Thread: O/T Brooke
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Old 05-24-2005, 11:14 PM   #1
Lady of Yorkies
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Confused O/T Brooke

Do you ever go to the intersection of Prince and Oracle road? Going north on Oracle from Prince road the first street on your left is Thurber. My husband grew up there. The next street on your left is Simmons, my grandparents lived down there. The next street on your left is Pelaar Dr. we lived down there. None of these streets look anywhere near like they did when we were growing up. I met my husband at a bar when I was 21 and didn't know that we lived so close or that we had gone to the same schools. He's 3 years older than me and we never met in our neighborhood or schools.

I can't remember how many streets from Prince on your right but King street is there and all most all the way to the end of the street is the back side of Prince Elementary School and Amphi Jr High school. We moved from Pelaar to King street when I started junior high school. Just outside the elementary school on the west side was a house that we lived in, it was neat we had our own "park" right next door. Facing south on Oracle at Prince, if you turn left, a little ways down on the left is the church I went to while I was growing up, I think they've changed the name but I hope they still have Amphitheater in it.

If you go west on Prince from Oracle you'll come to Fairview. Left takes you to the park and right will take you all the way over to Wetmore Rd. to the Auto Mall. Further down on Prince is Romero Rd and we used to live there after we got married. Ummm, enough. Sylvia
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