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Old 08-14-2006, 07:38 AM   #8
I heart Hootie & Hobbs
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Originally Posted by ARCHIE
I would not do all those things at once. Why take a chance on problems?
Poor baby. Why do puppy teeth have to be removed yet? Don't you think
they will come out on their own. I always had my pups spayed at 6mos.
My vet won't do it sooner. Good luck in whatever you deceide. Just seems
like a lot for such a baby to go through all at once. Sometimes we have
to make the choices and not let our vet deceide for us.
I agree that sometimes we have to use our own instincts and make some decisions for ourselves sometimes. I definately want to get her spayed right at 6 months or before. I don't want to take a chance of her going through her first heat before I get her spayed. I know she will have to have baby teeth pulled because I have her older brother, Hobbs, and he had to get almost ALL of his baby teeth pulled. I just don't wnat to have to put her under anesthesia twice.
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