
View Full Version : Off Topic Discussions

  1. Filing taxes online?
  2. Do Yorkies think like this?
  3. Awesome Fundraiser-Check It Out
  4. People of Haiti
  5. melody..
  6. looking for a vitamin thread
  7. Prayers and hope
  8. Anyone make their own essential oils?
  9. Any Los Angeles or Close to Los Angeles people??
  10. The Bachelor! (Jake)
  11. Blog Writers
  12. I hate craigslist..just a vent and sorry its long..
  13. Video of My Niece Azalea
  14. YOU NEED to do THIS NOW!!
  15. Pics of our Beautiful Morning
  16. 24 Hour Bug - Is there really such a thing ?
  17. $221,000
  18. Post Your Fave Funny YouTube Clip
  19. Hidden Talents: What's Yours?
  20. Dry hands
  21. American Idol 2010
  22. Big Love fan like me?!
  23. Music editing
  24. Interior design suggestions?
  25. Any Breed You Do *NOT* Like?
  26. thinking about moving to Houston advise please!?!!
  27. Wedding talk...what's right, what's wrong, and how do u handle things???
  28. Do you watch Brother's & Sisters?
  29. Am I being selfish? sorry it is long
  30. hotmail scam
  31. Traveling to TN...need advice
  32. snow!!!
  33. Sorry To My Friends Who Have Wondered where Ive Been!
  34. I need help...I don't know what to do...
  35. Are you annoyed like me??!!
  36. ~~Happy Birthday Misty!!!~~
  37. Need advice on living situation...
  38. Paranormal activity....
  39. Can Some One Please Explain To These People...
  40. careful what you wish for
  41. Do have a collection Obsession??
  42. 3 1/2 Hours and Counting
  43. I Love YT. Do You?
  44. Happy Birthday Baby Blessing (Patti)
  45. Dead Coyote on my street this am
  46. Where's fldebra???????
  47. Food, Inc.
  48. My Thoughts after a year of YT
  49. Human tonsillitis
  50. baby goat
  51. Resume help/question
  52. Dog Friendly work places
  53. This Dog really IS an Angel
  54. Blah to winter
  55. Hubby getting smarter
  56. Hoarders
  57. top names
  58. Tee Shirt Quilt-anyone ever tried this??
  59. Admin?!?
  60. My New Years Resolution....
  61. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, It's good to be back
  62. just seen at CafePress
  63. Anyone know about Scholarship Essay Writing?
  64. -15 Farenheit...
  65. Any Quilters out there?
  66. Anyone know of anyone who works at Nordstrom?
  67. I'm Back!
  68. Anybody else starting...
  69. Welcome 2010! What's your resolution?
  70. Green Bean help
  71. ringing out the old year
  72. Please Vote for us!
  73. Just an idea for raising funds for vet bills
  74. Special Gift at Christmas??
  75. Good Morning! Happy New Years Eve!!
  76. Slightly pissed off!
  77. Woo Hoo hit 10,000
  78. Yay, getting a Mac this week (I hope!)
  79. Remember to Hug and Tell the ones we Love
  80. Numbness after dentist
  81. Help needed on urinary problem with Foster pup
  82. Off Topic: My fiance passed away
  83. Beyond exhausted
  84. ? Help Dish set up,Please, Thx.
  85. Thanks again for the prayers!
  86. My YT calendar
  87. Homework Help
  88. My husband just heimlich my son
  89. Slow Cooker - Opinions and Recipes if you have any please ;0)
  90. Need advice on a new Dryer
  91. Does anyone belong to a movie Club? (Like Columbia House etc...)
  92. my christmas tree
  93. Be honest, you hated that gift! Read me and reply!
  94. My nieces and their tampon angel
  95. Christmas related questions. care to answer?
  96. Found...Pit Bull on Xmas...Need Guidance...
  97. Avatar
  98. my quickly decorated tree
  99. a love story
  100. The Best of Giving & Receiving Thread
  101. Over the fence
  102. On this magical night...
  103. Merry Christmas/Thank you to all My YT Friends
  104. Remembering those missing a loved one.
  105. Need your prayers please.....
  106. Our christmas card to you all
  107. Merry Christmas YorkieTalk
  108. Wanted to
  109. brittany murphy's dog
  110. I don't remember putting this ornament on the tree????
  111. Just got back from the doctors.....
  112. Merry Christmas from our house to yours
  113. Random question...first decade of the 21st Century...
  114. For Anyone Who Has a Boss . . .Did You Get Any Gifts This Year?
  115. Track SANTA!!!!
  116. Interesting dophin..
  117. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone
  118. A new low in Stealing Pets
  119. Merry Christmas to all!
  120. Hi Im New!
  121. Thank you...just in case I missed you
  122. Unusual christmas trees!
  123. Apparently my son has stage fright. LOL
  124. GPS Navigation For Dummies
  125. Happy solstice to all!
  126. Update on ? for Nurse Pinning Gift
  127. Ever make a candy house from scratch?
  128. It's that time
  129. Brittany Murphys dies At 32... Cardiac arrest
  130. Good Morning!! Sunday Dec 20, 2009
  131. Fostering????
  132. Worst night ever.
  133. Male Cat in Boca Raton FL, needs a new home
  134. anyone else not close to their mother?
  135. "CleaningForAReason"
  136. Waiting for the snow..
  137. My Eloquent friends, I need help!
  138. Giardia help needed asap for foster dog
  139. My son's science teacher died!!
  140. OMG it was 12 this am!
  141. Christmas Breakfast for the Family
  142. Happy birthday mylittlegirls. (kathleen)
  143. anyone have children that are EXTREMELY picky eaters???
  144. Hi, I'm new here!
  145. Hi, I'm new here!
  146. Painting I done, Think they will like their Christmas Gift?
  147. relationship help please?!?
  148. Eminem died in fatal car accident...
  149. How to make a good flyer
  150. New pics of foster pom
  151. Oh man...should I go??
  152. What is the funniest thing that's ever happened to you and your Mom?
  153. Anyone know when American Idol starts?
  154. Need gift advice! Please Help!
  155. I got my Christmas gift early!!!!
  156. Valentines Day stuff out !!!!!!
  157. More unpaid time off!
  158. Dexter Finale
  159. OMG!!! DEXTER!!! Anyone watch?
  160. Keep Courtney in your thoughts today
  161. I don't know what to do..
  162. delicious anniversary present
  163. Sinus headache
  164. Have you guys seen this video?
  165. My foster pom has Giardia
  166. Looking for a border collie
  167. Has anyone ever tried the Master Cleanse?
  168. Need help find a home!
  169. So excited
  170. What is going on with YT this morning?
  171. Why can't our Furbabies do this? SO CUTE!
  172. Windows 7
  173. YT been off for 4hrs!
  174. What are your thoughts on this?
  175. Facebook Restricted????
  176. Pictures of the Pom I am fostering.
  177. Fibromyalgia
  178. cat question
  179. Woody or Tiger
  180. There is an ornament for everything!
  181. Puppy Size
  182. who's getting snow today
  183. Card Exchange
  184. Holiday Angel, "paying it forward
  185. Another phishing scam?!
  186. Could this help someone you know....
  187. YT running slow
  188. does any one play pogo games
  189. Holiday Profile Page
  190. Mia was in our wedding! Pics!!
  191. First time foster mom
  192. First time foster mom
  193. Safety first...
  194. 5 Years!!!
  195. What my daughter is thankful for...
  196. Any step parents here?
  197. stray dog
  198. This will put a smile on your face
  199. Your other Love ?
  200. Good Morning! Sun Dec 5, 2009
  201. Photo editing
  202. HELP! Throat closing and trouble breathing.
  203. Effects of Ambien
  204. My Christmas stockings.
  205. help with a new site
  206. 2012 - what's your opinion?
  207. What Do You Prefer? Velcro, Zippers or Buttons?
  208. Cricut!!!
  209. Chat anyone?
  210. Puppyfind question
  211. Need a little help getting in the Christmas spirit..
  212. Anyone live in Waco or Killeen????????
  213. Getting Fit!
  214. Should I get the H1N1 vaccine my company is offering?
  215. Who changed there profile!!
  216. Spin class anyone?
  217. Howie is getting worse''aggressive and biting
  218. How long should it take for a book to ship?
  219. Find my family
  220. Do you have snow?
  221. Next summer family road trip
  222. Welcome Matthew Chase (:
  223. Surgery at St Jude
  224. US Cellular commercial
  225. Nikon coolpix p90
  226. My son takes his driver's test tomorrow morning. . .
  227. Phishing scam?
  228. Honest Opinion
  229. Ipod Touch Questions!
  230. Reputable Maltese Breeders???
  231. Wow...
  232. Do you Monogram...?
  233. Gps
  234. Business name??
  235. It's over
  236. Where is the turkey?
  237. Bartending tips
  238. Haute Tots Couture Black Friday Coupon Code
  239. Please say thanks to our troops
  240. Apple Cupcakes
  241. Gobble, Gobble everyone
  242. Getting cigarette smoke out of clothes and fabrics?
  243. Earthlings
  244. Back on YT!!! MISSED YOU ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  245. One of Two Dogs Dumped in Canal Dies
  246. Another "Twalla thought"
  247. Any runners on here? I have a question
  248. Hello friends
  249. Anyone Spanish Speaking?
  250. What to get Grandma for christmas?
