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Old 04-29-2005, 04:28 AM   #1
Boppin' Bo!
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Default Bo is fine, except...

Bo was neutered, had 4 teeth pulled and a dew claw removed on Tuesday morning. He's doing well except for one thing...he obsessively licks the carpet!! He has on an e-collar to protect the stitches in his leg and belly from him licking them. Is he licking the carpet cause he can't lick where it's sore? Any advice?? Heavens, I don't want this to become some kind of compulsion. Plus, licking the carpet doesn't seem like a good idea.

EDIT: Nevermind. This just goes to show you have to really get down on their level sometimes!! I knelt down on the floor beside Bo and looked through his legs a minute ago. He has figured how to stand just right so the collar moves back enough that he can lick the stitches on his leg!! I didn't know he was doing this. He's not licking the carpet at all. The stitches look fine but it must hurt or something?? So anyway, nevermind. I tried to delete this thread and couldn't...
~~~ i yorkies ~~~
Cynthia Turbo and Suri!

Last edited by iheartyorkies; 04-29-2005 at 04:40 AM.
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