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Old 12-18-2006, 07:00 AM   #7
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New Lisboon, Wi
Posts: 36

I have the same problems with Buddy. He is 11 months old and from day one gets very agitated in the car. We go for "rides" several times a week and he never seems to get any better about it. Shakes, pants, yawns, Just cannot relax. I bought Rescue Remedy last week on the recommendation from this board, and had high hopes!! Nothing changed. It didn't seem to calm him even a bit. I will be asking the vet for some kind of medicine the next time we go. I travel quite a bit and he needs to go with me as I am often gone for hours and hours at a time. I feel so sorry for him. He isn't a nervous dog otherwise, and loves to go to the places I have to go to, but the car rides in between just freak him out. So, I too would like to find a solution to this problem.
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