[QUOTE=nafretiri]Can you clarify.... did she have the cough for 5 months? Letting a cough go more than a week in these little guys will cause a collapsed trachea. Every time i fly a dog in from a foreign country, it gets a little cough from the dry air on the airline. I immediately start the clavomox and tobutrol so that I don't end up with a collapsed trachea. The patella, definitely call the breeder. Even if it is an injury caused luxation, most of us will not breed those parents again.[/QUOTE/]
WELL, she has had her cough since the day I brought her home. She didn't start coughing til that night. We took her to the vet the next day for her puppy check and to ask about her coughing. They diagnosed it as kennel cough. She has been to the vet about 6 times trying different things to clear it up. nothing has worked, so this last time I took her in, she told me about the trachea. So then I started thinking. She was able to make her cough by pressing on her throat, and such. She is trying her out on steriods (spelling) to see if that helps. She coughs when she gets excited, when she drinks water, and if it's cold. Somedays it is worse than others. But she coughs every day.
Patti, I sure will wait a lil longer to make sure it isnt kennel cough. I just figured with all the medicine she has been on, it would have cleared up by now. I might have them run some tests to make sure it is a collapsed trachea. I think I heard you can do some xrays and that might show if it collaps.??? I don't know.
I will def. let the breeder know what's going on then since you all think I should. I don't want anything in return, just want to make her aware so she can watch her lines. I love this dog and will do anything to make her better.
Her patella is a slight problem. It's not at a point where it requires surgery right now. She just said to watch her weight and excercise of jumping off high things. I don't let her jump off anything like the couch. So I'll just have to keep her by my side more. Boy, wont my hubby love that....LOL
Thanks everyone for some great advice. I truely appreciate it!!!!
__________________  KIM
Proud mom of ELLE  and ABBIE  and BELLE |