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Old 09-19-2006, 08:52 AM   #4
I Love My Yorkies
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Originally Posted by valjean
My daughter was walking our yorkie Duke around the block last spring. She was just around the block walking on the side of the road when a big german shepard came running between 2 houses, growling, showing his teeth and grabbed Duke by the head!! He had Duke's head and half of this body in his mouth, and started to viciously attack him. My daughter let out a scream so loud, it was actual heard 3 blocks away!! She held on to the leash, lunged for Duke, hit the big dog on the head and pulled Duke out of his mouth!

She held Duke and tried to calmly walk back to our house, with the big dog following her and growling all the way. Well, her scream alerted all the neighbors who ran to her, some called the police. By the time she and Duke walked in the back door, my phone was ringing, people were running to my house and the police pulled into the driveway.

Thank goodness for good people and prompt action from them and the police. She could have been mauled by this dog! Neighbors called later and came by that saw the attack to make sure everyone was fine. I filed a complaint against the woman who lets her aggressive dog run loose. The police said they have other complaints and he went to warn her that the next time her dog was seen not leashed or confined, he would be taken from her. The people that live around her have small children and they won't even let them ride their bikes because of this dog!
I don't know what ever happened to the dog, but now we take a differrent route when we walk our dogs, along with a whistle and a can of pepper spray!
Oh I am so sorry that happened to Duke. Luckily I havent came accross a big dog off leash in my neighborhood. I dont know what I would do because picking my two up at the same time is kinda hard.
Chachi's & Jewels Mom
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