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Old 02-18-2007, 12:10 PM   #9
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I feel so sorry for you. I have been told that Yorkies are one of the
hardest breeds to train.
I got Buddy at 14 1/2 wks. I crate trained him. It was my first time using a crate and he was my first puppy. Dogs in the past were rescue ones and already trained. Maybe I got lucky or maybe what I did really made it easier.
I got up at 6:00am because I work full time. I would take him out first thing.
His crate was dry. We walked for about 15min and back home to eat.
I played with him in the kitchen for about 20min, put the gate across the kitchen and went to get ready for work.He cried the whole time. Out again before I left at 8:00am. IN the crate, no water or food and left.
I came home at 12:15 to let him out he drank water, we went for a walk, got a treat, back in crate until I came home at 5:30. I felt guilty about being in crate for so long but it was a large one and I did not plan on using it for long. We went out for a 20mins walk, fed him out again around 7:00 and then he was free with me. Yes, he had a few accidents at this time. Out again at 9:30 and into crate for the night. He never had accidents in the create.
He was larger than most yorkies, 6.5 lbs at the time. Maybe that had something to do with it. He was completely trained by 5mos. I kept him in kitchen until around 8mos and let him free. He chewed rug corners on all the rugs and got into other things but did not have any accidents.
I hope you find a solution. How about diapers? I hate to see you give up
your pet. Make sure she gets lots of excercise and attention when out of the crate. Schedule is key.

Good luck,
Carol & Buddy
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