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Old 10-20-2006, 06:52 AM   #13
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Mardelin
No need to apologize. You said nothing wrong, just a little bit zealous in your posting. As you said you were impatient and not getting the answers you wanted to hear and I'm sure that is what drove you to post as often as you did. Just remember in the show world and I think that's where you want to head, never ask questions about your dog unless you really want an honest answer.

If you want to know if your show potentials are going to make it in the ring, take them to a show, have them evaluated by a judge, handler or a good breeder. But, listen very carefully what they have to say. Asking people on a forum to look at your dogs picture and tell you what they will not give you a true evaluation. A dog must be evaluated in person, the evaluater must physically examine them, and watch their movement.

Find yourself a mentor that will guide you down the proper path
I didn't mind the comments i did ask for them and i am thankful that is what i wanted to hear, the truth. i will IF i decide to go through with my dream of showing, i will find a mentor thanx
Nothin better than a fur kid
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