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Old 11-27-2006, 12:33 PM   #13
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: TAMPA
Posts: 147

Originally Posted by Akina
I am feeding her can food for a day and now she is having diarriah.....
Poor thing, she was dragging her butt on the wee wee pad this moring....
Should I worry????
I am thinking to mix can food and hard kibble again but less kibble.....
You HAVE to mix the hard with the can. Or wet the kibble with water and mush it. If you only give can she will get diarreha. You've only had her a few days. She will eat and drink just give it time. I have had Jaxson 2 and 1/2 weeks and I swear he did not drink for 3 days. I mushed his food u. If you make any changes you are going to mess her system up that's why she has the runs. When she won't eat give her a half inch of nutrical. Within a few days she will start to eat and drink. She is just getting use to her surrondings.
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