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Old 12-12-2004, 08:53 PM   #10
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 136

One time we left the tv on for him and when we returned there was a lot of commotion coming from our apartment. It sounded like there was two dogs inside but when we opened the door it was just him. He was standing in front of the tv barking at it. We never could figure out why he was barking so weirdly, from what we could tell there weren't any dogs in the tv program.

I went out of town for one day this weekend and my fiance called me to tell me Ranger wouldn't stop crying after he realized I wasn't coming back home. Ranger also managed to poop in the house (near my computer both times) without warning. He hasn't had an accident in sssoooo long until now. He always lets us know if he needs to go outside by getting our attention or sitting by the front door and fiance said he did neither. I feel like he was punishing me by leaving "surprises".

I did notice a change when I returned home from my trip. When I came in the door I didn't act excited to see him and he didn't freak out like he normally does. It was so hard to keep calm when I was really excited to see him, but I think this may be the key. We'll try this a few times and see what comes of it
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