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Old 06-28-2006, 05:34 PM   #8
I heart Hootie & Hobbs
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Originally Posted by ilovelouie
Good question and im sorry that I dont have the answer, but I saw that you only had 3 replies and wanted to respond to it, because my last post only got 1 and my other 0 so far...........I dont post that much, but when I do i feel it is important and I would love a response..........I know I have whinned about this resently and got a lot of responses but I guess I am just really frusterated with life right now and am sensitive and bummed and feeling like please dont mind me... sorry hun....
Don't be bummed...there are a lot of times that I start a thread and get very few if any replies. Don't take it personally...for some reason some threads just get more traffic than others. I agree with you, though...I do try to answer threads that have few posts.

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