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Old 10-10-2006, 11:48 AM   #1
I heart Hootie & Hobbs
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Default Natural Flea Remedies

Anyone use natural flea remedies? If so, what do you use??

I'm just SO frustrated with the ridiculously expensive products like Frontline, Advantix, etc. that I get from my vet. Not only do they not work, but they cost a fortune, AND I am really not liking the idea of putting all these pesticides on my babies. I think this stuff is a major contributor to Hobbs' dandruff. So, I want to try using a natural remedy. I read another post on here that suggested using 1 drop of Citronella oil, 1 drop of Lemongrass oil, 1 drop of Tea Tree oil, and 1 ounce of water mixed and you spritz it on your furbaby before they go outside. I just ordered some samples of all these oils online and I can't wait to try it out and see if it works and see if it help Hobbs' dandruff.

So, does anyone else use natural flea remedies?
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