Thread: Meet Spaulding!
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Old 06-10-2006, 06:06 PM   #4
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 58

Originally Posted by Dan & Corinne
Hi Jamie,

Your website is WONDERFUL! Spaulding is adorable as well as all the other kids! I love the small video of him in the corner just rolling in the grass. What a happy boy!

What you do is incredible. I am always in awe of people like you who opens up your home and heart to these precious friends. Other rescues should follow your example and add video clips to show the personality of the kids waiting for adoption. I bet your kids get placed more quickly because of the extra work and time you put into your site. I can see it comes from a very special part of your heart.

Thanks for the kind words! I am glad you noticed the video in the corner of him rolling in the grass- it's his favorite thing besides kisses. Honestly, it is very tough to really capture the personality of the dog in a 25 second video clip but I am trying. It also takes an enormous amont of time to do. I think the editing for Spaulding took about 4 hours from start to publishing. I am also new at video editing but am getting some great advice from the man that does He is amazing!

I agree, the videos are important as well as the extra photos. In case you didn't know, the "Friends of FluffyButts" site is an auxillary site to It's main purpose is just host the videos and photos for FluffyButts that thier website administator can't do. It's easy for me to do, just time consuming.

Thanks again,

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