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Old 07-31-2006, 09:15 PM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: florida
Posts: 3
Default Should I get a yorkie?

For the past 2 years I have been wanting a yorkie. I am a college student and I live by myself and I am sometimes away from home for several hours a day. My longest day in the fall semester is from about 8:00 to 2:00 and I don't work. My grandparents don't think I should get a yorkie because they feel it won't be fair for the yorkie to be left alone. I really want one but would it be fair for the yorkie and would it be very difficult to train it since I won't be home all the time? Today I was at the mall and a lady who worked there said that yorkies are very difficult to train and I am wanting to know of other peoples training experiences. Thank you so much for any input.
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