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Old 05-07-2006, 02:13 PM   #9
Kirby's Dad
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 247

You absolutely did the right thing. I had a neighbor once that ket their dog tied in the back yard which is in itself not such a bad thing, but they kept it tied out of reach of shade (in the summer time) and it would always knock its water 'pot' over (they used a cooking pot for a water bowl, nice huh) anyway, I repeatedly took the dog water and told them that the dog needs to be in the shade and they said the only shade was next to the house and then he jumped on the doors wanting in.

So i called the humane socitey too, and they came out and talked to them and they did move the dog next to the house for a couple of days and then they moed it back into the middle of the yard. So I called them again and then the dog mysteriously disappeared. The owner accused me of taking it but I honestly didn't (I thought about it and wanted to) I think the humane society rescued it, or had someone else rescue it.

So, anyway, I want to applaud your actions, stupid pet owners don't deserve to have pets and it's only from people like you that the dogs lives can be improved.

Good job!!!

Da Kirbinator says: "Thanks United Yorkie Rescue for saving me from that awful kill shelter!" Highly recommended, just look at that face!
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