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Old 04-22-2006, 08:22 PM   #6
Luvs Lulu
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Default Humping?

Ok Lex is now five and a half months and has yet to be neutered. I just caught him humping my toddler son's sofa....oh boy. I told him no and he stopped and walked away. He came back a minute after he thought I wasn't looking and started in again. I presume he is reaching puberty because I have seen him take an active note of areas where other dogs have urinated. He is now starting to lift his leg outside as well. I am not sure if playing and sniffing our spayed female cat got him going. Do you think he will start marking in the house or is that not going to happen due to the fact that he is the only male in the house.

DH and I are both on the fence as to whether or not to leave him intact. He says that in his life all his dogs were left intact and it's not a biggie being as we only have the cat and no other dogs for him to impregnate. Not sure because I have heard the arguments for and against the neutering. I really don't want him to start humping things all the time nor do I want him marking. For those of you that only have a single male in the house do you find that he still marks?
Lulu will always be in my heart
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