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Old 06-02-2005, 03:26 AM   #1
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Default Random Yorkie on the loose

This morning, I was walking my girls, when what should we encounter but a cute little Yorkie peeing on a hydrant!!! I had to laugh, because it was kinda cliche. He was a sweet little guy, and he came over to us and all the dogs sniffed each other. He was even trying to play with the girls too, running up, then scampering backwards and stamping his feet. He had a light tan coat, and a reddish brown colored nose.

The problem? No owner in sight! I looked around and didn't see anyone, no open windows, no open apartment doors. This was right by the parking area of the apartments too, early in the morning. People were zooming through on their way to work! What if he had gotten hit?

So I hung out for a bit, hoping that the owner would show up. After about 15 - 20 minutes, I decided I had to get back home. I felt bad. I couldn't just start knocking on everyone's doors at 6:00 am!!! So I started walking back toward my apartment.

Well, the little booger started following me!!! He had no tags, no collar or anything on him. He looked like he hadn't been groomed in a long while. The fur on one side of his neck had a HUGE mat in it, and he was very dirty. I am thinking, great, what do I do now? I am gonna go home and tell my husband that this dog FOLLOWED ME HOME???

It followed me most of the way, then turned and went back towards the parking lot! I freaked out, and went back toward the dog and herded him onto the grass. We went back to where I originally saw him and let the girls play with him. I noticed that when he would run backwards, he headed toward the same two apartments. Closer inspection showed that one door was closed, but not latched.

I went over there and he followed me. I knocked, and when the lady answered I asked if he was her dog. He ran inside and she was like, OMG, how did he get out? She said that she was on the phone and didn't notice him leave. I am glad I found his owner.

How do you not notice that your dog is gone for THAT long? I would have been devastated if one of mine got out and was hit by a car or something.

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