My husband is in the Army, and last year he received orders to go to Korea, he has been to Korea 3 times alone, we decided to go with him. Everything was going okay, in fact we all loved Korea, I even got a teaching job at the school my kids were attending, we loved it so much we thought about extending for 2 more years, until tragedy struck our family
, There was an attempted kidnapping on my daughter by a Korean male
she was only 8 at the time, this was in june 2006, it is the worst feeling a parent could ever have
It happened right outside our door while she was outside with Tinkebell, My baby and I (our whole family)were soooo scared the Army flew us back to the U.S. right away, but my husband had to stay back
The reason why I am happy is that he is finally coming home...YAY on Tuesday, we have been through sooo much these last months it is unbelievable
I wanted to share with you all because the kids dont know and daddy wants to surprise them
they think he is coming home in a month. We are being stationed in Texas here we come. My daughter and youngest were born in Texas.
It is such a shame because we loved Korea, especially my daughter. We got Tinkerbell there in Korea. I just wanted to share with you guys although I dont know you guys personally, I know you guys listen and are caring of the people here
Thank you for listening
My baby is okay, Thank God but she is still very troumatized and scared of Asian looking man
As soon as we get to Texas she will be seen by a child therapist