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Old 07-28-2006, 04:31 AM   #4
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Cary, IL
Posts: 88

I feed Schatzi 3x a day, she is 14 weeks old. She gets 1/2 cup TOTAL of Royal canin a day (1/6 cup for each feeding). I also give her tiny treats about once or twice a day. They're just training treats, really small ones, like the size of a pea. Occasionally, about twice a week, I'll give her some chicken or turkey or cheese or veggies and fruit. Just little pieces out of my hand.

I don't free feed her. I know a lot of people do this, but I am home all day and like to try to monitor how much she is taking in... plus, if I leave her food out long enough, my Lab will eat it!
~APRIL~ Proud mommy of Foster and little Schatzi
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