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Old 01-27-2007, 07:08 AM   #6
Piccolo's mom
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 778

Oh, I know exactly what you are goinf through ! I bought a new puppy (9 m female) three days ago and she doesn't get along with Piccolo (13 m).
She is holly terror ! Snaps at him, takes ALL the toys away from him but only for the heck of it. She won't play with them - just waits till Piccolo gets a toy and grabs it from him right away.
The breeder told me she was housebroken, right! She pees and poos everywhere she wants.
She looks so sweet but in reality she is very mean. I have to separate them all the time, take the toys away and it drives me crazy. I can't imagine going through this for six weeks. The breeder gave me one week to return her but I don't think it's enough time to solve all problems. I am already madly in love with her but feel very sorry for poor Piccolo who is very gentle and much smaller than she is.
I really don't know what to do but keep hoping she will calm down.
Alaska's Yorkie gave me a great advice about establishing #1, #2 and #3 in our household. I really want Piccolo to be #2 to put her in her place.

Piccolo is with a ball and Annie just sits pretty pretending to be a "good girl",
Attached Thumbnails
2nd yorkie blues-annie-5.jpg   2nd yorkie blues-ball.jpg  
Barb & Piccolo

If your dog barks and doesn't fit in a bread roll, don't eat it.
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