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Old 10-05-2006, 10:42 AM   #9
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 41

This summer was just horrible for fleas in Kansas. My pets have never gotten fleas before and we never had to use anything. I had to put them on Frontline plus this year. I still find a few fleas on them every now and again, but that is after being outside playing most of the day at the lake or out in the country. Usually a good bath with dish soap takes care of them with my yorkie.

Good Luck! And if you want to look into other options for flea preventatives, check out They have great prices, and you might be able to get stuff cheaper if you call in and talk to a friend of mine. PM me if you are interested. (I got a 3 month supply of Frontline plus for only $20.00)
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