Originally Posted by flutterby I'm actually working on my business degree right now! I'm specializing in Management (a part of getting Bachelors in my college). I want to open a doggy daycare or manage a petstore of some kind (and get things changed around!!!).. With mine, I can get any kind of management job.. My professors are really boring which makes the learning process hard for me. I always find myself trying to catch up at the last minute (which is why I'm up so late right now!! hehe). And it doesn't help that have a computer class (Microsoft Office Suite) and I sit on the yorkie forums during the entire class!
I agree that you'll be a great role model for your babies! I'm a twin myself (fraternal) and we're different like night and day. Good luck on whatever it is that you decide to pursue with your business degree. |
I would also love to open a business of my own one day, i just don't know what kind lol