Hi all, I have posted in the past, but had no way of showing off my little fella. We finally got our camera and well, here he is. I hope this works.
Shankly is 22 months old. He was so tiny and sweet, so fragile when we brought him home with us. I was jealous because I had to go straight to work while my husband got to bond with him first. hehe.
He has been a center of our life since. I can't believe how big of a part of our lives he has become. We consider him in all our plans, check on him at least 10 times an hour, if not more.
It's unbelievable how much of his own character he has shown us in these past 22 months. When we go anywhere, Dad has to be the passenger and Shankly perches himself on the back of his shoulders. He also has taught us how to play with him and demonstrates an excellent sense of humor. Oh how he loves to tease us.
Anyways, I could go on about him all day.