Opinion Needed, Please. Im a bit worried. My breeder told me Bella is going to get to about six lb. I wanted a bigger yorkie scent my Bunny is 6lb.
Well she is almost 17 weeks and she weighs about 2lb and 5oz. by the chart she will be 3 to 3.5 lb's full grown
I know each dog stops growing at diffrent times. But its worrying me scent she is falling in between the 3 to 3.5 area of the chart,scents I got her
Do you think I am going to have a small yorkie or just a late bloomer?
If she is that small, I guess I am going to have to invset in LOTS of doggy steps but Either way I am going to love her the same.
I just want some one else's opinion...
Olivia, Bunny and Bella |