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Old 01-24-2007, 07:31 PM   #13
Toybox Yorkies
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Hawley, Pa.
Posts: 35
Default Thank You

Thanks for all the compliments on the dogs. I am very fortunate to have been able to get into the Edgewood Lines. Jag is an exquisite specimen of a Yorkshire Terrier in Coat, Body Type and Head, Coloring is georgeous and as for Half Pint she has the most outstanding body for a female. Both of them have the straightest Top Lines and personalities are tremendously outgoing.

Since having her pups I must say Half Pint is so playful again. She acts more the puppy then the puppies do these days.

I had the 4 of them evaluated just yesterday and it turn out that 2 of the Males are Show Quality and so is the Female (which I was keeping). Only one of the males will be going for Pet and that is because it seems he didn't get in 2 of his upper front teeth. Yorkies should have 6 between the canines on the top and this little guy seems to have only 4. There is a slight chance they could come in when he gets his second teeth but I don't think that will happen and I'm not going to hang on to him till 6 months or more to see.

I would rather place him with his new forever home and family as soon as they come along.

Thanks again for all the compliments...
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Pauline - Toybox Yorkies
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