming Gizzie
  187. How do you keep their clothes?
  188. I Love to dress Pixie but....
  189. feeling guilty
  190. Yorkie Christmas Ornaments
  191. Henry's first snow
  192. Hate Having To Leave My Baby Alone...
  193. Anyone in SoCal who doesn't view the Regional folders...Please read! I'm desperate.
  194. Get OFF of YorkieTalk......RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  195. Need advice on the automatic feeder
  196. Accident Prone
  197. Hi! Silly question about 'laser eyes'?
  198. Yorkie Rescue Railroad
  199. yooohooo hab anibodi seen me frends??
  200. Boarding a yorkie
  201. Does anybody know
  202. My yorkie passed away
  203. Evangers customer service?
  204. Should I be using a diaper?
  205. Where's Princess Pia?
  206. Rudy's 1st Vet visit
  207. You Guys ARe the BEST
  208. Winter, little ones, and ambien don't mix
  209. someone stole a Yorkie in my town
  210. please read.....
  211. Yorkie Pregnancy
  212. Does anybody read to their dog?
  213. Please help...found a flea on my baby
  214. Help with Constipated Yorkie Needed
  215. To anyone who has one of my products....I need your help!!
  216. Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day
  217. Where can i get this medicine?
  218. Pregnant yorkie?
  219. Maybe a Silly Question
  220. False pregnancy question???
  221. Does anyone know
  222. Greetings!
  223. Quirky
  224. Don't know what to do...
  225. Thank you all!!!
  226. Advice--Yorkies vs. Maltese?
  227. Funny Behavior
  228. DOGblogTV - we're Back!
  229. Crap HELP ASAP!!!! PEEKA!!!!!!!
  230. Calling All YT Boys -- COME JOIN!!!
  231. Milo barks to the TV
  232. I have never been so upset in my life...
  233. Help!
  234. New with some general questions
  235. Pure white or silver yorkies, please.
  236. Yorkie Yummy overload!!!!!!!!
  237. Miss Tweedle Update!
  238. Can Bob get sick from me?
  239. Washable potty pad question
  240. Question
  241. Important Inquiry.. Have you been ripped off??
  242. First hair cut
  243. Serious Question
  244. New to Yorkietalk
  245. HOUSTON we have a PEE SPOT !
  246. Cute, cute, cute!!!!
  247. fleas
  248. Help!!
  249. Where is a good place to buy clothes for my baby?
  250. I can't find Macey!!!!!
