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Old 09-18-2006, 08:53 AM   #2
Luv my Angel, too!
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JMO, but if Summer doesn't eat much now - she will probably be okay in the future, too. Watch the treats more than anything. As far as the amount of food you feed, it depends on what food you are feeding her. The super premium foods only require a small amount.

I can't be much help here cause I cook for Sissy. But I can tell you she gets yogurt for breakfast (a heaping tablespoon), small pieces of fruit during the day and for dinner gets boiled chicken, brown rice and veggies (only about 1 heaping tablespoon) along with a small slice of Natural Balance meat roll (lamb & rice) cut into small pieces.

Sissy was 6 months old and 3 lbs 7 oz when spayed. She is now 13 months old and 4 lbs 5 oz.
Sissy & Angel
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