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Old 10-20-2006, 03:44 AM   #8
Yorkie Kisses are the Best!
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I agree with everyone else and can't improve on how they said anything I'll just say - live and learn - There are some that get off to a rocky start - but this IS a good site to gather information. If you do love your pets and want to do right by them - STAY ....there just maybe someone here who will give your little girl a great home and you just may end up finding that elusive 'show' quality yorkie - but to tell you the truth ...that's WAY easier said than done.

Can I add something without you getting upset ? You're breeding a baby (10 months old) and because we ALL love yorkies - that does bother some...IF I WERE in your shoes - I would start reading all you can here and on the net - spend time time with a seasoned breeder - and maybe change your breeding program to be more Yorkie friendly ...rather than having such a young female bred.

and as far as all the threads - like you said - newbie ! that's no biggie
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