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Old 05-04-2005, 01:54 PM   #1
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Default What works! Found a freaking tick

OMG I am so upset right now. I found a tick on my pillow! So I was frantic and just so upset. I keep Cookie cleaner than my own kids! Well it's getting hot here and I take them to the backyard and let them play for like 20 minutes while I sit on the swing and watch .I got Cookie and checked every single part of him and found nothing. I did find the tick bite on the top of his forehead! This morning I go to get Mimi in my daughter's room. She sleeps with them in her kennel at night. I throw a towel over the kennel because it gets cold during the night with the a/c blasting. I found a dead tiny tick on the towel !! I didnt find anything on either of them. I know ticks love to be in the ears! Nothing ,clean as a whistle.I check ears,paws,butt,genitals and comb through all sections of the hair.

What can I bathe them in to make sure I didnt leave any on them.Is there anything that I can give orally like once a month to prevent? As for now they are NOT allowed to go on any grass ,it's the sidewalk or I carry them.A little old lady and man told me that they dont allow their 2 yorkies to ever go on the grass because of fear of deer ticks. We do have deer in my area! I've never seen one here but I know their here because my sister inlaw hit one with her car!

Any suggestions on what works and what doesnt ??? I know I really sound like I'm over reacting but I had a cocker spaniel once that was infested with ticks I mean totally infested and I was nautious trying to remove hundreds of these engorged yucky things ! I love these little furballs too much to have even 1 tick on them!

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