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Old 09-29-2006, 07:49 PM   #13
♥Love My Puppies!♥
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Hang in there. I didn't think Daisy would ever be potty trained but she was a little over one year old before it really clicked with her. Now she NEVER has an accident. Every time she would potty or poop outside I would praise her big time and she would get a treat when she came inside. Now she tells me she has to go out by staring at me until I catch on. If she really has to go and I don't notice her right away she will do an urgent little yip and run to the door. Now she runs out, does her business and runs in all excited for her treat. I still make a fuss over her when she potties or poops outside I guess so she will never forget that she is doing the right thing going outside. There were times when I thought I would never see the day, but I am so glad she is doing so good now. Like I said, hang in there, it may take some time, but I hope not as long as mine.
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