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Old 05-19-2005, 01:24 PM   #4
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Location: New York
Posts: 446

If you are going to do paper training you MUST be consistent. No, not just with timing but also "medium" (make a choice, is it going to be paper or wee-wee pad and then stick to it) and "placement" (exactly where in the house is your dog's bathroom going to be). Some people buy littler boxes or pans to put under the paper. I think that is a great idea because it 1) makes out the exact spot that potty is allowed and 2) prevents spillage which can lead to your dog inadvertently "marking" a place in your house.

Consider this, you put the Sunday newspaper down on the floor, or you accidently drop your water bill, or the kids homework falls out of his bag . . . you need to make it perfectly clear to your dog when and where it is OK and when it is not OK. It's the same sort of problem people have when they let thier dogs chew an old sock or slipper . . how is the dog supposed to know when it is "OK" to chew and when it is not? Suddenly, the dog has a pair of Coach shoes in his mouth and the owner is screaming! lol.

I've said this many times, but I'll say it again, one of the biggest pitfalls of paper training is that it can be all too easy to muddy the waters and confuse your dog. Decide what you want your "end behavior" to be, make sure there is NO WAY your dog could be confused and then stick with it, stick with it, stick with it.
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