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Old 12-15-2006, 06:09 PM   #10
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Thanks for the replies.

I do understand anyone suing anybody for anything. I am retired law enforcement and my husband is a criminal investigator. So we know it first hand. However, that is not our intention but we do understand they don't know that for sure.

I will see if we can get a good copy or else I will just let it go.....I don't have to have it, just wanted it.

There were more than the 1 ultrasound picture, but only one looked like his little face in it. So my whole thing is that they still have the other 5-6 even if they give me that one.

Oh well, just feeling a little empty, emotional or whatever.

Thanks again for all your support,
Angie, mom to ~ Dexter, RIP my buddy & Tye
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